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"All I want for Christmas, is you!"

Hi there!

I recently came back on as a player after being gone for several years and am glad to be back!

I am primarily doing Paints and quarter horses, specializing in show jumping and western!

Once they turn 18 my horses will be up for public/stud brood. They will only offer 1 or 2 foals to outside stock depending on the horse. Please message me letting me know which horses you are interested in and we can discuss the fee. I do allow breeding reservations as well, so if one of my horses hasn't hit 17 but you do want a breeding, I will take the fee up front and hold it for you. 

I love horses that aren't the traditional black, bay, chestnut, white, or grey. So if you have stock that are not those colors that you are looking to sell I may be interested.

Please don't hesitate to message me as I love making friends.


Account Information
Member Name mooncloud
Member ID 33668
Account Type Basic
Joined July 9, 2012
Last Active 2021-07-20 20:11:56
Member Information
Money on Hand $100,823
Money in Bank $4,929,555
Player Level 20
Horses 126 / 200

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 7437591
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $2,962,818

Member Level
Level 20 Experience 953897 (80%) EXP Required 1183864 EXP Left 229967

mooncloud's Horse Divisions
Emblaze - Paints II 18 horses
Not trained today
Embrace - Paints 23 horses
Not trained today
Empower - First Generation LOCKED 28 horses
Not trained today
Endless - Second Generation LOCKED 33 horses
Not trained today
Entice - Quarter Horses 23 horses
Not trained today
Unassigned Horses 1 horses

Club Memberships

Cream Horse Society

Quarter Horse Club

Coloured Horse Club

Paint Horse Club

Contest For the Better

Preferred Specialties
Paint HorseWesternColor
Paint HorseShow JumpingColor
Quarter HorseWesternColor