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"Russian player"

Hello and welcome.

I'm not an English speaking player so sorry in advance for mistakes.

Here I will breed all (or almost all) breeds in the game in non-standard disciplines. I will focus on competitions and, to a lesser extent, on coats.

Where what horses can be understood by the names of divisions. The descriptions of the divisions indicate which coats are preferable for me and which are not.

Almost any horse can be presented for studs or sold, but not immediately. Message me if you would like to purchase something.

And please don't change horses' names if they have words in them. It's important for me. Thank you!

Account Information
Member Name Uta
Member ID 130437
Account Type Deluxe (20 days left)
Joined June 20, 2021
Last Active 2024-11-04 03:35:44
Member Information
Money on Hand $617,174
Money in Bank $0
Player Level 30
Horses 1078 / 1095

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 27848534
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $29,205,930

Member Level
Level 30 Experience 16301115 (100%) EXP Required 3339605 EXP Left -12961510

Uta's Horse Divisions
0no 1 horses
Not trained today
1[Training/Studs] 42 horses
Not trained today
2[Training/Studs] 45 horses
Not trained today
3[Training/Studs] 42 horses
Not trained today
4[Training/Studs] 38 horses
Not trained today
5 [Training only] 11 horses
Not trained today
5000+ dressage stallions LOCKED 3 horses
Not trained today
Frozen LOCKED 32 horses
Not trained today
Grade stallions (dressage) LOCKED 19 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Ap/Wp (driving) LOCKED 17 horses
Not trained today
Stallions At/Morg (dressage) LOCKED 45 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Cl/Ch (racing) LOCKED 29 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Dw/Ph (dressage) LOCKED 48 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Gv/Tb (western) LOCKED 29 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Lip/Ar (driving) LOCKED 30 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Ph/Must (endurance) LOCKED 28 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Ph/Sp (show jumping) LOCKED 24 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Tbd/Tr (dressage) LOCKED 44 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Thb/Ph (Driving) LOCKED 33 horses
Not trained today
[Dressage] Akhal-Teke LOCKED 31 horses
Not trained today
[Dressage] Dutch Warmblood LOCKED 31 horses
Not trained today
[Dressage] Grade horse LOCKED 31 horses
Not trained today
[Dressage] Grade horse 2 LOCKED 25 horses
Not trained today
[Dressage] Morgan LOCKED 22 horses
Not trained today
[Dressage] Thoroughbred LOCKED 32 horses
Not trained today
[Dressage] Trakehner LOCKED 27 horses
Not trained today
[Dressage]Paint horse LOCKED 43 horses
Not trained today
[Driving] Appalooza LOCKED 16 horses
Not trained today
[Driving] Arabian LOCKED 27 horses
Not trained today
[Driving] Lipizzaner LOCKED 19 horses
Not trained today
[Driving] Paint horse LOCKED 28 horses
Not trained today
[Driving] Thoroughbred LOCKED 22 horses
Not trained today
[Driving] Welsh pony LOCKED 20 horses
Not trained today
[Endurance] Mustang LOCKED 13 horses
Not trained today
[Endurance] Paint horses LOCKED 20 horses
Not trained today
[Racing] Chincoteague LOCKED 15 horses
Not trained today
[Racing] Clydesdale LOCKED 13 horses
Not trained today
[Show jumping] Paint horse LOCKED 20 horses
Not trained today
[Show Jumping] Shetland Pony LOCKED 14 horses
Not trained today
[Western] Gypsy vanner LOCKED 25 horses
Not trained today
[Western] Thoroughbred LOCKED 24 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Gypsy Vanner Club

Cream Horse Society

Equiverse Dressage Federation

Specialists Extraordinaire

Equiverse Performance Association

Low NSS Breeders Club

Quarter Horse Club

Equiverse Driving Association

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

Elite Racehorse Registry

Appaloosa Club

Chincoteague Registry

Western Horse Association

The Tennessee Walking Federation

Top Conformation Club

Akhal-Teke Club

Arabian Horse Breeders Association

For the Well Conformed

Trakehner Club

Roans Reunited

Global Show Pony Association

American Morgan Horse Association

Airs Above The Ground - Lipazzaners

Endurance Elites

International Pintaloosa Horse Registry

Dutch Warmblood Society

Equiverse Pony Association

Shetland Pony Club

Sport Pony Registry

Racing Club

Low NSS Breeders

Magical Mustangs

Morgans of Color

Arabian Club

Paint Horse Association

Palomino Association

American Quarter Horse Foundation Association (AQHFA)

High Stat Horsies

American Quarter Horses

The Western Riders Club

Endurance Riding Association

Grade Horse Society

Grade Horse Association

Greatest Grays

Leopard Lovers

Driving Arabians

ESPA - Equiverse Shetland Pony Association

Arabian Federation

Endurance Club

Dressage Horse Society

Jigsaw's Galore

Rare Colors Club

Pintaloosa Association

International Morgan Horse Society (IMHS)

Remarkable Coat Lodge

Sabino Horse Society

White Horse Association

The Dutch Warmblood Club

Dutch Royalty

heaven touched hoofs dressage club

Top Horse Club

The Dressage Club

Dancing Paints

The Trakehner Society

Thoroughbred Club of Equiverse

{Whiskey Westerns}

Pinto Horse Federation

Equiverse Grade Horse Federation

Arabs of Color

Preferred Specialties
Paint HorseDressageStats