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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#262345 Posted on 2022-11-21 14:55:52

     Namir opened his eyes to see he was back at his birth herd. "Why am I here..? he asked himself out loud before he heard a voice he hadn't heard in years. No it couldn't be could it? This had to be a mistake. "Mother..?" he said hesitantly before he turned around seeing his mother and father. "No this isn't real..this can't be real," he said shaking his head and closing his eyes, "I-i found you guys..dead in the woods. Y-you were killed."

     "Oh precious son," his mother said as she stepped closer to him. Her voice was soft like it always was..almost angelic like. "You must have had a terrible dream. We are alive and well just like we always have been.." she said. Namir forgot how good it felt to hear her voice. All the worry seemed to drain from his body, but he wasn't sure why he was here still.

     "N-no your supposed to be dead!" he said taking a step back shaking his head slightly, "You were both killed! I had to raise Solstice! The herd denied her..they never cared for her. I was the only one that did. Why did you leave us? Why did you leave her? Forget why you where needed elsewhere, you left your daughter at only a few days old!" Namir wanted answers until he realized it. They were only figures pretending to be them

     "Namir, my dear son, are you afraid of disappointing us? Or that is was your fault?" his father asked him as he stepped closer to his son. Like Namir's, his father's voice was deep yet gentle, and yet it still had that angelic sound to it. "You know we've always been proud of you..why would that change now?"

     Namir only looked down. That was why he was there. He never realized just how afraid he was that everything was his fault. Them leaving, finding them dead in the woods...had he really been afraid of that? "You was never my fault? Nothing happened because of me or Solstice?" he asked looking up at the figures pretending to be his parents.

     His mother only shook her head, "Never was anything your fault. You may have been a troublesome colt, but look at you now. Your independent, and you raised your sister and protected her when you didn't have to. We had to leave, and now so do you." Before Namir could even say another word, they had vanished and so did Golden Valley. Within seconds, he was back with the others, but he just stood there saying nothing keeping his head down as he went to go lay down somewhere. He hid the few tears that ran down his face.

     Solstice on the other hand..hadn't faced her fear yet. She was in Golden Valley just like her brother was, but neither of them knew that. "Well..maybe your cursed eyes make you blind. What's the matter Solstice? Can you not see? We're right here," Skadi said as Solstice bumped into her. Isis and Khepri each standing on one side of Skadi. "Well? Say something you pathetic excuse of a mare." she said snarling at Solstice.

     She had only gulped slightly when she looked up at Skadi and the others. Solstice then figured out what her fear not let Skadi win.. She could never do it before, so how could she do it now? "I'm not blind..I just had my back turned against you..." she said taking a step back away from them, "I'm not pathetic. This herd just rejected me because of my eyes. Your just jealous..jealous that I might be something more.."

     Had she just said those words to Skadi? Solstice didn't even think about it. The words just came out. Never would she dare say those things to Skadi or the others. She just remembered what Namir had told her before he disappeared. He was right..she could face her fears. Even if she was too scared to do it before. If she just escaped Dra, then why couldn't talk to Skadi and give her a taste of her own medicine? 

     Skadi seemed outraged at first, but she quickly hid her anger. "Whatever. Just stay out of my way. You got that?" she said before her and the others turned and walked away. Though the further they walked, the more they faded as well as everything else. It wasn't long before she found herself back with the others. Solstice just stood there confused and surprised she had done what she did without even thinking about it. 

     Solstice just smiled a bit feeling a lot better now that she got to talk back to Skadi and the others even if it wasn't the real them. She just looked at the others before happily trotting over to her brother, "You were right Namir. I could do it...even though I did it without even thinking," she said as she quickly muttered that last part. She did, however; notice that he was quiet, and that was odd. "Namir...? Are you okay..?" she asked him a bit concerned, "You faced your fear right..?" she asked hesitantly nudging him slightly.

     Namir didn't really acknowledge Solstice except for muttering a, "Good job." He just laid where he was and hardly said nothing. He was clearly down, "I'm..-fine." he said in a rude tone. Solstice just took a step back confused by what had put him in such a mood. Never had she seen him like that before. Solstice just walked over to the others, "I've never seen him like that before...has he said anything to you guys?" she asked looking up at them before glancing at her brother.

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#262354 Posted on 2022-11-21 19:05:54

"No." Azulia said first, Oceanus got up and walked over to Namir as she laid down next to him, she accepted that he might've didn't want to talk, but she did go through worse.

"All of us that already faced our fears just passed with ease, plus bringing a mountain pony named Everest, or her full name is Mount Everest." Carrion said, he looked at Namir before summoning something that he might've known, but he wasn't sure.

"But you can't really say that someone passed with ease, most that pass through Isles of Fear tend to get.. Very emotional, or as emotional that they'll show, but they need to acknowledge that it wasn't real and it was just a fear. But the most emotional fear is what they lost or fear from someone, I read enough of the books to know that as a colt." Carrion said, he then turned to look at the hill, he then realized that he forgot that he was born with runes that show when he faces the sun.

And so, when Carrion went to the hill, the sun had revealed Carrion's hidden runes, Azulia was impressed with this as she examined the runes. She was impressed by this and wanted to know more about the runes..

"So Carrion, what's it about with your hidden runes there?" Azulia asked Carrion, he just told her to get the book and read about it.

"Hm, alright!" Azulia happily said, she then shot off some fireworks from her horn.

Carrion huffed, then he looked down the hill to see another figure standing there, this time at the end of the bridge, he got curious and Azulia bubbled him down since he wanted to jump. He did and Azulia's bubble just kept him safe enough to keep him spraining or breaking anything.

Though once he realized who it was that was standing there at the other end of the bridge, he gave off happy neighs and whinnies, he did tell everyone to come down and look who it was, he then gave off another happy whinny to the little bunbled of joy who was next to.. Trickster! Though the little foal did look like Carrion since the foal had his runes.

"Hello there little one, I'm your dad, but it's not the time to have kids yet. But I am glad that your back!" Carrion said to Trickster, she just nuzzled their foal.

"I know, but I was about to have the kid in heaven, but the angel didn't want to do anything so yeah.." Trickster said, she was happy that she had kids to be happy with since Carrion was busy.

"What's the foals gender then?" Carrion asked Trickster, she just nuzzled the foal again before she looked up at Carrion.

"A female, we'll be having girls from now on, but that's what the angel said." Trickster said, the little filly then began sniffing Carrion since he was the first horse she saw, and besides, he was the dad.

"Oh little one, once I get back from my adventure I'll teach you so many things!" Carrion said, he then realized to look up at the next Isle that he stepped his hooves on.

"Oh, I best that you get our daughter to our home, get her settled down and everything." Carrion said as he nuzzled the little foal, his sweet daughter just nuzzling him back.

"Hm, yeah, but what are we gonna name her? Got any suggestions?" Trickster asked Carrion, he looked away but he did think of it.

"Well we need to see her personality, whether she got both of our personalities, one or the other, or possibly a small amount compared to a big amount." Carrion said, Azulia was behind him and so was Oceanus.

"We can try and play with her and other sorts as well!" Azulia suggested, Carrion jumped when he noticed that Azulia was behind him and so was Oceanus, Trickster giggled and the little foal nudged her mother's leg.

"Brilliant idea!" Trickster happily replied, she began to play with her foal as the little bundle of joy followed behind, it looks like the filly got Carrion's happiness, though Carrion realized what he was gonna name her.

"Trickster! Let's name her Moonlight! It just sounds right!" Carrion shouted, Trickster loved the name for her daughter and Moonlight agreed to her name.

"Alright it's settled then, Moonlight it is!" Azulia happily said, she did shove Carrion into the new Isle as Trickster took their daughter back home.

"Alright, let's get going." Azulia said as she pushed Carrion some more, she and everyone else kept walking into Isle of Happiness.

"Isle of Happiness, I love this place! They have the best horses with happiness!" Everest said, for a mountain pony she did know about Isle of Happiness.

"I thought that only horses that have knowledge about specific Isles can say their name?" Azulia asked in confusion, though Everest did laugh to Azulia's confusion, she just told Azulia that she can see the future from an angel's perspective.

"Oh so you used to be an angel then?" Carrion asked, he didn't know about the older god's to have heard the real truth.

"Well no, Poseidon, Zeus and Hades did create these Isles together, so a mountain pony like me is going to stick around for quite a bit." Everest said, she did have more extensive knowledge then any pony then.

"I was the one who created these books that you use to help and defend, learn and use, many ways to use a book." Everest admitted, Azulia was surprised as the other's did.

"Yes I made the books, that's where you get the history from and the magic as well, actually if you skimmed the pages until you get to page 267, that's where you can how to use magic in your own ways! The books do have sentience though, but you probably realized that by now." Everest said, Azulia did skip the other pages until she reached the specific page.

"Oh yeah, your right! I forgot that I used to do these when I was just a filly, a filly of thirteen brothers and twenty sisters!" Azulia remarked herself, Oceanus was impressed by Azulia's sibling's.

"Is that why you were banished from your herd?" Oceanus asked Azulia, she could tell that Azulia loved her sibling's dearly..

"Actually, I was banished because I the twenty-first child of an ability gifted by the god's, my parents never wanted to be in a legend, so they kicked me out and banished me from their lands, so Golden Valley was my new home." Azulia answered Oceanus's question, the mare kept silent as Azulia huffed a little bit before flying over the island.

"So why is Isle of Happiness called the Isle of Happiness?" Carrion asked the question to Everest, the little pony sighed and relaxed her muscles.

"Isle of Happiness was called that for being happy, whatever good memories where in your head has left your mind, even if you forgot the happiest memory. The memories are supposed to boost your speed, and give you upgrades to how you look and how your magic is affected by how much the memory is loved. And lot's of Alicorns inhabit this region for being happy and having their memories by how they are!" Everest replied, Carrion was confused then had gotten what she said.

"Thanks for the information Everest!" Carrion said happily, then multiple horses came up to the group and invited them into the Isle as more or less of them were equal gender, but Azulia was happy to be in a Isle full of happiness.

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#262365 Posted on 2022-11-22 07:06:47

     Solstice just looked over at Namir, "I've never seen him down like this before..whatever he saw must have really got into him, but I have no idea what it could be," she said before looking at the others again. Namir just sighed and got up and Oceanus went over to him. He slowly turned to face Solstice and looked up at her slowly. He wasn't sure what to say to her, but he tried to say something.

     "Solstice...I saw mom and dad..." he paused trying to hide the few tears he had, "I know it wasn't the real..them, but it felt so..real. To just hear mother's voice again..her caring and passionate tone.." Namir just walked over to her slightly, "I never thought I was so afraid that I failed..that everything was my fault..That they had left because of me, and that I found them in the woods..." Namir couldn't finish that sentence. 

     Solstice just looked at him, "What..?" she said quietly as she listened to him, "Namir.." She just walked up to him wrapping herself around him, "I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you.." she said, "It wasn't your fault..nothing was. None of this is your fault..I'm just glad your here right now.." Solstice just went quiet for a moment before stepping away, "W-what were they like..?" she asked him.

     "I know that now.." he said nuzzling her, "They were the parents that you wished you always had. Supportive. Caring. They loved you Solstice..both of us. I just wish things went differently, so you got to know them.." he said looking down, "You deserve to have at least gotten to know them.." Namir's voice was clearly hurt and depressing, but he had a small smile on his face, "Now...I hope things went well for you."

     She just looked down slightly, "Sort of...I had to stand up to Skadi.." she said kind of scared, "Without even thinking I said things back to her and the just came out. I just feel different..for once I can feel the magic inside of me, and it's like I do things without even thinking..even with my magic. What if I hurt you or the others?" she asked looking up at Namir not wanting to cause harm to anyone.

     He just shook his head, "That won't happen. You're maturing and learning about the world. It's've had a long couple of eventful days. We all have, but we'll make sure you learn your magic so it doesn't happen." Namir said looking at the others hearing Carrion getting all excited, "Come on let's go see what it's about.." he said as the both of them trotted over to see what the commotion was all about.

     "Ah Trickster. Didn't expect to see you again so soon." he said once he saw who it was. If she was here then it must have meant she past the test, so Namir trusted her a bit more. Though he gave her and Carrion some space as they reunited once more. He smiled a bit more feeling a better about what happened with him facing the fear he never realized he really had. Maybe not all fears are known to those who fear.

     Solstice just stood near her brother when she saw a little figure come out from behind Trickster, "And who's this?" she asked getting a little closer out of curiosity. "I didn't know you guys were expecting a foal.." she said a bit excited to see the little one. "She's adorable!" Solstice just ruffled her wings excitedly. She always loved foals, but the herd would just keep them away from her not wanting to risk them getting cursed. Only there was no curse that Solstice was born with. Maybe she was born with a legend..a prophecy to fulfill. 

     "Moonlight..I love it!" she said happily as she flew around slightly. Namir just looked up at her laughing. "What? Just enjoying the wings I was given," she said as she landed beside her brother nipping him a bit hard though she did it playfully. Namir grinned and gave her a look. Uh oh. Solstice knew that look. She'd have to keep an eye on him, or he'd get her back when she wasn't looking. "You best get back to your home..wouldn't want the little one to get hurt..just be careful of Dra..we don't know where he is..." she said as she brought her attention back to the happy family. 

     Solstice just flew for a little bit instead of walking, but she was only a few feet from the ground. "Isle of Happiness..I don't think I could take another isle like the last one.." she said looking back at the isle they just left. She just looked at Everest, "You wrote these? It must have taken ages to write them...though it has helped me a lot.." she said as her voice died off slightly. It only made her think of Eclipsetess. Though she was sure they'd get her back..soon. Eclipsetess just had to hold on until then.

     "I could never have that many siblings. Sometimes I can't even handle Namir," she said as he only looked at her with another one of his looks. "What? You may have raised me, but you could be a bit much every once in awhile.." she said returning the look. Namir only shook his head amusingly knowing she had a point. Solstice just thought over what Azulia was saying and why she had been banished. Maybe Solstice had something similar? No. Why would she be important?

     "How does it change how you look, or affect your magic?" she asked out of curiosity. Solstice just looked at herself, but she didn't see any changes on her. The only ones she saw where the changes made to her wings when Azulia gave her more magic. "Wait Alicorns?" Solstice just hovered feet from the ground as the others came to a stop. "At this point I don't know if I'm still a unicorn or a alicorn." she said more to herself a bit confused when a whole group of horses came out of nowhere and welcomed them. Solstice just looked at all of them unsure about all of the attention as she just went back to the ground. It had been awhile since Solstice was surrounded by a ton of horses, and she was a bit uncomfortable. Though Namir just comforted her saying it was alright.

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#262368 Posted on 2022-11-22 10:44:06

"Ah sorry for my citizens scaring you, they are very nice to everyone, except that last horse that passed a day or two ago." an alicorn said as he had a crown necklace thing, though it had a beautiful flower or two on the other side of his ears, primarily where the forlock started.

"Jasper, Lily, Caravan, and of course Misty. Come back over, we can't scare our guests now." the alicorn king said, he did sound a bit commanding but the sweet voice hid it all.

"Now come on inside our kingdom, we need to discuss your exit to the next Isle, and we need to make sure to protect you." the alicorn king said, he used his magic as it bubbled everyone in the group, minus the alicorns, though Everest was surprised at how much magic he could use for each horse.

"How did you bubbled all of us? It'd take great stamina to get all of us!" Everest asked the alicorn king, he laughed as one of the foals that was nursing came up to Everest, he was interested in her.

"You can learn that later, but for right now, we need to discuss the Isles and their effects on every horse. Including us, though I can see that you came from Golden Valley right? That is implemented right in the center of Isle of Dreams, perfect place for all herds! Except Scorn, he was a lovely colt." the alicorn king said, he was humbled that he recognised Scorn's herd members.

"Oh and the two that look like alicorns, I need to talk with you two separately, also known as a private conversation." the alicorn king said, he was walking to his throne room but he passed that and he put everyone in the lounge, specifically behind the throne room.

"Now rest up, and I'll come back to talk with you all soon, I need to discuss security plans and issues with my guards, but some of my heirs will love to chat with you all!" the alicorn king said, he was right! As soon as he left, some of his children came in, almost an equal pair of each gender, except the younger one being a boy.

Though Azulia got up and then moved around on her spot to get comfortable, Oceanus looked over to see a pool of crystal water and jumped into it, Everest just looked around the room as she was impressed by it, one of the younger sibling's came up Everest and began talking about each other.

Azulia laughed to herself, then an older sibling came up to Azulia, he laid beside her and tried to make her comfortable enough to be home, though Azulia loved how funny he was and how cute he looked but that cuteness and funny personality was from his mother, though he talked about his family and that some his sibling's are actually half siblings because of different mothers but the same father.

"And I used to graph the constellations like a pegasus, though most horses nowadays call them pegasi, just because pegasi means more then one pegasus, that's why some horses that enter our kingdom is confused on why we and other horses and herds call them pegasi. And that we need to give them an explanation. Including pegasi themselves!" the older sibling told Azulia, she just laughed and had a wonderful time.

"Oh and my name is Cronsi, Cronsi the alicorn prince! But I may serve you if you wish~" Cronsi laughed to himself, it got Azulia enough to laugh as well.

"But my other sibling's and half sibling's names are: Winthorpe, Winthrope, Winther, Wither, Winter, Snowflake, Snowstorm, Hail, Ice, Icicle, Ice Tomb, Blizzard, Windy, Wind, and so many more.. But those are the ones that are winter themed, my other sibling's and half siblings have many other themes to them." Cronsi said, then the alicorn king returned and the older sibling's looked at him before leaving the room.

"Are you all comfortable now?" he asked, then his dotted palomino coat shined when he flicked her horn into the air, Azulia's horn had glowed to the same level, including the other's, Everest was just amazed at the king.

"Ah sorry, I am used to seeing personalities shine! But I spotted a couple of you with uncertainy, Azulia, Solstice, and Namir, please head upstairs and go to the biggest room there is that you can spot. I'll be with you shortly." the alicorn king said, Azulia got up and did as he asked, he then projected a map onto Azulia's head so that Solstice and Namir can see where they are going.

Then a little but biggish pony came along and he was wearing some kind of cute outfit for a servant, he was happy and guided the three up the staircase but he did not guide them to the room that the three needed to go to, so he told Azulia, Solstice and Namir the room that they needed to go.

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#262370 Posted on 2022-11-22 12:20:44

     Namir just chuckled slightly, "No need to apologize. She just has a bit of social anxiety," he said ignoring the look Solstice gave him. "They don't call this place the Isle of Happiness for nothing," he said lowering his head doing a small bow in respect seeing as how everyone took orders from this one stallion figuring he was king by the crown he wore. Though Solstice just looked at him in confusion when she heard they needed to plan their exit..and to be protected? She was clearly used to that. Ever since Namir had to raise her...just not like how she needed to be protected now...from Dra.

     "What does he mean by that? We've escaped Dra thanks to Trickster..why do we need more protection?" she asked Namir. Though she was sure to ask her questions quiet enough only her brother would hear. Solstice didn't want to alarm any of the horses that greeted them with her second question. Namir just shook his head unsure of what the stallion had meant, but he just made sure Solstice wasn't scared. She wasn't that scared..she was just more confused by everything. 

     She was taken by surprise as the stallion bubbled up herself and the others. My how their group of four turned to a group of three..then a group of 5. Solstice wouldn't be too surprised if someone else joined them with each isle they crossed. Though she just looked down when he mentioned Scorn and the herd she had just joined. Solstice didn't know if she would be welcome back there due to what Trickster said, "I was only a part of that herd for a few hours.." she mumbled unsure if anyone heard her or not.

     Solstice then looked over at Azulia. How was it obvious that she wasn't a real alicorn, she wasn't sure, but that wasn't what worried her. "Why would he want to talk to us..?" she asked mainly herself. She just laid down as the king had left. It wasn't long before she started looking around. Never has she been in a castle, but she seemed to love it. Though Solstice just stayed somewhat near her brother unsure about all the horses that walked in and started talking to them.

     "What? You can face your fears..explore the isles, but you can't handle being in a bit of a crowd?" Namir said nudging her softly. Solstice just gave him a unamused look. "I know your not used to being accepted and all, but you'll be fine. Just read until your needed." She did just that. Solstice just read about more spells and wanted to learn some more, but she figured she would wait until they were on the move again. So she just read about different spells in different levels of difficulty and what they did until then.

     It wasn't too terribly long until her, Azulia, and were requested to speak with the king. Namir just shrugged, but they followed Azulia. "I wonder what this is all about.." Namir said out loud just thinking to himself. What did the king mean by uncertainty? Both him and Solstice were unsure as they eventually found their way to the room they were told to head to, "I guess now we wait?"

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#262383 Posted on 2022-11-22 17:29:00

Seconds later the king walked into the room, he made sure to have brought many old and new scrolls with him, though he was unsure of himself as well, but he could tell what a legend was just by default.

"Now I'm sure that you three are pretty confused, but, I know that I only said uncertainty. Because I know who is certain of something or uncertain of something, and that's just by default really." the king said, he dropped all the scrolls he had and laid them out neatly or at least tried too.

"Woah! And who's this mare with her stallion- or mate?" Azulia asked, the mare interesting enough had a necklace on her neck, then she realized that it was the same necklace that Solstice was wearing.

"That's actually a mare that's been here since the dawn of time, she's an ancestor with her mate next to her, in fact she passed down the same necklace that your mare friend is wearing. So she's a descendant of a great powerful ancestor, though you can choose between being protective and having strong magic, or being evil and having less magic." the king said, his mood had changed the atmosphere a little bit.

"So what's her name?" Azulia asked again, the king seemed to humble himself.

"The great mare's names is Twilight Dawn and her mate next to her is King Solar, she now became the mate's queen and interesting enough I researched Scorn's and your friend's ancestors, and guess what?" the king questioned, Azulia was more curious then ever.

"What? I wanna know!" Azulia said, her excitment only made her more interested.

"Well, Scorn and Solstice's ancestors are the same ancestors, so Scorn and Solstice are technically long-lost descended cousins, but since they have different parents but the same ancestors the same rule applies anyways!" the king said, Azulia was shocked and looked at Solstice.

"What's the rule?" Azulia asked, she wanted to know more then ever.

"If a long-lost descendant was also secretly hidden cousins, that means they are family, whether if Scorn knew that or not, and that's why Scorn hides his indentity of being king, he doesn't want the title. But Solstice can take up the queen's title, that also means that if she has strong magic, then she's the secret.. But also the truest queen to Dra." the king said, Azulia shivered, she was confused on why the king said truest.

"What does that mean? Truest to what about Dra?" Azulia asked, she was no more then wanting information.

The king sighed, he wanted Azulia to figure it out, but she didn't..

"The truest queen means that Solstice is forced to be married to Dra, Dra has the most powerful magic out there in the Isles and if I'm correct, Solstice is the long lost queen to the Isle of Darkness's throne, that's why he keeps Eclipsetess. So that his long-lost queen will return. And-" the king paused, "Never mind, let's discuss the plans and you all to be protected." the king didn't want to say more then he already did.

"I- but- HOW?! I though Faith was his love interest?!" Azulia shouted, she was confused and worried for Solstice that she just shouted instead of controlling her feelings like she should.

"The long-lost queen is BY FAR FORCED to marry whoever is the strongest, whether enemy or not, Faith doesn't have enough power to destroy Dra, Solstice does. Which means she can destroy him on the inside, whether if she's something to Dra or not." the king said, his voice was deep and not wanting to be irrated, and he really changed the mood as Azulia hushed up.

"Alright, sorry, let's continue with our plans for all of us." Azulia said, she was sad, and worried that her ears went down and she wasn't happy anymore.

"Good, now since you all can be protected by yourselves, even though you can survive by accident or by friends, or loved ones, you need my guards to help. And I have a lot of kid's so I try and cull my best ones to stay as the other's go with other herds. So you'll have two guards on the sides of you and one behind you. Just to make sure that your not attacked on your flanks or rear." the king said, he then summoned a map and put the equilvent pawns to the same ones that everyone will be in.

But after the plans have settled, the king left as Azulia got up and left, she left the door open and cantered to the stairs before walking down them. The same prince went over to her and tried his best to comfort her, she was happy that he was near her, it made her feel safe even though she's going through many things. She bet that Solstice and Namir felt the same way, if not worse.

"Hey, at least I will be here for the time being, I might even be asigned to you!" Cronsi said, he was happy but he was worried about Azulia's personality, even her two friends as well.

"Hey, don't worry, whatever the king said is true, but I won't let anyone near you lot!" Cronsi said, Azulia giggled but she put her head on his back, she was comfortable enough to do that, then she was comfortable to have him stay with her.

"Though you lot are staying for the week, so that if anyone that is after you, you'll at least be safe! Including you Azulia~" Cronsi said, Azulia smiled and then he nibbled her hair a little bit, though she did sit down in her spot and had him lay next to her, so that he would let her rest.

Though when Azulia was sleeping, Cronsi looked at everyone before turning his attention back to Azulia, he was her crush and he was her crush, and that everyone knew that.

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#262393 Posted on 2022-11-22 18:57:01

     Solstice just stood somewhat near her brother just unsure what all of this was about as his was. Namir may have been wise and intelligent, but he wasn't all knowing. Not even close. As the king came over with a mare and stallion, Solstice couldn't help but to realize the necklace she wore before she looked at her own, "I-it was my mom's..Namir told me she never took it off, so I never take it off either.." she said looking at Namir a bit confused before she continued to listen to the conversation.

     Namir just looked at both necklaces, "Our mother always told me that it was not to fall into the wrong when I..found our parents had been killed...I took the necklace and gave it to my sister knowing my mother wanted her to have it..I just never thought there would be one just like it." he said more puzzled and curious about everything. "They're exactly the same. I just heard mother mention that it was passed down from mother to daughter for..generations once..didn't think anything of it."

     Solstice just looked at her brother. Well she may not have gotten the chance to meet her parents...she seemed to feel a bit better about getting to know some things about her family. "So...your saying I'm..we're descendants of a powerful ancestor? I never thought about my ancestors before.." she said trying to think over things as she looked down slightly. Though Solstice never felt better to at least know something about her family.

     Namir on the other hoof just looked at his sister, "See? I told you that you were special. I never lied about that." he said nuzzling her a bit as she returned it. "Though I never asked about our ancestors...this is news to me as well. Good news that is. Maybe secrets are just a part of the family..I always knew mother and father kept some things from me when I was just a colt."

     "Scorn and us..are related? And he's a king?" she said out loud to herself as she looked up at the alicorn king. Though it made sense that Solstice didn't know this. She hardly even knew the stallion. Only spoke to him once, and that was when he asked for her to join his herd. That got her thinking. Was her and Azulia still a part of his herd? After what Trickster said back in the caverns..? She didn't know. That was the moment everything changed for Solstice. "I....have to marry..Dra...?" she said quietly in complete shock and terror.

     Namir just jumped in front of Solstice getting defensive as she just hid behind him slightly, "She will NOT marry that tyrant! She's too young for such a thing!" he snarled as his eyes started to glow red. Something that only happened whenever he got protective of anyone. Though for years he was only protective of his sister. Now it was more of the whole group. "He will kill her!" he said with a pound of his hoof. "If she was then Dra would have taken her instead of Eclipsetess," Namir then froze for a second, but his eyes still continued to glow for a second.

     " do you about Dra taking Eclipsetess. We never mentioned her.." Namir said as he looked back at Solstice then Azulia. It could Namir a long minute to calm himself as Solstice quietly begged him to. After that, both her and Namir were mainly silent. Once they had been..dismissed they just walked back over to the lounge as Azulia cantered ahead. Though Solstice just cantered to the only spot no one was in and laid down trembling. She couldn't help but to break out in tears.

     Namir just stood from afar as he watched Solstice. He couldn't even get his thoughts straight as he look at her. The stallion eventually looked at the others a saddened and angered expression on his face. "Just...give her time to be alone....we both need time to process this...this..." Namir didn't know how to word as he could feel his legs slowly begin to shake as he looked at his sister again. Solstice just used her wings to hide away her face as she sobbed ignoring those who came up to her. This couldn't be real could it?

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#262399 Posted on 2022-11-22 19:45:04

"Mmph, I'll go find a scroll from father, I'll be right back!" Cronsi said, he rushed out of the room as Azulia began to process everything, that was when the king returned, he then put down a scroll as his son came in behind him.

Cronsi stood next his dad as he had a scroll in his mouth, the king was much bigger then his son, which is confusing to Azulia but she didn't mind it as she walked up to Cronsi and took the scroll. It was new and it wasn't torn, someone had made a new scroll, and it couldn't have been the water queen, Oceanus looked up at the king, she then hissed and threw her tongue out at the king. He only laughed at her, why though?

Then Cronsi looked at his dad as he made Azulia back up, the real king had pushed the other king out of the room, the real king looked mad and he was really big compared to the other king.

"How did you get into here?! You ARE NOT ALLOWED IN MY KINGDOM! GET OUT!" the king hissed, then the other king got up as his magma coat was showing, then the previous coat disappeared as Dra stood there.

Dra had a hissing snake tongue, like Oceanus, then he used his chains to get Solstice, this time, his chains had runes on them, Azulia backed up as Cronsi did the same thing. Azulia was scared, then her horn glowed and it allowed her to bubble everyone, the king then used his magic to attack Dra first hand, then Cronsi joined.

The guards that were with the real king, had surrounded everyone as Dra looked at Solstice for a split second before looking at the king, he had no interest in Solstice as he mainly focused on the alicorn king, his son was powerful but not enough to stop Dra.

Though the guards did teleport everyone, Dra quickly glanced at Solstice and giving her a scary face with a forked tongue sticking out, he continued to look at her as she had the king in his chains. Then a quick snap was sound, though before Solstice teleported away..

Dra looked at her and only continued to stare at her, then he disappeared but not before he said anything..

"I will have you.." Dra paused, "I will claim you.." Dra again paused, "You are mine~" Dra spoke for the final time before Solstice disappeared with everyone else. The three guards just accompanied Solstice this time as she was wanted now..

"Man, I think we should work on those spells now, and I don't care if you don't want to. Because we need to or else your sister is gone!" Azulia shouted at Namir, Carrion was surprised by her manner as her eyes flashed many colors, and she used her magic to pin Namir.

When Azulia pinned Namir, she was beyond mad as her anger got the better of her, that's was when Faith came down, she came down from the heavens as Solstice was in danger, she was wanted and Dra knew her every location now.

"Solstice, you are coming with me to learn everything!" Faith shouted, her magic was considerably stronger then Azulia's and Namir's magic, including the alicorn king.

Though Faith had used her magic to teleport Solstice to the heavens, the clouds beaming with lightning and thunder, that indicates a horse is in trouble and they needed to stay there, Carrion didn't allow Solstice to go but Azulia was too angry and Faith had sealed her away in a magical star that will follow the group.

Oceanus bowed to Faith as she bowed to Oceanus, the wondeful sea pony had used her water magic to trap Namir in a water cell since he would be protective of Solstice to not go yet, though she did keep more of an eagle's eye to everything.

"Dra can use shadow magic now, one of his many magical abilities, this magic was sealed away for being powerful in stealth and ambush, only the hidden Isle of Jungles can only use this ability as Dra was an example of over-use of magic." Faith said, she then disappeared as she left a letter from Eclipsetess.

"Well now we are in deep crap now, and I'm not wrong about it!" Azulia said through the floating star, Carrion used his magic to keep Azulia near him as a star now.

"Namir, stay closer to the herd since Solstice is getting training in the heavens now." Carrion said, it sounded like he commanded Namir a bit.

Though Cronsi was one of the guards as he stayed next to Azulia who was happy with him, they probably would be happy in their herd with Scorn, though he was worried about everyone, and Trickster alerted him about it.

"Alright, then watch my herd as I'll be out to catch up with everyone else, and watch the new herd especially." Scorn demanded as he ran off and he used his dark magic to catch slowly with everyone.

Then as Carrion led the group that was now a herd to another Isle, though he did forget about this one, so he used the old map he summoned and looked at the Isles..

"Isle of Water, my birth home under the sea, the Isles are now separated, I need to scout before you all teleport." Oceanus said, it sound like it took days to even scout out the Isles, so Carrion had setted up the tents.

"I'll be back on the seventh day of this week, and if I'm not back, then something happened in my home or around my kingdom." Oceanus said before she disappeared into her real form and Carrion could see how she really looked as she looked up above the water.

Oceanus had no hair nor forelock, her tail was now a fin and she waved good by as she'll be back, though sometimes it took her hours if she was in a hurry.

"Oh and Namir, we had a flooding with Isle of Water, so now it is submerged and we cannot do anything about it, it is now a sea pony paradise for home." Carrion told Namir, he went to his tent as he made other tents, including the guards.

Carrion took Azulia into her own tent as Cronsi went in with her, he loved her company and she loved his company..

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#262402 Posted on 2022-11-22 20:44:44

     Solstice just sobbed in the corner of the room ignoring everything around her. Namir didn't know how to approach her or even talk to her. Though he could feel the anger slowly growing inside of him. He did not raise her to who she was today to marry Dra himself. He wouldn't allow it, but he also knew that he couldn't do anything to stop it. His magic wasn't near as close to his sister's. Even if he did consider fighting Dra, he knew it'd be sudden death.

      Namir had been pacing slightly until he heard someone yell. His head shot up as he looked in the direction of the voice. "Dra!" he snarled as his eyes glew a dark red color despite his eyes being brown. He looked Dra dead in the eyes even if Dra's attention wasn't on him. It was on Solstice. Namir wasn't quick enough to notice this as he looked over at Solstice, "Solstice! Get out of here! NOW!" he yelled at her in a demanding tone.

     Even when she heard someone yell, Solstice didn't budge until she heard her brother yell at her. She shakily got up and turned around to see chains with runes onto them headed straight for her and only her. Quickly, she managed to open up her wings, and fly up just before the chains crashed into the wall beside her. She was sure to keep flying eyeing her surroundings making it difficult for any more chains to grab hold of her if Dra sent more her way.

     Namir just kept his eyes on Solstice and Dra. He couldn't fight and he knew that. Instead he made sure he could protect Solstice whenever he could. Like he promised even if things got tough. Though that was when everyone but Solstice had been teleported elsewhere. Namir just looked around not seeing his sister, "He's going to kill her either way!" he yelled getting furious as Azulia pinned him. "She CAN'T marry him! Dra will torture her for the rest of her life! She's already been through enough as is!" Namir was more then furious, "Your just going to let that happen!?" No matter how much he tried to get loose, he couldn't. "And here I thought I trusted you all with my sister's life. It appears I was wrong." he hissed staring at them all out of pure anger.

     It wasn't long until Solstice realized everyone else disappeared except for her and..Dra. She hesitantly landed once more bring her wings in to her sides as she stood a far enough distance from him. She froze as he stared right through her. She couldn't think, speak, or move. Chills ran throughout her body until she too disappeared soon seeing she was back at the others only to see guards surrounding her and her brother being held. "What is going on!? Let him go!" she yelled as she looked at Azulia.

     "Solstice!" Namir said once he saw her. He took a small deep breath as he glared at Azulia, "You aren't hurt are you?" he asked even though Azulia didn't let him loose. 

     "Physically..yes...I think so..." she said when she was trembling on the inside. It felt like she was about to fall because her legs buckled in place because of how scared she was of everything. "It doesn't matter if all of this was happening or not. I need to learn my magic. I may not know much about magic, but I do know mine needs to be controlled." That was when Faith appeared as she was then again teleported to another place. Solstice was unsure of where Faith had sent her as she just looked down. She had just decided to lay down to calm her shaking body a bit.

     Namir just snorted, "You guys treat me like there's anything I can do about it. There isn't..." he sighed as he looked down, "If there was something..anything I would do it, but there isn't. My magic is no where close to being strong enough to even harm Dra in some way. Not even Cronsi was strong enough. I'm not a prisoner so stop acting like it. This is all far from my control.." Namir just snapped at that last bit. "Now let me out. There's nothing I can do if I wished to do it."

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#262464 Posted on 2022-11-23 12:53:14

(I'm twisting my own reply right now, I think I over-did it with the reply)

"Well, actually there's a way that YOU BOTH can harm or destroy Dra, you know how much anger bubbles inside you right?" Cronsi asked, Azulia stopped and apologized as she fell to the ground, she was crying all over as Oceanus tried to get her up, she wouldn't budge but only scream at her and to make her go away.

"Azulia.." Cronsi said, he knew that she was having a mental break down, and that would stop her if she was gonna continue to cry.

"Anyways, I know where Faith took Solstice, and that was The Heavens. It's a place where alicorns like Eclipsetess go to train on everything, I know that because I knew Eclipsetess as a little foal. She- was a Roaming Foal, a foal that was abandoned and that she was trying to find her herd, but they all vanished in thin air. I know this because I saw it happen, I saw her herd disappear when I and father were gathering rocks to train our guards up. And that was when I met Eclipsetess as she came bounding over with exhaustion. We took her in and trained her up until she was ready to go to the Heavens." Cronsi told Namir, Azulia then flew up into the air and didn't come down.

Oceanus walked over with the same agreement, she knew Eclipsetess's herd as well, and that they were actually leaving a certain Isle to go to the Isle of Dreams, where Golden Valley is located..

"Eclipsetess.. She's actually a Magma Pony, but she was forced to leave just before she was born, so she is an Unknown Pony, a rare horse that Dra wanted back in his kingdom, the Kingdom of Carnage.. Any horse that leaves Isle of Darkness just before they are born, they turn into alicorns of some breed. Even the god's and Faith do not know what Eclipsetess is, and she is now known as the Guardian of Night Unicorns, even though she's an Unknown Pony herself.. She wanted to protect Solstice anyways, she knew this, and the risk she was taking, Faith knew, the god's EVEN SOLSTICE'S PARENTS SOMEHOW!" Cronsi said again, he shouted at the end on accident.

Azulia perked up her head as tears still continued to fall, she was.. Stunned, surprised, confused, every emotion she felt reflected in her eyes, though dark blue was more common since she was sad, depressed, lonely.. Though lonely and depressed are different colors, they all blended to make a darker blue then normal..

"Eclipsetess is.. An Unknown Pony?" Azulia was still stunned as this reflected in her voice, Cronsi nodded his head, Everest was just confused and shocked.

"But I thought all Unknow Ponies are extinct? Because of how rare they are?" Azulia said in a confused look, she wanted more answers but she knew that Cronsi wouldn't give them, because he had none to give.

"No, they are still here, they are just hiding until Eclipsetess comes back and finds her herd of Unknown Ponies.." Cronsi's voice died off at the end, he couldn't say anything as he sat over next to Carrion, Azulia put her head on Namir's back to apologize for pinning him and everything, including being mad, she knew that he wouldn't forgive her, he wouldn't forgive any of them.

Though Azulia kept apologizing.. For everything.. And herself.. Primarily everything..

"I'm so sorry for everything, including dragging you both into this, you and your sister both, I know that we should've just stayed and protected you both when we had to almost fight Trickster and Carrion, even though he wouldn't do anything." Azulia giggled at the end, it was true that Carrion would do nothing as Trickster would do everything.

But then a loud neigh was heard, it sounded of Scorn's voice, he then ran down the hill and looked at everyone, he primarily looked at Namir and Azulia, he was glad that the two were safe.

"Oh thank the god's you two are safe! But- where's your sister?! And what happened?! Tell me EVERYTHING! And who are the rest? Except Carrion, he was a nice colt to have raised up, Trickster was more difficult." Scorn said, he revealed some information at the end and gasped when he said it.

"Azulia, why are you crying hun? Come here." Scorn said lovingly to Azulia, he knew she needed his hugs.

"And come here Namir, come get some hugs as well. You need it." Scorn told Namir, he forgot that his dark wings and horn were out, but power enimated at the wings and his horn, Azulia felt the power enimate from them.

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#262471 Posted on 2022-11-23 13:36:16

     Namir just mainly kept quiet still trying to process everything that had just happened..and what will happen to his sister. He just sighed, "I'm so confused..." he mumbled to himself as he shook his head, "I'm not sure if I entirely trust Faith with what we've learned about her and her feelings for Dra...but my sister is safer up there then she is down here..." he said as he went over everything that happened at the castle. 

     "Ugh we should have known better," he said before looking up at Azulia, "Remember when the king was speaking with us three...well Dra..and he mentioned Eclipsetess?" he paused, "It was Dra the entire time. We were speaking with Dra, and we didn't know it when we should have. We are the only ones that know he took Eclipsetess...Dra tricked us the whole time. He slipped up when he mentioned Eclipsetess, and we weren't smart enough to realize it..well we were too distracted by the news..." Namir then just looked back down.

     Namir didn't speak until he heard what the others were saying about Eclipsetess. How many lies was everyone keeping? "Solstice told me that Eclipsetess told her that she was born a alicorn because she was born on the rarest of nights I think.." Namir was just still trying to process everything halfway distracted by all the new information and what all just happened. "So she knew all of this already and still kept it from us? Solstice could of been in a safer place this whole time!" he snorted stomping his hoof a bit before he calmed back down.

     He just looked at them all, "Hello. Full sibling to Solstice right here. Not even our parents mentioned any of this to me." That's when it hit him. Namir just started to tear up slightly, "What if they left to try and prevent my sister's fate, and in result they were...killed..?" Namir just froze and it all became clear to him. His parents knew the entire time who Solstice was, and they hadn't been the only ones. Why no one said anything to help protect her, he had no idea, but it angered.

     Namir just snapped back into reality as he felt Azulia place her head on his back and apologized. He just sighed, "It is hard for me to trust others because of my sister. Though I trusted you, Eclipsetess, and the others when I saw that she had trusted you all. All of this was bound to happen Azulia, and there is or was no stopping it no matter how much we wish to...I just need to know that from now on I can trust you all. To trust that my sister will live if all of this is true.." he paused knowing it was since Dra was after Solstice, "That you'll help protect her when we do get to his kingdom? I care about her life more then my own.."

     That was when Namir turned when he heard another horse as one soon came into view. It was Scorn. Namir just looked at him with a bit of a confused look, "You don't know do you...? Faith took her to heaven...Dra is after her...." It was clear that Namir's voice was hurt and full of sorrow and pain. Namir just looked at the others preferring to tell Scorn everything that had previously happened. "I'll be fine..." he muttered before he turned around and laid down alone.

     Solstice just stood where she was. She didn't exactly know where she was, but it was clear the others hadn't come with her. Her body still trembling from the terror Dra had inflicted in her. His words still ringing in her ears. "W-where am I?" she asked unsure if anyone was around. "Namir..? Azulia..? Carrion..?" No response. Solstice just didn't move as she looked around. Her eyes still sore from her sobbing, and she tried to keep herself together some. She only wanted to see a familiar face.

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#262484 Posted on 2022-11-23 16:09:27

"Hello there little one, I see Faith has brought you to: The Heavens, it'll all be alright, though time does go faster here then down in the Isles, but you are safe from Dra. And you'll soon learn everything that a guardian will learn when they are new." the voice said, then there was an angel that appeared, the angel had almost a distorted tone in their voice but it sounded more angellic and clear.

"And do not worry Solstice, we are all here for you." Faith had said next, though her wings were out and she was happy, then other god's walked up next to Faith and the angel, they were all friendly and patient.

Though that was when Apollo arrived as he looked extremely busy, but he did arrive on time and then another God arrived as well, this time this god almost resembled Eclipsetess, but she was more knowledgeable and seemed to have a connection with Solstice.

"Hello little one, welcome to The Heavens! I am Eclipsetess's mother, though I was once mortal as well, until I earned a spot up here in heaven!" Eclipsetess's mother said, she seemed to sweet and gentle with her words, she even had a waning or waxing cresent on her chest, she did have spots all over her body and she seemed not to notice.


Though back down in the Isles, Scorn had acknowledged what Namir said, he was calm about it, not like the other's at all. He even suggested Namir to be extremely careful, like what Azulia used to do when she was a travelling foal as well. Though Azulia did walk up to Scorn and asked why he was even here, he just sighed and nuzzled her like a foal he had. Instead, all grown up.

"Technically your step-father since you did raise me after all." Azulia said in a calm manner, she seemed to act like Scorn a little bit, Scorn even chuckled at her before having her sit down with the other's.

"I'll be with you in a minute, I want to discuss everything with Namir first, if that's alright with you Namir." Scorn said, his eyes went from Azulia and the other's to looking at Namir.

Scorn then chose to sit down with Namir and wanted to discuss everything with him, even teach him a few tricks Scorn used to learn when he was a colt back then.

"Namir, if your sister is truly in The Heavens, then that place will move faster then here. I know everything, my great uncle used to be a guardian before he retired, what a man he was." Scorn reminisced, though he did discuss what Namir had said to him, though Scorn kept quiet about Dra, he knew something that the rest don't know and he would rather keep it that way.

"About the protection, real alicorn guards would use their magic to create a strong bubble that even Dra couldn't try to break, even though he's the most powerful horse, a simple alicorn bubble made from three guards would not break. Just don't tell anyone, alright?" Scorn told Namir, Dra hadn't attacked them since hours ago, but it felt like forever.

"What I have seen over the years from a colt to a stallion is what I do not want to share, I do not want to ever talk about Dra when I am around everyone, I just do not want to his name ever again. I hate the memories that I have.." Scorn mumbled the last bit to himself, though he tried to make it really quiet so Namir wouldn't hear.

"Plans? If there was planning from the "alicorn king", then Azulia's eyes would flash to a light red for a red flag from the king, meaning that there was something up. And that you should heed her eyes, because if she looks at anyone with light red eyes, that is a grave warning that you must fight immediately, even if you think the king is powerful." Scorn told Namir, Azulia did look at Namir and Solstice when the king was talking to them before.

"Actually when Dra is in a his hidden form and using his magic, then he is quite weak in his form, since he uses lot's of his magic to keep himself like he is. BUT if you see him with sweat coming off of his costume, attack immediately, give no question about it. Azulia knows this, I made her train when she was a foal." Scorn told Namir again, Azulia turned her head to look at Scorn when he said her name, but she was quickly distracted as Carrion offered her some food.

"And about the alicorn king, he's pretty friendly, he wouldn't argue with someone unless it was serious. But if he argued with someone he would still found sweet. And that's another thing that you need to heed." Scorn told Namir again, something at least something about the king of alicorns.

"Now, you all need to go to the Isle of Water, where Oceanus lives. But since the Isle was flooded over, like the City of Atlantis, since it is a kingdom after all as well. You would need her anyways, unless you want to skip an important Isle? Oceanus's sibling's would love to see you all and give you a couple days of relaxtion!" Scorn said, it sounded like Dra would never do near the Isle of Water.

"Oh it just dawned on me! Dra would never go near the Isle of Water, because he is a magma pony, so he would easily get destroyed, but he would be able to reform back at his kingdom, since he cursed himself with immortality and other things as well." Scorn said, he sounded happy but he quickly changed to an unsure tone at the end.

Azulia was just happy though she did flip a fish onto her snout, then she accidentally missed and the cooked fish landed on Scorn's head, mostly his forelock as the fish faced forward since the fish's head was facing Namir when the fish landed on Scorn's head.

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#262493 Posted on 2022-11-23 17:19:48

     Solstice just jumped a bit when she heard a voice out of nowhere. Where it came from she had no idea since she didn't see anyone. Until a angel appeared. She just took a small step back unsure and still startled by everything. Dra's name being mentioned only seemed to her a bit more shaken up. They must have mistaken her for someone else. She couldn't marry him. She wouldn't, but then she remembered what Dra had told her, Namir, and Azulia while he disguised himself. Solstice didn't have a choice to. 

     "Faith!" Finally a familiar face! Solstice was about to run up to her like a little filly reunited with her mother, but she just stayed put when she saw the others stand beside Faith. She just lowered her head slightly as she looked at Faith, "It's not true is it..?" she shakily asked, "I'm not supposed to marry....marry...him am I..?" Solstice couldn't say the name. Not after the terror he inflicted inside of her when Dra had locked eyes on her as he spoke. 

     Solstice then looked over as one of the others began to talk. The mention of Eclipsetess caused her to look down fully, "He took her...he took Eclipsetess.." she mumbled. She couldn't take any more pain. The truth about her parents, Dra taking Eclipsetess, finding out she had to marry him, and now being in The Heavens. For once Solstice would rather be with her birth herd then all of this. She had the most powerful and evil horse out hunting her. Solstice wasn't entirely convinced that she was safe, but she just looked up at Faith again unsure of the others were.

     Meanwhile Namir just snorted a bit, "I'd rather not talk about it, but I don't have a choice do I? We only seem to talk then act." The last time Namir was in a mood like this was when he found his parents dead. Sure he did have some..issues, but he never thought he would be in this mood again. "Where to start." Namir's voice was still clearly hurt, but it was also a bit rude. The stallion was just going through a lot, but what made it worse was that Namir wouldn't know what was happening to Solstice while they were separated.

     Namir told him most of everything had happened. Some things he couldn't bring himself to say. He even struggled mentioning his sister every once in awhile. "She's too young to marry. Too young to marry that tyrant." he snapped wanting to just end Dra himself before he got the chance to lay a hoof on his sister. It was clear that Namir had a bunch of different emotions flowing inside of him. Anger, sorrow, guilt.

     "You think I like him either? He's after my sister. I already almost lost her once, but thankfully didn't because of Carrion. I can't let that happen again." Namir snorted. "Wished I would have known that sooner. Don't know why he didn't just take her when he had the chance. That stallion has a poor choice of words and we didn't realize it was him. Unless he's playing us."

     Namir just looked at Scorn eventually as he slowly got up, "I can't relax. Never was one of my strong suits anyways. I'd rather be left alone right now." Namir then just walked a few feet away and just laid back down facing away from everyone. He just needed to think in silence. If only he knew these things sooner then he could have done a better job of protecting Solstice. Instead when he thought he was good at protecting her, he really wasn't. He didn't read the signs as they were given to him, and now Faith had taken Solstice away. For good reasons, but it still caused the stallion like a arrow had been shot through his heart.

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#262501 Posted on 2022-11-23 17:53:30

"I'm.. Sorry Solstice.. We have one choice; and that was keeping the legend a secret about you marrying him, if I stayed with him then he would've killed me and still would have gone after you.." Faith could hardly speak to Solstice, she was disappointed in herself and everyone knew that, she was the God of faith and prayer.. Yet she couldn't hide the legend anymore.

"If we make a new legend, I'm sure that-" Faith was interrupted, "Faith, the water queen is dead, all her lost scrolls are scattered in every Isle. We can't do anything, not even Oceanus can do anything about it, she wasn't secretly trained in writing new scrolls to make everyone think the legend was a hoax, nor even real.." the god said as he cut into the conversation.

"The tide's have set, the water is clear and it's set in motion, we cannot do anything about my scrolls, we are forever in a loop caused by carnage. We are the pawns and Dra is the puppeteer." the queen of water riddled, she came up behind Solstice and calmed her down instantly.

"Dear child, do not fear the maker of water, though Poseidon gave me the abilities and power to control water, I would die if I was ever touched by magma outside of my home." the water queen said.

"That stallion was trouble and you all knew, you could have killed him on the spot and become demons while Hades ruled with an iron fist. That's the rule you have made yourselves, now follow it! Yet you just decided no and let Dra even have a kingdom." the water queen paused for a short break.

"He lied, broke your rules, tore the Isles in half, and drowned my kingdom. Yet you still let him run around like it's nothing? Hades is better then you all!" the water queen said, even though she made riddles, she was right aout everything and this made the god's realized that they are terrible and everyone would be better with Hades then Zeus or Poseidon could ever be better then him.

"Sorry for the yelling hun, but I am right about everything, I have seen since I died. We sea ponies are a bit immortal, given the power by Zeus on accident and now we can age and die better, but still immortal yes. But this doesn't make us able to die by accident. Only someone that hated me more would kill me and let Oceanus be the new queen while my old scrolls still roamed in people's heads and be real." the water queen told Solstice, she was careful not to talk it onto her face.

"Ah I'm riddling again, sorry about that hun, but we need you to unlock your origin magic now. So we'll see you when you come back almost exactly like a guardian!" the water queen told Sosltice.

She lifted her in a bubble and teleported her inside the guardian school, then the bubble popped and Solstice was greeted with guardians in training, though they knew the reason that she was there..

As the guardians teacher's and the guardians principle at the school told Solstice everything and she needed to learn that, then he teleported her into a classroom that she would like, the teacher made her tell who she was and what her purpose was her.

Then she was teleported back, but the teacher made every student teleport their book to their seats and one student waited for Solstice to do the same then they would pair up after that and yeah.


Though down in the Isles, it began to turn dark and Oceanus had put up a barrier, she even casted a spell on her that would rejuvenate her magic quicker and made her use more magic to make the barrier stronger. Though she did stop and made sure that no one would be able to cross from the far away Isle that was there and after that one or one more was Dra's Isle, Isle of Darkness, and where his kingdom was. Isle of Carnage.

Azulia made a tent as she walked into it while the other's settled down somewhere and teleported the tent onto them.. Though Cronsi stayed near Azulia's tent but he had the perfect spot to watch everything!

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#262524 Posted on 2022-11-23 20:03:30

     "But he'll kill me! He'll kill Eclipsetess!" she said yelling a bit. "All I wanted was to be in a herd that loved me...I didn't want any of this..." Solstice just started tearing up again. Her life was always filled with pain and rejection, but now it was just way worse. Never did she imagine someone like Dra hunting her. Or even anyone searching each isle for her at that. "What's making a new legend going to do...?" she muttered not even bothering to look up at them. At that point she had lost all hope.

     "Does everyone know about me and what's going on then..?" she asked before she jumped when she heard a voice from behind her. Though she was quickly comforted by the unknown mare. Solstice just silently thought for a moment, "Carrion...he had one of your scrolls..I only heard the others talking about it slightly before I fell asleep after Dra ambushed us the first time.." she said looking at Faith and the others before looking at the water queen.

     Solstice then fell silent as the water queen spoke. Somehow she understood and agreed with her. Though she couldn't help but to worry about Namir and the others. "Dra might still be following my brother and the others if he thinks I'm still with them...w-who's knows what he'll do to them when he sees I'm not with them.." Solstice began to fear for the worst. She knew her brother cared about her life more then his own, but she didn't want to loose the only family she had left..if he even was. She wasn't entirely sure at that point. 

     That was when the water queen had put her in another bubble. Why was it always bubbles? Solstice wasn't even sure how many she had been put in since everything started to go wrong. Suddenly, she was teleported someplace new. How many she had been teleported as well, she also didn't know. Though Solstice just looked around unsure of where she was. The only thing she wanted was to see a familiar face, but she got the feeling that wasn't going to happen.

     Solstice just looked down unsure about all the attention she was getting from guardian's in training before she had been teleported once again into some classroom. She just kept her head lowered and her wings tight against her sides since she was still shaken up from everything, just not nearly as much. Solstice just hesitated before she quietly spoke, "I'm Solstice...but all I know is that I'm supposed to marry..marry...Dra..." it took her time to spit out the words as she just froze for a second before she even realized what she was supposed to do. It took two attempts at summoning her book since she had only done it once or twice in the past. It made her remember how little she knew about magic, and the little magic she could do. 

     Namir just stayed where he was making small movements every now and then. He just wanted to at least know how his sister was doing currently. He never worried about her as much when he left her previous times because he knew what she was going through with the herd, but now he knew nothing. Just knowing if she was in The Heavens and that she was safe would make him feel a whole lot better then what he felt at the time.

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