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"I shouldn't have had that energy drink"

You may recognise my name, I am an Australian YouTuber who plays all sort of horse games, primarily Star Stable Online and Horse Isle 3. My user is NonnaJamie! I am 21 years old and am currently studying a Bachelor of Community Health and ultimately want to be a Criminal Psychologist.


I own 2 Greyhounds (Dylan and Maxie) and love all animals despite being allergic to most. I've never owned a horse but have been riding since I was 6 years old until I was about 18. My favourite breeds are Cleveland Bays, Irish Draughts, and Standardbreds.

I have a rare skin condition called Prurigo Nodularis which causes sores that resemble chicken pox all over my body. It causes chronic pain and a staph infection and is why I had to give up horse riding and am unemployed. I would love to create more awareness so that one day there may be a cure!  


I'm very friendly despite my user and love to have a chat and make friends. Please don't be afraid to get in touch! 
Happy Gaming

Account Information
Member Name OneGrumpyIndividual
Member ID 127607
Account Type Basic
Joined October 18, 2020
Last Active 2023-10-30 01:02:09
Member Information
Money on Hand $3,176
Money in Bank $64,671
Player Level 2
Horses 3 / 5

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 20346
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $772

Member Level
Level 2 Experience 13283 (100%) EXP Required 7338 EXP Left -5945

OneGrumpyIndividual's Horse Divisions
New Division 3 horses
Trained today

Club Memberships
No club memberships yet!