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ISO 1x1 Roleplay Partner

#87611 Posted on 2017-01-15 15:19:48

Because why not? :P
I will probably pick only one person to RP with for now, if I pick someone at all...

Some requirements:
~YOU CAN NOT FORGET ABOUT THIS! if it ever gets slow and boring, we might quit I guess, but please, don't be rude and suddenly quit roleplaying one day
~TELL ME when you won't be on for a period of time (like more than one day of absence)
~you need to log on at least once a day
~no Mary-Sues, Bobby-Joes, or cliche characters, please
~be friendly and have fun! don't make it too serious, but don't just goof off and ruin the RP either
~I could care less about even genders, but don't just do all one gender
~I would prefer to roleplay in the forums instead of through PMs, but we'll see

Some things I like to roleplay as/genres I am interested in:
~cats (namely Warrior Cats)
~WILD horses
~racehorses (the only kind of tame animal I'm willing to roleplay)
~maybe even something related to the Hunger Games?
~sentient/personified animals
~weapons are cool
~romance is fine and all, BUT I REFUSE TO BASE THE WHOLE PLOT ON THAT!
~I like ranking systems (like Warrior Cat ranks, kings/townspeople/servants, Hunger Games tributes, stuff like that... it doesn't have to be series-based, though)

How many times a day are you on, and around what times of day (EV time):
What kind of species do you like to RP as:
What kind of genres:
Messages or forums:
Example of your writing:
Anything else worth noting:

Have fun!

Last edited on 2017-01-16 at 14:05:33 by Raptorfang Ω

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#87828 Posted on 2017-01-16 22:18:57

I would love to RP with you, I love every genre except romance, that would cross me out huh?

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#87905 Posted on 2017-01-17 13:30:02

As quoted from my requirements:
"romance is fine and all, BUT I REFUSE TO BASE THE WHOLE PLOT ON THAT!"
So no, feel free to post a form. Romance is 100% not required :)

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#88008 Posted on 2017-01-17 22:55:41

How many times a day are you on, and around what times of day (EV time): I am normally on once a day, from 10:47 PM- 12:30 PM ish?
What kind of species do you like to RP as: Any, boy or girl, wolves, horses, people. All fine for me :D
What kind of genres: Any, I enjoy all :D Just no romance :D
Messages or forums: Forums please, so I can look back :D
Example of your writing: Daphne raised her head and looked at the herd in front of her. She thought about all the days she wandered alone. She heard a yell and saw the young blue roan dappled filly run by. Daphne laughed and ran with Lilac. They galloped along until they ran up to Lilac's father, Thunder Storm, he smiled and nuzzled Lilac.
Anything else worth noting: I am soo excited!!! :D

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#89255 Posted on 2017-01-26 18:02:28

How many times a day are you on, and around what times of day (EV time): Generally at least 2 times, though I generally leave it up at work
What kind of species do you like to RP as: pretty much anything. I have done humans, cats, dogs, and of course, horses. I started with horses though...many...many years ago. Had a palomino named Adrenaline Rush and his little brother Fire's Rebellion
What kind of genres: Everything. Normally I do forum roleplays.
Messages or forums: Either, messages would probably be better because I would get an alert
Example of your writing: This is an excerpt from one of my beloved wild horse characters, Skellington Jack. (Who is amazing, but also, amazingly insane. It is a post calling his herd to him.)
Skellington snorted, sighing deeply. He didn't have the patience nor the time for this stand off, he was already running late for his very important date. He had to get going, but there was a horrible stand off that was occurring between him and his opponent. He was in a losing battle, even though he wouldn't admit it. He didn't lose, it was just one of those things his ego wouldn't let him. The voices groaned, sitting with their face in their hands and their eyes rolled. It was hot and miserable in here, and they really wished they could close the blinds, but of course...Skellington Jack a lot of times had his own agenda. And currently, that was trying to have a stare down with a cactus.
He stomped a hoof and narrowed his gaze, sticking his lower jaw out slightly as if he was trying to size up his opponent further.
"I will win this. You will see."
He said to the cactus tree, flicking his tail as a bug landed on his rump. But still, his opponent did not give him any type of response, or for that matter do anything at all except be there, existing. The voices couldn't help but roll there eyes...except of course for poor Barrel, who was still cheering Skellington Jack on, telling him he could win this fight.
"What, giving me the silent treatment, eh? Well! I never!"
He stomped a hoof, and still keeping his gaze upon the cactus raised his head up in mock disgust, snorting at the cactus. It continued to do nothing but exist, and gave him no response. And so in this stand off they stood for a little while longer, the voices beginning to bicker in his mind at the stupidity of the whole thing and how he should just let it go, which of course only fueled his desire to continue the battle.
And then it happened. IT HAPPENED.
You see, a small lizard came running between the spines of the cactus, around and around the beautiful thing, paying little attention to the game. Skellington, seeing its movements, moved his muzzle toward the cactus-just far enough away to where he would not prick himself against it, and as the little lizard ran under him, he snorted at it. Of course, it traumatized the poor little lizard, who froze immediately. Skellington at this point pulled his head back, and his eyes still glaring at the cactus, stuck his tongue out at the lizard. The lizard, did the same...slapping its tongue into its eyeball, and then, quite nonchalantly, blinked his eyes, gave one last look at the strange painted creature, and ran away.
Skellington gave a whooping yell, not to the cactus, but to the voices in his head, his gaze turned upward and eyes slightly rolled back. He blinked finally, and turned away from the cactus making sure to slap it with his tail as he did so. He snorted, and stomped his hoof again.
"Now, what was it I was about to do before all this began?"
He paused a moment, scrunching up his muzzle in thought, ears flicking slightly. Tossing his head, he grinned.
"Ah yes. That."
He was not keen on them asking him questions about his battle with the evil cactus, and so he trotted a little ways away with it, before trumpeting a call.
"Come one, come all, the circus is in town! It's time to get ourselves ready to give them a performance they'll likely never forget!"
He giggled; it had been his best thought yet.
Anything else worth noting: I feel so old thinking about how long I've been roleplaying XD

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Genghis Khan

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#89258 Posted on 2017-01-26 18:07:00

I'm quite interested in roleplaying with you, Genghis... I'll wait a bit longer to see if anyone else posts, though ;)

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#92679 Posted on 2017-02-12 09:08:13

I will roleplay with you!

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#92680 Posted on 2017-02-12 09:11:01

well this post is pretty old, but fill out a form and we'll see!

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#92683 Posted on 2017-02-12 09:18:45

1. im one every day that im not grounded
2. afternoons on weekdays, mornings and afternoons on weekends
3. anything non human
4. adventure, anything but romance and drama
5. im fine with either
6. Cherrystar sniffed the air. The fur along her back rose. "Get down", she hissed to her patrol. Shadowclan scent hit her nose. If Breezestar wanted a battle, Cherrystar would give her one.

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