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Foals of ☁. |1E| ✘

All Foals of ☁. |1E| ✘
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Kol'dzhi-Han RM + 22 years old Rook III Manaraga RM
Rr•Kira 22 years old Tavi $$ Kiara's White Steel
Zz Diamond Isis 22 years old Summerset Stables 87.50 Cremello Bald Face
Shishel RM + 21 years old Rook III ✈ Glass Menagerie *
Ǟ[D] Apollo's Diamond 21 years old LOCK HORSE
Zz Apollo's Yellow Diamond 21 years old Summerset Stables LOCK HORSE
LOCK HORSE 12 years old {A} Serena
Diamante x Empusa 9 years old Empusa