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question about no breed horses

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question about no breed horses

#9098 Posted on 2016-02-24 14:28:34

Im just wondering if there is a specific day that we need to choose breeds for our horses by or can they essentially be breedless until they die?
I remember we got the option to choose new colours for a few of our horses way back when and I didnt know there was a time limit because some of the ones I didnt choose generated random colours. So, just wondering if this is similar ^^

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#10107 Posted on 2016-02-25 19:53:25

Good question.

I have a good number of horses that were Belgians, Percherons, Shires in my third and it's locked away as I just don't know what I want to do there. (Turn them to Clydes/Vanners? Go a diff direction? Idk).

I also have a small handful of former Irish Draft in 2nd account that I haven't decided on because frankly, their conf ## stink and I don't know if I want to deal with that or sell them to someone who doesn't care. XD

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#10444 Posted on 2016-02-26 12:51:27

If your no breed horses generated a color its a bug. Post it in bug forums and they should be reset (I've seen ot happen to a few other people).

Unless Abbey decides to set a limit, I've seen nothing on one. No breeds are veeeery valuable and can only be more valuable the more time goes on.

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#10521 Posted on 2016-02-26 14:06:53

None have mine generated colours yet... that I know of.
What I was talking about was a past bug from years ago when we got to change our horse colours (I cant for the life of me remember why we had to.. XD) so I was wondering if that was just a time limit given for choosing colours and if this is the same situation.

But, if they can stay breedless for awhile then perfect! Im reaaaally indecisive at times so its gonna take me awhile to figure out what I want to do with those horses XD

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#10524 Posted on 2016-02-26 14:12:55


ahem. woops misunderstood that then haha. good luck picking... i ended up with a few of everything.

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