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Hollow Whispers Farm

"Paint Horse Foals For Sale / Rehoming"

(Image loosely based off of this stock image:  Hollow Woods Farm is a stable owned by Shirino Lotus and Bowen Douglas (RRP). It's located on the edge of a forest a decent distance from any towns. The old oak buildings with mahogany were built to be able to hold many horses. An indoor arena helps in the winter and an outdoor arena is great for practice. Trail rides run Monday-Wednesday-Friday at 9 Am - 1 Pm.  Shows for the trained Paint horses start in the Spring and run till the later Fall. Shirino is in charge of the showing and breeding while Bowen deals with training and classes.   Shirino is a fashion designer who grew up around horses but didn't end up pursuing a career with them until he found that the fashion world was a bit too harsh for him. He still has a Western clothing line but his attention is on his horses and their well being.  Bowen is a mounted police officer that met Shirino during a case and ended up sticking around. When he isn't busy with work he helps out at the stables with his black Trakehner Alucard.  Both riders have had dealings with competitions and both are capable riders and trainers for the stables.
Hello I am Bats! I'm an adult artist who enjoys story creation and equine art. Any art pieces in the stuff you see from me as far as bios are my own. Yep! I do take Tag and Signature requests but please be aware that they will take time to do! I will gladly do commissions of horses as well for bios. 

Account Information
Member Name Hollow Whispers Farm
Member ID 126388
Account Type Deluxe (342 days left)
Joined May 22, 2020
Last Active 2020-10-31 01:12:05
Member Information
Money on Hand $109,553
Money in Bank $452,750
Player Level 8
Horses 49 / 70

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 355194
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $58,636

Member Level
Level 8 Experience 45621 (34%) EXP Required 132084 EXP Left 86463

Hollow Whispers Farm's Horse Divisions
*Constellation Steeds* LOCKED 2 horses
Not trained today
For Sale 0 horses
Mare Block A - Breeding/ Showing Mares 19 horses
Not trained today
Rescues 6 horses
Not trained today
Retired Competition Horses LOCKED 2 horses
Not trained today
Stallions Block A - Breeding/ Showing Stallions 20 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Specialists Extraordinaire

Coloured Horse Club

The LGBTQ+ Association

The Breyer Club

High Stat Horsies

Perfect Paints

Paint Horse Registry