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Foals of Berend 170'62.98'2

All Foals of Berend 170'62.98'2
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Berend Aaltsje [62.16] 22 years old river Aaltsje 60'58.38'1
Shadow (60.53) 18 years old ♕Royal Crown♕ -
Sadie (59.75) 18 years old ♕Royal Crown♕ Beitske 57'60.25'2
Arlo (60.66) 8 years old Ava Betty 56'58.12'2
Foreign Blackbird "Birdy" 8 years old Raven Baukje 56'57.95'2
Remember Me 6 years old Black Raven Baukje 56'57.95'2
Diewertje 113'60.66'3 1 year old Treasure
Dirkje 125'60.64'3 1 year old Treasure Half Dollar [57.86}
Berith 113'61.38'2 1 year old Treasure Abelke 60'59.25'1
retired 0 years old -