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#14501 Posted on 2016-03-03 17:19:56

Sadly my favorite linearts can't be used to sell designs and such on, and I don't know what to do with the designs I make on them, so I'll start offering them for Write-to-adopts. It's an easy little way for them to get used, and members who can't always afford to buy characters, to get them using writing!

1. No inappropriate behavior (being mean, fighting, stealing, etc.)
2. You can only win one character/design, so choose carefully!
3. You may NOT copy other member's stories/ideas nor stories that have been written somewhere for separate write-to-adopts! (you will be banned if I see that you do this)
4. Characters/designs cannot be resold, traded, nor given away. They can be revamped so long as my credit remains. If you no longer want your character/design please GIVE IT BACK.

How to Enter:
To enter you must specify which character/design you are entering for and write a background/story for them. It can be ANYTHING. It does not have to be realistic. However, stories but have proper grammar and punctuation and may not be shorter than 10 sentences.

Available for adoption:
(Use the provided description listed next to each link when specifying which character/design you are writing for.) - Won by Oswin! - Won by Airstruck!

Last edited on 2016-03-25 at 13:42:57 by wey™

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#14513 Posted on 2016-03-03 17:34:11

Strawberry roan tobiano (I'm going to call it Red Bird for now )

Red Bird was cantering the wind rustling his long red hair. He whinnied happily as his rider erged him to go faster, he sped up to a canter. His rider "Sam" clicked her tounge and he leapt forward with a gallop and raced on around the track. They wanted to race, they've wanted to do this there entire life. Red Bird loved running, when he was younger(he's now 8) he would gallop around the paddock just for fun. Sam let the reins loose and he sped up even more galloping at full speed. He knew he could be a racehorse, he was a thoroughbred. He snorted as he crossed the finish line and whinnied loudly. Sam laughed and slowed him down, he stopped and pranced around in a small circle breathing hard after his speedy run. Once they were done celebrating his new speed record she untacked him and brushed and washed every inch of his sweaty body. The cool water felt very refreshing on his hot skin. After a big day Red Bird went to his stall and ate his hay and grain.

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#14546 Posted on 2016-03-03 18:50:57

can you enter for both

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#14574 Posted on 2016-03-03 19:57:52

Yep! But you can only win one :)

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#14586 Posted on 2016-03-03 20:49:32

ok thanks will edit with entries!

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#14594 Posted on 2016-03-03 21:20:35

sounds good!

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#14625 Posted on 2016-03-03 22:14:16

> o > im gonna enter for the roan

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#14655 Posted on 2016-03-03 23:00:42

eeep yay zell!

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#14895 Posted on 2016-03-04 14:07:17

Strawberry roan tobiano... oh good lawrd... soo purty ♥
Redd paced outside the thick forest, the wind ruffling his thick winter coat. The stallion huffed. His eyes darted from side to side, looking for a particular stallion. A scent wafted up to Redd's nose, and he stopped mid-step. A familiar buckskin splash pelt emerged from the thick trees. "Welcome." the small stallion murmured, his voice like a purr. "Redd, was it?" Redd gulped. "Y-yes, sir." he stammered, wincing at the long, thankfully sheathed, sword hanging from the other horse's side. "Well?" prompted the stallion. "Do you really wish to join me?" the buckskin said, his eyes a menacing light greenish-blue. Redd nodded, suddenly wishing he hadn't said 'yes' when the stallion had visited him, in shadow, in last night's dream. Now he finally got to see his cold eyes, his long sword, his scarred pelt. Redd followed the horse into the forest, clumsily dodging trees while the other stallion swerved gracefully around them. "What's your name?" the spotted roan stallion dared to ask. The buckskin splash appaloosa paused. The bandit mask marking on his face glowed black against the silvery tree trunks, along with his black lower legs. "Banditaro." he grumbled, quickly walking ahead. "Wait!" Redd whispered, careful not to talk too loudly. "You-you are th-the Lord of-of Bandits, rr-right?" Redd stammered, his earlier quietness gone as he backed up, bumping into trees. Banditaro grinned an evil grin. "Yes." he whispered. "And you can't leave now. We wouldn't want anyone else to learn about Ekhian's plans, would we?" he said, his voice icy cold and mocking. Redd turned and tried to run, only to be slowed by the thick trees. They seemed to have gotten... thicker. He was trapped. "I'll just have to kill you now. A pity, really. I would have loved to see the look on Ekhian's face when he realized that you weren't as brave as he thought. That's why I don't want to kill you now, but eh, oh well." the Bandit Lord jeered, inching closer to the terrified Redd. The red roan stallion turned and fled, his legs buckling every time they hit a tree. But somehow he managed to stay upright, running for his life until he got out of that evil place. He only stopped for a heartbeat before thundering off, heading someplace far away. But Banditaro's parting words echoed in his head, even though he hadn't had time to say anything before Redd had ran. Was the evil stallion walking in his thoughts now? Redd shook his head as the words rang out, eerily clear: "You cannot leave, Redd. He will hunt you down and kill you, if I don't first." And somehow, Redd knew that by "he", the stallion had meant Ekhian, the evil leader of a group of savage minor, or in Banditaro's case, lords and goddesses that wanted to take over the palace of the gods. Two years later, those words came true. Redd was killed in the great battle between Ekhian and the gods, but hardly anyone heard his scream of terror as Banditaro found him and killed him in cold blood before returning to the battle...
Yeah, sorry this turned into more of a scary story, but eh >:D

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 10:08:00 by Ω ℛǡptorfanℊ™

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#15529 Posted on 2016-03-05 14:55:11

Flea-bitten Gray
New Name: Aphmau
The gray was cantering in a small circle, It was raining outside. The owner was whipping him. He screamed out for help, but nobody came. He finally broke out of the nasty mans grip. He fled as fast as his legs could, heading toward the North field, the corn field. As soon as he got there, corn husks brushed against his legs, he was trotting through the crowded field. He broke out at a gallop after the field cleared. He was now heading for the prairie, The most dangerous part of the area in which he lived. After he got to the prairie, it was dark out. He laid down to take a nap. In the middle of the night he heard laughing, He opened his eyes to see a brown haired boy looking at him. The boy helped him up to his feet. He lead him to a close barn.
One month later
He was retrained to think less spooky. He became the 5 best cross country jumper in Israel. His owner tried to get him back, but the boy called the animal police on him.

Last edited on 2016-03-24 at 04:41:40 by Airstruck Arabian&TWH

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#15771 Posted on 2016-03-06 00:49:19

Strawberry Roan Tobiano:
Red hung his head as he trudged through the mud-caked paddock. It was feeding time. He looked at his owner, with the dirty feed bucket in his hand. He finished his feed and was immediately dragged away to the round pen. There he was made to run for minutes on end. He stopped, and got smacked hard.
"Stupid horse!" Red's owner screeched. Down came the whip again and it drew blood.

A few months later Red was loaded into a truck. He was heading to the market.
They arrived and he was unloaded. She brushed him up roughly and pulled him into the ring. The whites were showing in his eyes, and after 5 minutes with no bids, he got scared.
"Last call! Going... Going..."
"I'll take him! $50?" A little girl shouted.
"$50 over there! Going... Going... Gone!"

Red was relieved. As his owner lead him out he saw the girl. She took him and walked him to her mum. She was horrified. Then Red saw love in her eyes.

They grew to love each other, and a few years later Emily (The girl) entered him into a show. He got first place in 5 out of 10 of his classes.

Fleabitten Grey:
Once there was a fleabitten grey pony named Toddy. Toddy was a very successful eventer. Once Toddy ran, Toddy ran away and got injured, so he was off work for a few months. Toddy had/has many different riders, and not all of them were nice. But now he is retired.

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#15801 Posted on 2016-03-06 08:20:43

I didn't really look at other entries, so forgive me if this is similar to someone's.
Strawberry Roan Tobiano

A mare reclined gratefully in a bed of soft, sweet hay. The large stall was a cozy, safe place for her new foal. The foal looked around curiously, spending much time staring at the strange two-legged creature at the stall door. The farmer, looking at the foal happily, whistled between his teeth. He again looked from the mother to the filly, a happy, questioning expression on his face. "How did you do that, Sweety Pie? You're a bay mare, not a strawberry." He chuckled, looking once again to the pretty filly sprawled in the hay. It was a happy moment for all, everyone contented, warm, and carefree.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A rough fist pounded on the farmhouse door. Sweety Pie's ears swivelled in that direction, nonchalantly casting a curious look at the barn wall. All seemed good and safe here. If only she knew what was coming from that rough pounding. The filly tossed her mane, kicked her heels, and dashed around the large stall. Sweety Pie made sure the stall latch was locked (she had been trained to unlatch and latch her stall doors).
"Farmer Reede, open this door!" When the door creaked open slowly, the gruff man shouting and pounding stared at Reede with beady black eyes. "Reede, you were given time three weeks ago to get your stuff and clear out. You can't pay the bills, and you know it, so the government is forcing you out. But it's been obvious you've made no move to even start gathering your things."
"Mr. Jellt, believe me, I woulda moved out if I could of. You see, a week after you gave me that warning, my mare gave birth to the cutest darn filly you've ever seen. If you go inside, you'll see that my things are just about all packed up. I'd be gone if it weren't for that there filly."
Jellt grew mad at this. "You coulda just put them horses in a trailer and brought 'em with ya!" His anger let his accent leak through, the one he had worked on taming for years. He didn't let Reede respond, but instead grabbed his collar and threw him onto the ground. Jellt's henchman cuffed Reede's hand and began to lead him away. Reede saw Jellt give an crooked grin as he pulled a matchbox from his pocket.
"Sweety Pie, run! Get your filly away! They're gonna burn you! RUN, SW-"
Jellt's henchman slapped his hand over Reede's mouth, harshly whispering, "You had a chance to save your horses, Reede. Now you'll watch them burn."
Sweety Pie had heard Reede shout, but didn't understand it. She returned her gaze back to her filly, who was trying to chomp on some hay. It kept poking her face, and every time it did, the filly would kick her heels and bolt. Sweety Pie found it amusing. Suddenly, something crackled at the front of the barn. The mare, sensing the danger, looked back. Fire! Desperately, she tried three time to unlatch the stall door. It wouldn't budge. Finally, on the fourth try, the door swung open. The filly, seeing open space, immediately darted out to gallop around the barn aisle.
Sweety Pie whinnied to her filly, who came to her side reluctantly. They headed towards the back of the barn, where another door stood. The fire was burning the dry barn up quick as a whip, and had already taken their stall into it's fiery hold. They reached the back door. It was locked, and Sweety Pie let out a loud neigh as she reared and slammed her hooves down on the latch. Again, and again, and again; the fire drew nearer and nearer with each ring of hoof against steel.
Click! The latch fell off, but the fire was almost upon them. Sweety Pie nudged the door open, then turned to get her filly out. The filly stood staring at the fire, the whites of her eyes showing. It was searing hot, so close to them it was. Mesmerized and terrified, the filly wouldn't budge. She refused to move forward. But the moment a flame lapped on her hind legs, she bolted out the door. Sweety Pie began to hurry after her, but the flames that had licked the filly's hindlegs now crawled up Sweety Pie's back. She let out a terrible scream as she fell. She was seen no more as the flame engulfed over her body. Her screams and whinnies went on until the filly knew she was no more.
Desperate, the filly dashed for the wilderness like a mad horse, screaming a stallion scream and casting long glances back at the tower of flame that her mother had become a part of.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A beautiful strawberry roan mare grazed among mustangs. Even someone not intelligible in horse breeds would be able to distinguish between the tough looking mustangs and the sleek mare. All the horses were on edge. A whirring sound, like an aeroplane, came from the sky. But it was too loud for a plane. No! It wasn't! For a plane zoomed down on them, almost flying on the horses. Dirt flew as pellets slammed against the ground. In a terror, the horses quickly took off as one. They ran for miles and miles, more than an hour of pure running. The plane never tired. Finally, the horses thought they had overcome. The plane veered away, letting a few shots scatter against the ground. Many horses had fallen from those shots. They were free from the aeroplane! Free at last! No, no. They weren't. Trucks took up the chase, men throwing ropes around tiring horses. The ropes carried heavy, bouncing tires that weighed a horse down while scaring it.
The mare didn't want to succumb to these human tormentors. Her mind flashed back to the sound of Jellt's voice and the flames taking her mother. Looking at the hills, the mare knew what to do. With a loud neigh to her herd, she veered from the truck's path, headed for the mountains. Her herd didn't follow. They didn't have the strength to go on. The mare's energetic nature and endurance had kept her long enough to get to the safety of the hills. She turned and watched as bruised, shot, tired horses were tripped and hauled away. She slipped again into the mountains, where she continued to outsmart humans. She lived out the rest of her days as a happy, wild, intelligent mare. Or was she not wild? For many claim to have seen a strawberry mare trekking to a cabin in the mountains where a farmer named Reede took up residence.

The End.

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#16137 Posted on 2016-03-06 22:55:05

Oswin ohmygosh that was amazing. Especially the part about the fire (not amazing, but it actually gave me emotion), I loved it ♥

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#16483 Posted on 2016-03-07 17:47:54

Thank you. ♥ I decided to keep her nameless. :) I got very involved with this adorable little pretty pon. ♥

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#18495 Posted on 2016-03-12 18:15:50

When will this end? :)

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