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Foals of s. ♛Funny Business 90.13

All Foals of s. ♛Funny Business 90.13
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
m. ♛Misery Business 87.56 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ♛Divine Love 86.51
s. 92.98 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ♛Tessa Jewel 94.87
m. ♛ 91.51 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ♛Tessa Jewel 94.87
m. ♛ 93.45 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ย❂Desert Belle 92.07
m. ♛ 91.52 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ย❂Desert Belle 92.07
s. ♛Even Saguaro 91.19 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ย❂Desert Belle 92.07
m. ♛Daisy Duke 91.42 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ย❂Desert Belle 92.07
m. ♛Divine Aura 89.01 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ♛Divine Love 86.51
m. ♛Funny Valentine 92.02 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ย❂Desert Belle 92.07
m. 91.14 22 years old ♛seabreeze❂ m. ❂Kastóri 92.26
{QH} Boston Cream 5 years old Svetlana $
Hollywood Dust 5 years old Hughston Ranch m. ❂Kastóri 92.26