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Foals of ☽ Distant War Cries🐈🌑

All Foals of ☽ Distant War Cries🐈🌑
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
A Distant Part 🐈‍⬛🌎🌑 19 years old Nala's EquestrianCenter🐈
Roaming in War 🌑🐈‍⬛️ 17 years old Nala's EquestrianCenter🐈 💜Romeo💜
Distant Bear Cries🐈‍⬛🐻🌑RnRn 16 years old Nala's EquestrianCenter🐈 ☽ Dried Bear Tooth 🐈🐻
Distant Worlds 11 years old Fray
[ds] Part Of War 7 years old Starset