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storm warning


Storm Warning Stables



Northern Lights

Sunflower And Aspen


About Me:

i am a 21 year old woman in the USA. I want to be an Equine Vet a point in my life but until then I play here to learn and get advice from the people that are in the equine medicine. Right now my life is a mess and I plan on getting together once i get everything settled. On the the other note have a dog names Mommaz. She has been with me since I was 16 years old. I rescued her off the street with nothing but skin and bones. She has been my right hand since then. I've been in a relationship for 3 years  with the love of my life. We've had lots and up and downs but we've survived and managed to keep it alive. Me and my Boyfriend . i live with my what started off as my roommate but she became my bestfriend. Me And My Best FriendI deliver pizza and the things as a job. i love horses and always have and plan on having one really soon. I love cars. My dream car is either a  Toyota 86 GT or Nissan 350z. If i every get the money I’ll just get both lol.

Account Information
Member Name storm warning
Member ID 68228
Account Type Deluxe (32 days left)
Joined May 23, 2014
Last Active 2023-03-06 11:32:53
Member Information
Money on Hand $717,052
Money in Bank $10,014,078
Player Level 17
Horses 116 / 150

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 6345273
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $1,642,768

Member Level
Level 17 Experience 80010 (9%) EXP Required 883006 EXP Left 802996

storm warning's Horse Divisions
SW: 2nd Gen Foals LOCKED 7 horses
Trained today
Sw: Breeding Barn ( 18 yrs til 19 yrs) 2 horses
Not trained today
SW: Foal Barn (0yrs-2yrs) 0 horses
SW: Gelding Barn (0 yrs - til heaven) 11 horses
Not trained today
SW: Gypsy Vanner Barn (0 yrs -17yrs) 13 horses
Not trained today
SW: Mare Barn (3yrs -17yrs) 21 horses
Not trained today
SW: Outside Foals (0 yrs - 2 yrs) 10 horses
Not trained today
SW: Outside Mares (3yrs - 18yrs) 6 horses
Not trained today
SW: Outside Stallions (3yrs - 18yrs) 7 horses
Not trained today
SW: Quarter Horse Barn (0yrs - till heaven) 6 horses
Not trained today
SW: Retired Barn (20yrs til heaven) 1 horses
Not trained today
SW: Sale Barn 0 horses
SW: Stallions Barn (3yrs - 18yrs) 21 horses
Not trained today
SW: Thoroughbred Barn (0yrs - till heaven) 4 horses
Not trained today
SW: Treats Projects (0yrs til heaven) 7 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Top Conformation Club

The Coding Club

One Man's Trash

Rare Colors Club

American Paint Horse Club

Paint Horse Club

Western Paint Horse Association

Preferred Specialties
Paint HorseWesternStats
Quarter HorseWesternStats
Gypsy VannerDressageStats