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"A Strange House on the Beach"

Serving as a "Retirement Home" for horses aged 18+

What does that mean? Largely, I adopt or buy 'elderly' horses so they have a nice cozy place to chill for the remainder of their lives. It's just a fun little side account where I don't have to worry about much besides basic care, cool backgrounds and fun decorations.☺

As a baseline, I try to make sure each horse has their basic needs met, a treat that suits their discipline, a halter & flysheet, and a beach background. I don't change resident names too much so I don't disturb anyone's lines; this does not apply to nameless horses, who get whatever name I feel suits them. I do not compete with or train the horses I adopt, and I do not accept donations of supplies or ask for free horses. Thanks for stopping by!


A cozy ranch nestled kitty-corner to an outcropping of spacious beachline, sandwiched between flat grassy fields and tree-dappled woodland. A wooden sign hammered into the soil next to scuffed picket fencing bears no lettering, but an elaborate(and very faded) carving of a blue-eyed horse swings in the wind. It's clear upon a cursory glance that the establishment is active; several of the residents meander the pastures at their leisure, pulling mouthfuls of vibrant grass, but the owner appears to have made themselves deliberately scarce.

It was in the past year that the Retirement Center - an unofficial title, bequeathed by bemused onlookers - seemingly sprung from the earth itself like a spring daisy. The buildings, old and faded, look like they've been here for decades; despite how they try, however, no one can ever really remember it existing prior to the 'grand opening': a string of paper ribbons wound along the fenceline and balloons bobbing in the wind, occasionally startling a horse and sending them scurrying across the pasture. Weeks later the balloons disappeared, replaced by more seasonally appropriate decor.

The explanation for what it is or, more importantly, who owns it, continues to elude just about everyone. There are a handful of theories. Money laundering, a celebrity hideaway, ghosts, demons, ghost-demons. Whoever it is, they appear to keep their equine charges in good health, at least.

Account Information
Member Name Ohta
Member ID 132198
Account Type Basic
Joined February 12, 2022
Last Active 2023-04-06 10:59:32
Member Information
Money on Hand $12,848
Money in Bank $486,599
Player Level 9
Horses 22 / 50

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 67238
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $852

Member Level
Level 9 Experience 74652 (45%) EXP Required 163066 EXP Left 88414

Ohta's Horse Divisions
| 18-20 Female ] 4 horses
Not trained today
| 18-20: Male ] 4 horses
Not trained today
| 21 Female ] 6 horses
Not trained today
| 21 Male ] 8 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships
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