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Arenas of Nala's Equestrian Stables

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Viewing Arenas
Arena Name Specialty Grade Fee Slots
1 Novice Dressage Dressage Novice $20 5 / 5
1 Novice driving Driving Novice $20 25 / 25
1 Novice Endurance Endurance Novice $20 10 / 10
1 Novice Racing Racing Novice $20 50 / 50
1 Novice showjumping Show Jumping Novice $20 12 / 12
1 Novice western Western Novice $20 27 / 27
2 Local Dressage Dressage Local $40 30 / 30
2 Local Driving Driving Local $40 20 / 20
2 Local western Western Local $40 35 / 35
2- Local Dressage Dressage Local $40 25 / 25
2- local dressage Dressage Local $40 25 / 25
2- Local show jumping Show Jumping Local $40 30 / 30
2- Local Showjumping Show Jumping Local $40 25 / 25
2- local showjumping Show Jumping Local $40 30 / 30
2- local Showjumping Show Jumping Local $40 23 / 23
3 Regional Dressage Dressage Regional $60 36 / 36
3 Regional showjumping Show Jumping Regional $60 54 / 54
3 regional western Western Regional $60 30 / 30
4 Extra endurance Endurance Novice $20 5 / 5
4 Extra Endurance Endurance Novice $20 5 / 5
4 Extra Novice Driving Driving Novice $20 5 / 5
4 Extra racing Racing Novice $20 5 / 5
New Arena Novice $50 5 / 5
New Arena Novice $50 5 / 5
New Arena Novice $50 5 / 5
New Arena Novice $50 5 / 5

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