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Foals of ♕ᵒ³ B | 58.56/50

All Foals of ♕ᵒ³ B | 58.56/50
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
♕ᵒ⁴ B | 58.18/46 13 years old Saditome ♕ᵒ³ BI | 56.04/44
[RC/48/54] Priceless Idea 11 years old RS Sales & Reserve ♕ᵒ³ BI | 56.04/44
☽ dark aura 9 years old Krow ☽ ♕ᵒ³ BI | 56.04/44
G4B2 57.90/46 0p 5 years old cazoo ♕ᵒ³ BI | 56.04/44
$G4B3 56.32/46 2p 2 years old Saditome ♕ᵒ³ BI | 56.04/44