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"Driving Minis"

Hey, people of the world.

I have many nicknames, but you can call me Ghost. My sister account is Cspr (show jumping Chincos and dressage Vanners). At the moment, I am breeding driving Minis. I'm working on conformation and stats for the most part, but also genetic variability (aka, not a lot of inbreeding but as many colors as possible).

I don't own any horses myself, but my friends do. One day maybe I will as well. As for now, I have a dog named Arya; two rescued budgies, Thomas and Oliver; three guinea pigs; and eleven rabbits, mostly for show but I also have two rescues. I'm also an avid gardener. I love art, history/science, and reading/writing. I'm a giant nerd, especially when it comes to animals and especially their genetics.

Feel free to message me anytime.

Account Information
Member Name Beware
Member ID 69713
Account Type Basic
Joined June 18, 2014
Last Active 2016-04-03 16:43:44
Member Information
Money on Hand $52,992
Money in Bank $773,000
Player Level 12
Horses 50 / 50

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 1900328
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $301,555

Member Level
Level 12 Experience 221852 (80%) EXP Required 275582 EXP Left 53730

Beware's Horse Divisions
Conformation LOCKED 25 horses
Not trained today
Non-Conformation LOCKED 25 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

For the Well Conformed

The Breyer Club

Miniature Horse Club