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Foals of Wild Pepper {ℙℍ}

All Foals of Wild Pepper {ℙℍ}
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
ℂᏔ Wild Red 6 years old WildOracle W Wild Child l 72.36
ℒ 🍓my Paint (49) 5 years old ℒ🍓Lenka 𝛷 Lucero-Kieran {Rn}
ℂᏔ Snow Pepper {𝔾w} 3 years old Scoob ᵉᵍ Mr. Miyagi 66/60
ℂᏔ Wild Rambler {𝔾w} 1 year old Scoob ℂᏔ Charming Rambler {𝔾w}