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"breeder of elite GVs"


Hi! I'm TidewaterCreek, Tidewater, Tidey, whatever you want to call me. I've been here on-and-off since 2013, and I've been breeding Gypsy Vanners since the start of my time here.

I've recently refocused my lines to try and have low NSS, as that was clearly not one of my high-school-self's-priorities, and I've had a LOT of unintentional help from players who breed incredible Gypsies and have put them on the market to help beef up other pedigrees. 


I have been raising the same herd of Gypsy Vanners consistently since 2016 or so, and didn't really know what I was doing at the start! I'm on my 5th generation now, and with lots of help from outside lines, I've managed to keep my Vanner pedigrees spotless. 

Here's what my Gypsy Vanner herd has:

- Gorgeous colors, markings, & genetics (esp. agouti genes!)

- Low NSS (under 60)

- Clean pedigrees (no inbreeding/overbreeding/deceased)

- Decent confirmation and stats (working on increasing these!)

I have an extensive spreadsheet that I use to keep track of their stats, and each pair will have 3 foals a piece during their later years. 


Pricing structure for breeding and sales is determined primarily by NSS and genotype for my foundie batch. For my lineage horses that I've been breeding some time, stats will also come into play. For each trait they have, their sales or fees go up from a base of $0 for foundie horses and $5k from lineage horses - see below!

Pricing Structure:

Foundation Horses

NSS Pricing Add-Ons~

47-49 NSS: +$10k

50-52 NSS: +$8k

53-55 NSS: +$6k

56-58 NSS: +$4k

59-60 NSS: +$2k

Genotype Add-Ons~

Crcr, CrCr: +$5k

A+a, Ata, etc.: +$5k

Pp, PP, Ff, ff, or Zz, ZZ: +$3k

Oo, OO, SpSp, Spsp: +$2k

Dd, D D: +$2k

Lineage Horses

NSS Pricing Add-Ons~

45-46 NSS: +$12k

47-49 NSS: +$10k

50-52 NSS: +$8k

53-55 NSS: +$6k

56-58 NSS: +$4k

59-60 NSS: +$2k

Genotype Add-Ons~

Crcr, CrCr: +$5k

A+a, Ata, etc.: +$5k

Pp, PP, Ff, ff, or Zz, ZZ: +$3k

Oo, OO, SpSp, Spsp: +$2k

Dd, D D: +$2k

Stats Add-Ons~

under 500: +$1k

501-999: +$5k

1000-1,200: +$10k

1,201-1,500: +$12k

1,501-1,700: +$15k

1,701-2,000: +$20k

2,000+: +$25k


N/A currently.

Account Information
Member Name TidewaterCreek
Member ID 55613
Account Type Deluxe (12 days left)
Joined October 23, 2013
Last Active 2025-01-08 08:09:25
Member Information
Money on Hand $514,985
Money in Bank $5,000,000
Player Level 22
Horses 62 / 240

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 13128093
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $4,140,467

Member Level
Level 22 Experience 529504 (37%) EXP Required 1408896 EXP Left 879392

TidewaterCreek's Horse Divisions
TWC · sale barn 0 horses
TWC · empty 0 horses
TWC · empty 0 horses
TWC · empty 0 horses
TWC · foundie-ish fillers · mares 4 horses
Not trained today
TWC · foundie-ish fillers · stallions 12 horses
Not trained today
TWC · gypsy vanners · deities 14 horses
Not trained today
TWC · gypsy vanners · goddesses 2.0 23 horses
Not trained today
TWC · gypsy vanners · gods 2.0 9 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Cream Horse Society

Gypsy Vanner Club

Equiverse Performance Association

Low NSS Breeders Club

Equiverse Driving Association

Show Creation Coalition

The EV Art Club

Trakehner Club

The Coding Club

I Own Too Many Characters Group

Shetland Pony Club

Majestic Gypsies

LOPE (lost overlooked productive equines)

Preferred Specialties
Gypsy VannerDrivingStats