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Foals of Northern Meyers {89.79}

All Foals of Northern Meyers {89.79}
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Orange Delight 22 years old ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ {W}Dashingly [77.44]
ℛ Northern Morntin {87.28} 22 years old river |Morntin|87.18|
ℛ Northern Amendoa {80.32} 22 years old river Amendoa James (W-73.24)
ℛ Northern Endings [87.97] 22 years old river *CW* Faith’s End
Kid Bonita 16 years old Nashima Bonita Dondi {76.26}
☬ | Dohate [40.84.41] 13 years old Secretariat's Seabiscuit {W}Poco Becky [71.46]
Lily 0 years old LeeRose {W}VS I Love Lucy [72.05]