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Claiborne Howard Meadows

"𝕮𝕳𝕸𝕱 Home of the All Around TBs"

  • 𝕮𝕳𝕸𝕱= Claiborne Howard Meadows Farm
  • ⚡= Competition Class horses
  • ✨= Trail Horse (Retired from Shows)
  • ✂ = Geldings (Horses with 5 to 10 breedings are gelded)
  • 📅✂ = Scheduled to be gelded (for colts from colt-producing sires and stallions who have bred 5 to 10 times.)
  • $ = For sale (Make me an offer on the horses with the dollar sign attached!)
  • Tack Colors Black and Purple
  • 💞 = Paired

From May 14th, 2018 to June 8th, 2024, we were originally called the Stable of Thebes Arabians, offering beautiful and competitive Arabians for every discipline for the Equivers Community. It was decided and not without regrets to phase out the Arabians and start our focus on Thoroughbreds. With this fresh new start, we developed a new name. Claiborne Howard Meadows. The name is a combination of two farms and an owner of a farm. Claiborne Farms out of Paris, Kentucky Founded in 1910 by Arthur B Hancock Sr which produced the reason we have the Triple Crown today; Gallant Fox and his son Omaha as well as Bold Ruler. Claiborne Farms has produced notable horses for 114 years. One such foal was a late bloomer and underdog; Seabiscuit which is where the middle section of the name comes from. Charles Howard; Seabiscuit's owner and the owner of Ridgewood Farms. Lastly is Meadows, though he spent his years until October of 1989, at Claiborne Farms; he was born March 30th of 1970 to Meadow Stables, three years later he would become the 1973 Triple Crown winner; Secretariat. 

We select foundations from the 40s to 60s in conformation scores. The Highest Scoring Colts will be paired with lower-scoring mares based on their NSS. We go over each stat to select the discipline of the horse. If the highest stats are odd like 26 Strength and a 22 Agility we look at the stats for Jumping, Dressage, and Driving. If Speed is 18, Intelligence is 19 and Endurance is 21 then Driving will be selected. From there they are sorted based on discipline and put through shows. I enter 3 horses per show for a discipline this will a low me a higher chance at stats if there are more than 5 horses. While these horses are going through shows they will be paired. I get an even mix of mares and studs for my breeding pairs. 1 tester foal will be bred at 10 years to see how a pair produces. Once the pair reaches the age I want to breed for the next phase of breeding if there is a high-stat colt, the sire is gelded. Once I have the number of target colts, I will breed for fillies. Once all horses are bred for a division those horses will continue to show until the foals reach 3 years. Their tack is then removed and they are sent to a division labeled for trail horses and will be retired from shows. Mares will be brooded out depending on their show level and confo. When the trail horses reach 21 years they will be put in a division for horses close to 22 years.

These Studs and Geldings are the foundations of the Claiborne Howard Meadows Farms Brand. NSS will be in Green or Red. Green for low NSS and Red for High NSS any NSS higher than 60 will be in the Red.Name|Show level|Discipline|NSS|Confo|Current stats|Color/Pattern|Stud Fee/foals if gelded

  • Coming Soon

Come meet our current mare line and see how they are progressing in their training and shows. If you wish to book a private breeding please feel free to message me to schedule a private breeding.NSS will be in Green or Red. Green for low NSS and Red for High NSS any NSS higher than 60 will be in the Red.Name|Show level|Discipline|NSS|Confo|Current stats|Color/Pattern|Stud Fee/foals if gelded
  • Coming Soon

Account Information
Member Name Claiborne Howard Meadows
Member ID 118615
Account Type Deluxe (68 days left)
Joined May 14, 2018
Last Active 2025-03-31 12:41:02
Member Information
Money on Hand $1,474
Money in Bank $1,100,000
Player Level 14
Horses 230 / 230

Player Points
Yesterday 2634
This Week 2834
This Month 123828
All Time 1386284
Show Winnings
Yesterday $2,901
This Week $3,801
This Month $174,345
All Time $2,145,152

Member Level
Level 14 Experience 220944 (52%) EXP Required 417450 EXP Left 196506

Claiborne Howard Meadows's Horse Divisions
Claiborne Howard Meadows Farms 18+ Horses LOCKED 4 horses
Not trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Farms Exta Foundations LOCKED 34 horses
Not trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Farms Future Champions 6 horses
Trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Farms L1-L5 Comp Ready 9 horses
Trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Farms N1-N5 Comp Ready 1 horses
Trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Farms Trail Horses LOCKED 0 horses
Claiborne Howard Meadows Farms Waiting for Trainin LOCKED 23 horses
Not trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Gen 2 Dressage LOCKED 7 horses
Not trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Next Generation LOCKED 15 horses
Not trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Sales LOCKED 2 horses
Trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Storage LOCKED 45 horses
Trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Storage LOCKED 50 horses
Not trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows Unpaired Horses LOCKED 0 horses
Claiborne Howard Meadows Waiting For Comps LOCKED 34 horses
Not trained today
Claiborne Howard Meadows waiting to be proven LOCKED 0 horses

Club Memberships

Equiverse Performance Association

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

Racing Club

The Mandalorian Horse Riders Association

Rescue Horse Lovers

Preferred Specialties