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#193689 Posted on 2018-11-09 15:23:16

"I don't know, can you?" Floyd teased, although his flushed face betrayed his almost calm tone, and the fact that he almost dropped James' in surprise really wasn't helping his facade. 

"...No?" She croaked uncertainly, and one of the softer, gentle voices (whom she often referred to as Penn, for he reminded her of one of her old friends) spoke up above the others. He has good intentions, Katherine. He hummed, voice buzzing pleasantly. Neither of you seem to be all that good at conversing about anything important, though. Kaylee thought about this for a minute, mumbling out a little "The door's open." In the direction of Mason's voice.

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#193691 Posted on 2018-11-09 15:43:18

 "Probably not to be honest," James squeaked out quietly. He spent what felt like hours, though it was really only a couple heartbeats, debating what to do, before finally shoving most of his doubts away and shakily cupping Floyd's face (his other hand was holding on to the taller boy for dear life). Half a heartbeat passed. James leaned forward, trembling beyond control at this point (though it's not like he had any control over it to begin with), and softly pressed his lips against Floyd's, pale eyes fluttering shut.

 With a deep breath, Mason opened the door and stepped inside, stopping directly inside the doorway. He gazed down at Kaylee quietly, his murky eyes taking in her tiny, miserable form. After a few wordless moments, he spoke. "I should apologize, shouldn't I?"

Last edited on 2018-11-19 at 09:44:00 by Raptor

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#194310 Posted on 2018-11-19 09:19:54

He looked up as Denver approached, then stood as he started to walk away. Auberon glanced over at Kahlen, and after thinking for a moment took her hand. 

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#196653 Posted on 2018-12-11 09:44:47

Ashley made her way through the crowded cabin in which she had spent the night, a bemused look on her face. She still didn't understand anything that the horse-man had told her. That was mainly why she had stayed in the cabin for so long---she didn't want to face what was outside.
Instinctly, she reached down and scooped up the large white goose, kissing his head affectionatly. Ash took a deep breath, checked behind her to see if Tiger, Devil, and Thanksgiving were there, and stepped outside. She blinked as her eyes grew adjusted to the light.
So it was true. She hadn't imagined last night.

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#196656 Posted on 2018-12-11 10:11:27

Kahlen mentally shook herself off. It's fine.

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#196684 Posted on 2018-12-11 15:31:17

"Can you hurry up, please? I want to go see James." She wasn't sure if she was surprised or not at how hard it was to get Alex out of bed. 

He rubbed Rhyme's head, sitting on the bed in his temporary room, staring at the wall. Beau was feeling a bit disoriented. Mildred had claimed to believe he'd been in an accident. But he didn't seem to be injured. The only thing amiss was his memory loss. Wouldn't he have a killer headache if he had somehow hurt his head - a bump or bruise or something? Beau sighed and fell onto his back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. Was there a town nearby? Maybe he could go inquire about his identity or recent accidents. 

He sat down at the desk in the master bedroom and withdrew a piece of parchment and a pen. After tapping the pen thoughtfully, he wrote a quick message back to camp. 
I hired a monster bodyguard. He's pretty chill. 
How are things at camp?
- Noah" 

He folded it, wrote his brother's name on the front, and walked down the stairs. He put it on the altar, mumbled a quick prayer to his father, and watched it disappear.

The Aphrodite girl had done her work. Nikkol was now garbed in jeans and a camp T-shirt. Her leather shoes had been replaced with sneakers. Nikkol felt a little scandalous, as this kind of dress was reserved for men and men only in her time (though the style and fabrics were vastly different). She sighed, studying her reflection in the mirror. The Aphrodite girl had not only given Nikkol new clothing, but had insisted on doing her hair as well. Apparently this included washing it in the sink, blow dying it (that machine was mildly terrifying to Nikkol and mighty suspicious), and then running a brush through, which was just being finished. Nikkol assumed that would be all, but then the girl started to style it. Nikkol sighed, knowing that trying to protest would be useless. A few minutes later, Nikkol's mouse brown hair had two braids in it that connected in the back. Nikkol stood. "Are we finished?" The Aphrodite girl stepped back and studied her for a moment, then reached into her bag (Nikkol wasn't sure where it had come from and suspected she had stored it in the bathroom). She pulled out a small container and put some light perfume on Nikkol, then nodded. "Done. You look a lot more normal now." Nikkol nodded and reached down for her spear, exiting the bathroom quickly before the girl decided she wasn't quite finished.

"I captured some of your pieces," Auberon commented, glancing back at the game of checkers on the ground. 

Freddie twisted the wooden cube in her hands. The light of her surroundings was all she could make out, and some blurred colors/shapes, but it was frustrating trying to see more clearly. "Are we almost there yet?"

After typing a response to an email, he reached over and pressed his little intercom button. "What do you think we should do for lunch?" It wasn't exactly lunchtime yet, but he was getting hungry.

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#197233 Posted on 2018-12-16 20:48:01

She thrummed her fingers on her jeans, scooting into a half laying position on the steps and staring at the sky boredly. "How fun we are" she mumbled to herself sarcastically.

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#197311 Posted on 2018-12-17 14:29:32

 "Yeah, the door's right-," Jimmy began as they turned into the room, only to cut himself off when a letter suddenly fell from the air above them. His hand instinctively shot out to catch it, glancing at the front of it to make sure it was supposed to go to him - it was - before pushing Freddie's chair the rest of the way into the room. "Noah sent a letter. Gimme a sec to read it and then I'll start the movie," he informed her distractedly, already working on tearing open the envelope. Inside was a short, simple message, which was relieving given how quickly things could change for the worse for demigods. He flipped it over and picked up a pencil from the ground nearby, starting on his response; he was barely able to write with what little lead it had left but somehow managed to do so.
Things are going well I guess. Not much has happened since your last letter. Me and Fred are watching a movie. Well, we're about to.
A monster bodyguard? That's sick dude! I might need to look into one of those if I'm gonna be president of our cabin.
Side note, isn't that kind of what Chiron is? Just think about it.
- Jim"

 Ethel came to a stop, turning to look back over her shoulder. "You two coming or what?," she demanded, huffing impatiently as she resumed walking (it was more like stomping, in truth).

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#197332 Posted on 2018-12-17 15:51:38

She nodded and waited, kicking her legs back and forth. Somehow, Freddie managed to actually do the cube right. She took it apart to start again, trying to remember how she had gotten there. Between her various fidgeting, however, it was almost impossible for her to figure out. She mentally shrugged and mixed it up again. 

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#197347 Posted on 2018-12-17 17:03:44

 He slipped the letter back into the envelope, crossing out his name and replacing it with Noah's. "Remind me to go set this on fire after we're done with the movie, alright?"

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#197396 Posted on 2018-12-18 04:07:57

"...for wanting to have a life outside of me? No, Mase, you... you shouldn't have to feel like you need to apologize." Her voice trembled as she fisted her hands in her duvet cover, feeling the soft threads tear under her frustration. If I could just grow up and understand that not everything about my dumb, selfish self then- oh god, forget it.

"I- yeah, sorry." 

"Alright, alright, just let me check my hair-" He snickered as Jade gave him a well deserved whack to the arm. "I'm kidding, babe. Lead the way."

Last edited on 2018-12-18 at 12:24:54 by The Gaiaphage

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#197443 Posted on 2018-12-18 14:19:10

"Okay. Can we start the movie now?" Freddie shoved the cube into her pocket and looked around (with her hands) for her soda. She found it and took a sip.

"Is there anybody you want to tell before we leave?" Jade slung her bag over her shoulder and checked to make sure her sword was secure before exiting her cabin. 

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#197747 Posted on 2018-12-23 18:17:55

She started randomly counting clouds in her head out of boredom while waiting impatiently to see what would next happen. After she got bored of that she started counting how many years she'd been around... too many really.

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#198380 Posted on 2019-01-07 12:26:27

Floyd made a soft noise of surprise, and although he couldn't move for fear of dropping James he shifted their weight a little bit, dodgily maneuvering so he could wrap his arms around James' waist a little easier without breaking the kiss. "So I guess this is goodbye for now, huh?" He mumbled after they pulled back, sure his face was just as red as his boyfriends. 

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#198505 Posted on 2019-01-11 14:10:49

 Jim hummed in response, grabbing a chair for himself and sitting down before turning another chair around to face them. He set the object he'd gotten from his cabin - the old DVD player - down on it, flipping it open and powering it on, squinting slightly as the bright screen blinked to life and cut a path of light through the darkness of the room. He popped the disk into the device, tapping his foot with slight impatience as he waited for it to load.

 He sighed, walking over to her and wordlessly sitting down next to her. After a moment, he carefully pried her hands from the fabric, still without speaking a word. When he was finished saving the comforter, he exhaled quietly and looked away, focusing his eyes on the door and not taking them off of it. "I just-... If you die, you'll hurt everyone you leave behind, Kaylee. And they might not ever get over that hurt. I mean, some do, but others...," He trailed off, seemingly lost in thought. "I know you know that, but just keep it in mind, alright kid? Don't want anyone following in my footsteps and, y'know, ruining everything and then running away from all their problems, never to be seen again and probably presumed dead. Not a good career choice."

 "Yeah," James breathed in response, the subject matter horribly offset by the big, dorky grin he wore. He squirmed from Floyd's arms, feet hitting the ground with a light thud. He opened his mouth to speak, but got distracted by movement near the Poseidon cabin; his eyes drifted in its direction, somehow brightening even more than they already were when he spotted Jade. He turned back to his boyfriend, already beginning to move away. "Bye Floyd!," he chirped, hastily waving as he turned and sprinted in the direction of his sister. He skidded to a stop once he reached her, brushing back his windblown hair with one hand, greeting her with his still-present smile. "Hey sis! What's-...," He paused to catch his breath, "What's going on?"

 "I'd sure hope so," Ethel half-joked, slowing down slightly as she waited for them to catch up. "The world's already gonna be in the process of ending by the time we leave camp."

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