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"Leveling Up Steadily!"


Glad I found this club! The [b]RC[/b] will be one place I go to allot!

Hello all and welcome to my page. I'm [b]🌀GaleWingsTBs🌀[/b] and my [b]MAIN[/b] focus will be [u]Thoroughbreds[/u] but I will also be diverse and use a variety of other horse breeds. My friend KurianaPridefulPonies led me here and its thanks to her I found a new game to play in my spare time.

In RL I do not have the time, money, or space to own horses, so I live out that dream both on Howrse and now on here. All of my current pets are adopted from shelters or rescued from unsafe situations. I have cats, dogs, and exotics.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'll update this as often as I can and do a much better job each time.

Account Information
Member Name 🌀GaleWingsTBs🌀
Member ID 105056
Account Type Basic
Joined September 22, 2016
Last Active 2016-12-26 00:07:56
Member Information
Money on Hand $53,370
Money in Bank $0
Player Level 2
Horses 16 / 25

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 1482
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 9580
Show Winnings
Yesterday $33
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $454

Member Level
Level 2 Experience 7863 (100%) EXP Required 7338 EXP Left -525

🌀GaleWingsTBs🌀's Horse Divisions
Gales 🎄Winter Haven Rescues🎄 (Stats 100+) LOCKED 16 horses
Not trained today
Transcending Tekes 0 horses

Club Memberships

The Coffee Club

Rescue Center Horse Club

Anime Addicts

National Equine Society of Rescued Mixed Breeds

LOPE (lost overlooked productive equines)