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Foals of 3Dressage Ee 58.38 S [61]

All Foals of 3Dressage Ee 58.38 S [61]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
3Dressage Ee 60.94 M [57] 22 years old Ina 3Dressage EeRn+Oo 59.63 M [56]
3Dressage 59.86 S [57] 22 years old Ina 3Dressage EeRn+Oo 59.63 M [56]
VV Smokey Desires 9 years old Izzy 3Dressage EeRn+Oo 59.63 M [56]
☽ Coyote 5 years old Krow ☽ 3Dressage EeRn+Oo 59.63 M [56]