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"Loving EV!"

Dressage - Leva, Radiance, Rose
Show Jumping - Nightingale
Driving - Stunner, Lass
Western- Winter

Intelligence and Agility affect Dressage,
Speed and Intelligence affect Western,
Speed and Agility affect Jumping.
Endurance and Intelligence affect Endurance,
Strength and Endurance affect Driving, and
Speed and Endurance affect Racing.

Speed - Carrots
Intelligence - Green Apples
Endurance - Turnip
Strength - Red Apples
Agility - Yellow Apples

Dressage - requires the intelligence and agilitystats. Feed green apples to develop intelligence and yellow apples to develop agility.
Driving - requires the strength and endurancestats. Feed red apples to develop strength and turnips to develop endurance.
Endurance - requires the enduranceand intelligence stats. Feed turnips to develop endurance and green apples to develop intelligence.
Racing - requires the speed and endurance stats. Feed carrots to develop speed and turnips to develop endurance.
Show Jumping - requires the speed and agilitystats. Feed carrots to develop speed and yellow apples to develop agility.
Western - requires the speed and intelligencestats. Feed carrots to develop speed and green apples to develop intelligence.
Tip- be sure to swap back and forth between treats on a weekly or semi-weekly basis to avoid one stat from becoming too disproportionate from the other.
It is strongly suggested that you avoid 'specialty' treats such as hay cubes, sugar cubes, etc, as these affect ALL stats on a horse rather than just the two needed for the horse;s discipline. Again, this can result in horses who show poorly, and create potentially poor breeding or selling prospects. The idea is to get the non-essential stats in a line of show horses as low as possible (ultimately to 0, which is absolutely doable within a few generations).

Account Information
Member Name Allison
Member ID 121320
Account Type Basic
Joined November 6, 2018
Last Active 2018-11-10 21:46:43
Member Information
Money on Hand $41,681
Money in Bank $0
Player Level 2
Horses 7 / 20

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 1296
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $0

Member Level
Level 2 Experience 493 (6%) EXP Required 7338 EXP Left 6845

Allison's Horse Divisions
New Division 0 horses
New Division 0 horses
New Division 0 horses
Unassigned Horses 7 horses

Club Memberships
No club memberships yet!