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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#262542 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:42:39

"I feel the presence of an angel, not just some angel, but an angel that Oceanus knows.. Could it be? Possibly her mother?" Azulia asked, she got up as soon as she felt the presence, then again she was born with this after all.

Though when the water queen had came down, she looked the same as if she never died, though Oceanus was happy that she was down to come to the Isles, but she felt something else about her mother. When the water queen walked over Namir, she knew that he didn't want to talk but it had to deal with her sister.

"Poor little thing you are, all my riddles, yet I can never riddle about siblings. Anyways I saw your sister, she is safe, she is learning about magic. All kinds, Faith wanted her to use magic now more then ever." the water queen paused then looked at her daughter then back at Namir.

"Because you only have one or two more Isles to go before you reach Isle of Darkness, the home where Kingdom of Carnage and village of Carnage is kept, also known as Dra's home, birth and life." the water queen told Namir, though she barely riddled and just informed him.

"Now your sister is where Eclipsetess used to go, the school for guardians, she will be learning there and The Heavens has a much faster speed of life then you'd expect. Though it is different for every horse, but the god's and Faith may change the speed to their liking, it is not the same for everyone. But count on us to help reunite her with you." the water queen told Namir, at the end she riddled, I guess she was cursed for riddling but it helped.

"It'll only be a couple days, but it is years for The Heavens and then your sister will be back with you, but she will come back the same. As if she never aged in the first place, the same height, the same weight, and her age as well. But her wisdom and many other characteristics all will be maxed when she comes back." the water queen riddled, but it was informational.

"It's technically a week or two before Solstice comes back." Oceanus said, she repeated but changed her words to fit to what her mother said.

"Mom was born with a riddling curse, a curse that forever makes her riddle, even after death. It is a permenant curse, it will never be removed." Oceanus said again, Azulia perked her head at Oceanus.

"So your mother is like us?! Oh we had to-" Azulia was interrupted "Not exactly, mother was born with a curse yes, but she was far too old to keep the throne longer, even though she was born with mystical properties, and made those scrolls. She assigned a few scrolls to anyone that was trusted, even Carrion before we knew him!" Oceanus told aloud, Azulia nodded her head.

"Yes her last scroll was unfinished, it was for a reason, even though she was assassinated by someone that we knew, someone that would betray mother anyways. I do not know who, but I know that I will hunt down that horse." Oceanus said.

"Hunny I was assassinated while I was writing, even though the end was finished it was for the better, the future would change anyways. But I am not letting anything out." the water queen said, it was dark as the sun began to set more and more, the queen then upgraded Oceanus's power to be more powerful.

The queen knew how powerful Oceanus needed, but she needed her daughter to be more powerful, then she said good bye as she was going back to The Heavens, Oceanus was at peace, but she knew and everyone knew that maybe Solstice wasn't going to marry Dra. Maybe it was the opposite..

Though Azulia made a campfire, she also made one for Namir, she still didn't know if he wanted to be with the rest of them if he still wanted to see Solstice. But he at least got good news at the end, then Azulia began making food for everyone, she even made for Namir as she used her magic to float it to him, she wasn't sure if Namir knew how to cook. So she was nice enough to give him something to eat.

Everest was tired as soon some food was passed to her, Oceanus happy with her dinner, and Carrion just looking out to the end of this Isle, wondering what Isle of Water is like. But only Oceanus knew that reason, but it seemed like Dra hasn't attacked them in the last hour, it was good but it worried Azulia as he could have used his shadow magic and just watched them. Though Cronsi looked around the baren Isle as he made sure to listen to anything. The other guards did the samething not moving, kinda like stone.

Carrion was also tired as he went to bed after eating his meal, it was just how much he wanted, though Cronsi examined his left over meal and took a sample to examine it further, Azulia was worried if it had any sleep medications so she let Cronsi to examine it. Oceanus was immune to anything so she can't feel it.

"Make sure that you don't let anyone slip above or below the barrier!" Azulia shouted, she was really worried, though she checked on Namir if he felt the samething, she wasn't surprised if a sea pony didn't feel anything. She researched about them then anything.

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#262558 Posted on 2022-11-24 08:13:46

     Namir just flicked his ear keeping to himself as he overheard Azulia and the others a bit. That was when he heard someone walking over to him. Namir just ignored whoever it was until his sister had been mentioned. His head shot up to look up at the water queen, "S-she's safe?" he asked as he looked down slightly. The stallion let out a sigh of relief knowing she was safe. "I thought I did well protecting her, I thought she was safe as long as she was with me, but I've come to realize she never was she is."

     Namir just listened feeling better then what he was knowing Solstice was safe. He just sighed as he slowly got back up, "I guess she won't be my little sister anymore once I see her again...she'll be all grown up even if she hasn't aged.." Namir was still quiet, but it was clear to see he wasn't near as upset as he was before. Though Namir just stayed where he was for the time being still trying to think things over. Now that he knew Solstice was safe and protected, it was a lot easier for him to think and process things.

     He had looked over seeing the food Azulia had brought over to him. He ate the food before he walked over to the others laying back down. "I have no doubt Dra is still after us if he thinks my sister is still with us..we need to be ready if he does," he said as he looked around. Namir wasn't going to sleep. At least, he hoped he wouldn't fall asleep. His head was too loud with all thoughts he had that he just couldn't even if he did want to.

     Though Namir wasn't going to sleep anyway. Not when Dra could still be after them. Namir then looked at Azulia, "Have you wrote back to Eclipsetess yet? I know you started to earlier, but then y'know Dra.." he stopped, "If not then inform her on most of everything that's's still the same. We started this journey to get her back, and that hasn't changed. Now it's just more of defeating Dra.."


     sorry it's short didn't know what else to put

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#262560 Posted on 2022-11-24 08:43:57

(It's alright, I understand, I do the samething but I accidentally add another part that's not really supposed to be connected, like the night and day stuff I put in just for a mood change)

"Oh rock pillars! I forgot to do that! I'll do it right now!" Azulia said, she summoned the paper that she started to write on, then she summoned her pen as well and began writing instantly as like everything just spilled out.

"Okay, I got everything written down, it's just that normal horses can't really teleport letters or each other through The Heavens. It happened before when the god's allowed it, but it.. Went horrible in every direction, so now the line for teleporting letters just relies on th god's to deliver it. And I need Apollo to deliver it since he is a delivery boy.." Azulia paused as she remembered that this week was Apollo's vacation.

"Azulia I think you remember that Apollo has vacation through the third of this week and the next week, so we are stuck until Apollo comes back, unless the letter is urgent but he won't come until after his vacation." Carrion said, Azulia sighed to what he said and that it was just hopeless right now.

"I hate forgetting.. I hate it that I can't control my memories. I just want to delivery the letter but Apollo won't be back until the third of the week is here.." Azulia muttered herself, but she forgot that she said it aloud, then she blushed of embarrassment, but she then made the letter disappear until the third of the weekend is here.

"Oceanus, can you- never mind you probably can't." Azulia said, she had no ideas of how to deliver the letter, she wanted too but she knew she couldn't.

"Maybe when the third week is here, then Apollo will be back, but Solstice comes back after her schooling for two weeks since it's a graduation day. So you can give her the letter until then. But that is all for my ideas." Everest suggested, even though she was a quiet pony, she was cheery like Azulia.

"Hm, thanks for the suggestion Everest. But I'm gonna go sleep. I'm tired from writing everything. Oh and Namir, Cronsi can help you with guarding! Alicorn guards NEVER sleep, so that is an inheritable trait, that means you have help!" Azulia told Namir, then she laid down to sleep.

Though Oceanus began counting the hours and when she thinks that Dra will attack, but it's been a few good hours, so it'll be good for the night. Unless he randomly attacks, but he won't do anything good in ater, so everyone is safe there! Unless he uses his chains, but that's doubtful since Dra can't use them either.

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#262561 Posted on 2022-11-24 09:01:31

     For once in a long awhile Namir had a small smile on his face, "It's alright. We've been too busy since we got her letter." he said before he looked around some as Azulia wrote the letter. For once things were..quiet. Not that is was a bad thing. Namir had a feeling they were see Dra again soon, but he wasn't too worried about it. Sure he was alert, but the peace and quiet was actually relaxing for once.

     "I forgot about that too.." he sighed as he had brought his attention back to the others, "Well at least we have the letter ready and written." he said as he shook his mane a bit so it all laid on the left side of his neck, "Didn't know the gods took vacations. Then again there's a lot I don't know. I may be 'wise' and smart, but not that much. I'm just a traveler. Never was a big fan of herds, so I just spent my time traveling alone. Well except for when I went to see Solstice for a few days out of the year..."

     Namir just thought for a moment, "The best we can do is have the letter written and ready. Until then...we just have to always." he paused, "I can't really control my memories either. Ever since my parents passed, I've always hid away the memories I had of them. Sure it hurt me, but it would have hurt me more if I was always thinking about them when I caring for my sister since she never got to meet them."

     He just did a small laugh, "I don't plan on sleeping, but honestly won't be surprised if I do end up falling asleep with everything going on lately." he said bidding Azulia good night before looking at Cronsi for a moment. Namir then just laid his head on the ground and let out a small sigh, "I wonder how my sister is doing with everything..." he said out loud despite him just thinking to himself. Honestly Namir didn't even realize he had said it out loud.

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#262571 Posted on 2022-11-24 13:41:10

No one said anything to Namir as they liked hearing the crackling fire of the campfire, the soothing smoke but not too much, and the calmness. However it did turn night just like that, but everyone was used to it, I'm just not sure about Namir.

Now in heaven, a tacher asked Solstice to demonstrate some magic, she did tell Solstice that she would help her with spilling her magic out. It was a normal thing as the guardians looked interested in her, that was when the teacher opened her wings and used her magic to see how much power Solstice had, then it struck her and made her quite.

"Anyways, go ahead my dear, it's quite easy. Once you close your eyes you will feel the magic pop out of your horn, don't worry, it's normal to have magic spill out! Eclipsetess had the same issue, too much power spilled out and turned black, it wasn't a good sign." the teacher said, she did try not make Solstice uncomfortable.

"But if it turns golden for you, then you can go ahead and leave to the library, unicorns with golden liquid coming out is a sign that you must head to the library immediately, do not question me on that. I do not know either, it's just a habit now." the teacher told Solstice again, she knew Solstice was a regular unicorn, but with the wings it made her unknown but she said nothing about it.

Though a student, one from the back also walked up to Solstice, to make her more comfortable, though the teacher was relaxed and calm. Deep down she knew both were a good pairing.

"Don't mind me, I'm just trying to make you more comfortable, so that it's easier for the magic to come out." the female alicorn whispered to Solstice, she sounded shy, but her heart was beating and everyone heard it beat real fast, but they ignored it.

As soon as the alicorn student that sat next to Solstice closed her eyes, she felt calm and collective, soon golden like liquid came out of her horn and the teacher took a sample to examine it.

"You are definately powerful, but it is not GOLDEN it is GOLDENROD, meaning it is darker. But you are powerful." the teacher told the alicorn student, she looked at Solstice next.

"Okay Solstice, you are up. Time for a sample as well." the teacher told Solstice, the student next to Solstice then went back to her seat, the excess magic disappeared.

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#262575 Posted on 2022-11-24 15:04:03

     Solstice just walked up to the front of the class when she was asked to. She seemed to always keep her head lowered a bit because it seemed all the attention was on her. Not necessarily in a bad way though it just made her a but uncomfortable. Though she did seem to be learning her magic quite easily. Solstice just tried to keep what her brother had told her when he taught her simple spells. She missed him, and worried about him and the others because of Dra, but this needed to be done. 

     Solstice just stood in the front of the class as she nodded slightly keeping quiet. As the teacher used her magic to see her own and just how strong it was. Though Solstice just got a bit worried as the teacher said nothing and kept it to herself. Solstice only looked down at the mention of Eclipsetess. Though she just nodded, “She told me it was a birth defect…” she said quietly as she looked back up.

     Instead Solstice just nodded once more. She was going to ask about what the golden liquid meant, but she just kept her mouth shut when the teacher had told her not to ask. Her wings still stuck to her sides as Solstice got the feeling the teacher knew she wasn’t a real alicorn like herself. Solstice was just a plain unicorn..well maybe. It all seemed to depend on this “test” that she had to do.

     Solstice just silently thought for a moment before she looked over seeing another alicorn walk over to her. Even though Solstice didn’t know her, it seems to calm her nerves now that she wasn’t the only one in the front of the class. Solstice just nodded and smiled a bit as she watched her let out her magic before she went back to her seat. Solstice was sure to observe so she knew just what to do.

     After taking a moment or two to calm her nerves some more, Solstice took a small quick deep breath as she closed her eyes. Her brother’s word popping into her head which seemed to help some. Then she put all of her focus into spilling her magic out. It took her a moment to do it, but manage after a second or third attempt. Once she thought she got it, Solstice had opened her eyes and looked at the teacher, “Well?” she quietly asked.

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#262579 Posted on 2022-11-24 16:19:39

"Hm, you and Olymphia are ready to enter the library, Olymphia will show you the way." the teacher said to Solstice, the same alicorn walked up to Solstice as she nibbled her forelock to calm down, then she used her magic to have her books follow her.

"Ready?" Olymphia quietly and shyly asked Solstice, though it was fast and unnerving the teacher smiled at the two before Olymphia bowed in respect to her teacher, the teacher then bowed to Olymphia as she got up and left the class.

Olymphia waited until Solstice was behind her and she had shown the way, down the corridor, take a hard turn right, go down another hallway, and then the room classed as "234567" or "Library". Then Olymphia opened the doors and walked into the library, she smelled the fresh and old covered books, the smell of leather and then polished leather, Olymphia seemed to have relaxed to the smell then she told Solstice that she could sit anywhere she'd like.

Olymphia then chose a spot next to a window to showcase the sun, Olymphia then sat down and setted her stuff down next to her, she then opened the book that she seemed to have an exact replica of Solstice's book, copied by Eclipsetess before she got taken away from Dra.

Though the book seemed to be torn and tapped on, looks like Olymphia treasured the book as it seemed to have an owl engraved and then her name on top of the owl, then some of the pages looked new since the white and the older pages more yellower after the next.

Olymphia seemed to have started humming as she read, it must have been a habit since she didn't mind it, there were no other horses besides the librarian and she seemed to be focused on checking books right now, but she did a friendly wave to Olymphia and Solstice when they entered the Library.

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#262584 Posted on 2022-11-24 16:57:51

     Solstice just looked at the teacher a bit unsure. Did she really have gold? What did that even mean? Why did she have to go to the library? A few others questions had crossed her mind. Though Solstice just nodded and looked over at the same alicorn that seemed to help calm her nerves earlier. Olymphia. She thought that was a nice name. It seemed being around Olymphia helped keep her calm and relaxed. The more she got used to things in heaven, the more she relaxed. Just running from Dra for days seemed to cause her anxiety to get worse, but the longer she was there the more she felt safe.

     Solstice then looked over at Olymphia nodding as she did a small bow like she had before they left the room. She followed behind Olymphia as they made their way to the library. Never had she seen so many books before. Her birth herd only had a few, but this was a lot more then a few. Solstice just paused for a moment to look around. Kind of in awe, but she quickly kept up with Olymphia.

     She just found a spot near Olymphia for comfort. She just looked around before seeing the book Olymphia had pulled out, "It's almost like mine.." she said a bit quietly. Though she couldn't help but to pull her own book out. Solstice still tried to read the whole thing like Eclipsetess and Azulia wanted her to. Even though she figured they weren't going to give her a pop quiz after everything that happened, she enjoyed reading. It distracted her least half of the time. 

     Though Solstice just had to look at Olymphia and ask, "Why did we need to come here...? What does having gold mean?" she asked even if she didn't know the answer. What was special about it that they had to go to the library? Solstice just went quiet as she relaxed her wings for the first time since she got there. They weren't glued to her sides as she just spread them out a bit. Solstice did however get a bit curious, "Can alicorns tell when someone isn't a real alicorn..?" she asked saying nothing more for the time being.

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#262585 Posted on 2022-11-24 17:09:25

"Ah why yes, but we do not say anything as we want to encourage the kind of horses that come here, I actually haven't been able to graduate since the last unicorn had left early as she was ready for the real world." Olymphia told Solstice, she answered the second question that kept Solstice thinking.

"And about having gold liquid, that is when a horse of many kinds is able to go to the next level of being a guardian, but the horse is able to choose if he/she wanted to stay with the same teacher. Though other guardians chose to stay, just like me but I wasn't given much of a choice then. But with you, I would be able to help you excel at what you are going to need to graduate after. But we won't see each other since I will be assigned to a horse, once they age up of course! And you will be going back to who you were with originally, whether a herd or a small group. Though you will be back to your normal age down in the Isles but you will have much more intellect in what you are reading for." Olymphia answered Solstice's first question, though she added onto her answer, to make sure of things.

"But if you want to continue reading, even if The Heavens will be dark out to symbolize night, then I suggest that you go over to that spot in the corner. I went there once when I was a young foal and ever since I have so much knowledge about everything, including every little detail." Olymphia suggested to Solstice, though she was happy to stay next to Olymphia if she wished.

But back down in the Isles, Azulia was reading as she was taking notes, notes about everything and every weakness that Dra had, but he would be more powerful. So Azulia crossed out what was a weakness that was turned into a strength, though Cronsi checked on her and made her sleep when he caught her.

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#262589 Posted on 2022-11-24 17:38:16

     Solstice just looked down slightly, "I figured...I got a feeling that most of the alicorns I've come across lately knew..Eclipsetess gave me these wings...before.." she couldn't finish the thought as she looked at her wings. That and she wasn't sure what all she could say and what she couldn't say with her current situation in the isles. Though because she noticed everyone seemed to have noticed whenever she walked by, she wasn't sure if they all knew her situation or not.

     "Eclipsetess was assigned to me, but only for like a day until things started to...go downhill you could say.." she said slowly as she looked down a bit. "I've always had it hard...except those few hours I had with Eclipsetess, Azulia, my brother, and the others.." She missed them. She missed them all. Solstice couldn't but feel like they were in danger while she was here in safety. 

     Though she couldn't wait to see them again. Especially Namir. Solstice knew he was taking things hard, and it hurt her knowing she couldn't help him. He helped her in too many ways to count, and she helped him in return whenever he needed it. "I do miss the others..I just hope they're doing okay down there.." she sighed. Dra was always on her mind. After all he was hunting her. Solstice wouldn't be surprised if he got stronger with each hour. 

     "I'd rather stay here...I don't do too well being on my own...especially with everything that's happened recently.." Solstice said as she looked at Olymphia once more, "How long until I return to the Isles? Despite my..situation down there..I want to return to the others before anything bad happens to them.."

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#262590 Posted on 2022-11-24 18:00:53

"Oh by your magic only two weeks! Though you can still learn if you want! I'll be around if you need my help, just call my name and I'll be there!" Olymphia told Solstice, she was now happy but still rather quiet about it.

"And by situations, you mean dangerous conflicts that happen?" Olymphia asked Solstice, she wasn't sure about her situation, but she knew dangerous ones well.

"And you know Solstice, I bet their fine, their probably relaxing and waiting for your return! My friends and family were like that when I was woven into a tapestry, though that was centuries ago. I am completely immortal, whether I'm up here or down in the Isles, I can never cease to perish. But I do love making new friends here and re-meeting old ones across the bridge." Olymphia said aloud, she acted like she knew how it felt to feel Solstice's pain, but she was never updated on anything below the Isles so she knew nothing then.

"And by your assigned guardian, Eclipsetess right? Oh I knew her when she was here as a foal, everyone loved how she looked! But if you ever saw how mad she was.. The black liquid that came out of her horn would trasnform her into a more madder version then herself, her dots replaced with black liquid on her left back leg, a complete white waning or waxing cresent in the middle, her face masked by that liquid until you could only see light blue eyes shining through. And her wings.. Completely changed to black as dark twilighting star's shined like an actual constellation.. Moving.. Exsisting.. Perishing.." Olymphia paused, then she looked up at Solstice.

"If you even knew her better like I used too, then you'd see her change over time, see how her personality and magic changed.." Olymphia paused again, this time more sadder then before.

"No one not even I could say what Eclipsetess's kind was, we couldn't give her an answer, we just told her that she was an Unknown Pony. But she wasn't. She was a rare horse, born so few centuries, her kind was called Celestial Constellation Ponies. The most rarest and most overpowered pony to ever exsist, but she was then called a Night Unicorn Guardian since she graduated.. Solstice.." Olymphia paused again, this time she said nothing else.

"You.. Are not a night unicorn, you are also what Eclipsetess is, a Celestial Constellation Pony. No matter the different kind of horses mixing a Celestial Pony will be born other wise. Under the moon or the sun, your kind has many different abilities and strong magic. Even if a Celestial Pony was also born under dusk, they would age up more until their marks are revealed as a sun and moon attached. For Eclipsetess, her mark was het so that would mean when she was angry her mark would show up as well. It was quite rare for a mark to be het if the horse was Celestial. But I do not know if your mark is het or not, that. You would have to wait until you are 4 to have your mark. And I cannot say anymore now." Olymphia said, all that she said was true, she flipped to a page containing a night unicorn to be revealed as a Celestial Constellation Pony, Solstice's book then flipped to the same page.

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#262594 Posted on 2022-11-24 18:33:38

     Solstice had a bit of a surprised look on her face. Two weeks? Dra could attack her brothers and others before then, and could possibly kill them when he figured out she wasn't there. This only made her worry more. "Dangerous...isn't even the beginning of it.." That was all she said at the time about her current situation. Solstice didn't want to say too much at the time as she was still unsure if she should say anything at all.

     "No...they shouldn't be relaxing for too long..they need to keep moving. They need to be ready..they need to..." Solstice stopped herself. She went silent. Instead Solstice just listened as Olymphia spoke taking in every word she said. "I only knew her for a few hours. She told me the black ooze was just a birth I don't know if that was true or not..I've been learning too much since everything went wrong, and it's hard to know the truth from the lies. It's hard to know who to trust right now."

     As Olymphia spoke of what happened to Eclipsetess when she was angry, it only caused her to tense up a bit. Her mind only thought of ooze as magma. Oh why did her mind always have to be on Dra? She just wished she could forget about him for just a moment. Just a moment to relax and forget about everything, "The others did say she was actually a Unknown pony..she told me she was a alicorn..and now your telling me she's a Celestial Constellation Pony..?"

     Solstice then had a look of shock on her face, "What...? that can't be right..why am I only learning about these types of things now? Things could have been a lot different if I knew these things before everything started to happen!" she sort of yelled a bit, but she quickly calmed herself down by taking a few breaths. Solstice had her wings partly spread out as she looked at Olymphia. "Can I trust you? Can I trust you will say nothing to anyone about why I am here? I'm not really here to become a guardian...I'm here for other reasons.."

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#262597 Posted on 2022-11-24 19:00:29

"Other reasons? Faith did told me that horses come here for other reasons, like learning about everything! But I do not know what other reasons you may be referring too, and you can trust me. I never say anything to anyone, I actually don't have anyone to talk to except you. So you can trust me." Olymphia said, she was calm and she used a bit of her magic to help Solstice calm down more.

"CCP is what everyone nicknames Celestial Constellation Ponies, though you may stick with what you feel like, being a unicorn with wings is also fine too, it doesn't matter if you want to know the truth or not. That was your choice and I ruined it for you.. I am sorry.." Olymphia apologized to Solstice, she didn't mean to cause how much the mood was.

"And if I know anyone, they would probably have stayed near the Isle of Water, but stayed at the end of Isle of Dreams, Dra's weakness is water, but he is immortal so he would find a way around water. But he's also stupid for forgetting! Because the more magic he uses for a form, the more vunerable he is, and the more that he can't use his chain magic the more chance you have at making him retreat. And possibly destroying him or blackmail him for a friend." Olymphia said, she did guess the stakes but she did provide information for Solstice.

Olymphia did take a break from talking as she let Solstice talk until she was ready to talk and answer back to Solstice, though she did close her eyes for a second, she wanted to vizualize what Dra looked like..

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#262601 Posted on 2022-11-24 19:39:25

     Solstice took a moment to take a breath or two, "I am here to learn how to use my origin magic. Faith brought me here..for my safety.." Solstice began, but she paused unsure of how to start. Instead, she took a minute or two to think things over while she listened to Olymphia. "Good. Only a few others know of what I'm going to tell you.." she said as she looked at her, "I'd have to learn these things at some point. There's no need to apologize.."

     Then Solstice started to explain everything, "It had started when Dra took Eclipsetess. He is treating her just as he did Faith. He has her taking Faith's place as his treasure. Once he took her..we started crossing Isle after Isle to get her back..things only got worse from there.." Solstice began as her voice was clearly hurt. As much as she didn't want to tell Olymphia what was going on, but she felt the need to do so. Maybe talking about it would help her a bit somehow anyway.

     "For some reason Dra had allowed Eclipsetess to write to us as she informed us he was in the area..sure enough he ambushed us. Luckily we all got away from him alive..I was hurt, but healed. Everything seemed alright until we made it to the Isle of Happiness..let's just say that Isle isn't the happiest of places after what happened.." she sighed taking a moment to pause and calm her nerves slightly.

     Solstice then continued, "The alicorn king greeted us, and spoke with me, my brother, and a friend in private. Little did we know it was actually Dra...he's regaining his magic faster then before. He attacked us a second time..this time with more intent on getting me. He is after me. He is hunting me. This is the only place I am safe from him. Faith brought me here so that I can learn how to use my magic. Just before I was brought here, I learned that I had to marry Dra...right now I don't know if that it true or not..."

     "Even if they are near the Isle of Water they are not entirely safe. Dra may very well still be after them if he doesn't know I am here.." Solstice looked at Olymphia getting the feeling she tried to vizualize what Dra looked like. Solstice only shook her head, "Don't. If you ever saw him yourself you will wish you never have. I am always tense, scared, and alert now because of him. Even if I am safe here. My live may have been rough before all of this, but it will never be the same once all of this is over with. I will never be the same."

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#262603 Posted on 2022-11-24 20:28:41

"Hm, well that is certainly a big situation that only the god's could handle, even with Eclipsetess taking Faith's place. The other god's would do something, but Faith knows not to mess with Dra, that is why she is not doing anything right now of the sort, but if I were you- I'd try and get Faith to get after Dra, she seems to be protecting you more then Eclipsetess did if she brought you here. And I already saw a tapestry of Dra once. I hated him, and the legends and myth's surrounding him." Olymphia said, she sounded way more guarding to Solstice then any god, Faith, Eclipsetess, or even her brother could, her hissing in the back of her throat started to glow before she stopped.

"Gah! Sorry, I must not tell you anything about what I just did, even if I said anything the god's would have kicked me out long ago, for reasons I must not say. But the hissing would remind you of him, and that is why I stopped. I am not conected with Dra in anyway, but I prayed to be here.." Olymphia paused, she wanted Solstice to ask her the right question.

"Now, do yuo have any other questions I could answer? I know almost anything like a God, but I do not know much about Dra since I was never taught on him that much." Olymphia asked Solstice, she wanted to ignore the moment when she got up and started hissing in the back of throat so much that it started to glow.

"Though I do know secret hiding places to go that god's cannot access in heaven, mostly because I enchanted the hiding places so that other horses like us can only access them!" Olymphia whispered to Solstice, she didn't want any God to know what she said even though they are watching her and everyone else.

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