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Foals of Voodoo's Apparition /93.89/

All Foals of Voodoo's Apparition /93.89/
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
*CW* Allure 22 years old Fern's Ghost
Joye /95.76/ 17 years old Kathy Jupitor
vs ShezaVoodooDoll 15 years old triqlav Heza Luxury {87.17}
B Lethal Voodoo 7 years old BluestarEquines MKS Lethal Iron *89.98
ᕲᖇ Beauty of Voodoo 5 years old Deer Creek III retired
♫ Artemis {87.26} 2 years old ♫ jumper909♫ ♫ Ranger {76.30}