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Any Fish-Keepers Out There?

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Any Fish-Keepers Out There?

#136503 Posted on 2017-12-25 14:37:29

I recently saw a post about someone who keeps bettas, and it sparked my interest as to how many people here keep fish?ย 

I currently have three tanks. My ten gallon is home to a betta named Owen [otherwise affectionately called "Dumb Fish"]; my five gallon is home to my betta Zach. I have a 50 gallon that currently houses a GloTetra, a Platy, young common goldfish, and a juvenile albino bristlenose pleco. I am planning on rehoming the goldfish to someone with a pond, and am giving the tetra to my friend who is starting a tank with that species soon. I'm keeping the other two fish and adding two rainbow cichlids once I'm done redoing the tank.ย 

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#136504 Posted on 2017-12-25 14:43:03

I have an Oscar and a smaller Cichlid of some kind (it's blue).
I'd also like to add that I'm not a fish enthusiast of any kind lol - I just happen to own them.

Last edited on 2017-12-25 at 14:46:11 by Merry Raptor โ™‘

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#136507 Posted on 2017-12-25 14:57:12

*Pops in*

I have a Cichlid with a pretty unique story c: (At least to me)

I originally bought a pair, but he killed his companion within a week. But once he was alone he stopped eating, and would just float at the bottom of the tank. I ended up buying an algae eater to help keep the tank clean-ish. He perked right up and went back to his happy self! He digs holes in the rocks, spits the rocks against the walls, chases you across the tank, all this stuff. His friend died and the same behavior took over, depression basically. He currently is in a tank with two feeder goldfish, and he's half blind due to age. But he's still my friend and follows me when he can see me, and spits rocks against the walls all the time.

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#136509 Posted on 2017-12-25 14:58:41

Lucifer - Aw, that's so cute. :> What's his name?
Raptor - xD I'm very much a fish enthusiast lol

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#136512 Posted on 2017-12-25 15:09:19

His name is Jayy c: (I have an obsession with the name Jayy, lols)

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#136515 Posted on 2017-12-25 15:36:10

I have a betta named Flipper, and in the past I've had 4 other bettas. Two when I was 12, and 2 more this past year who passed away.

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#136526 Posted on 2017-12-25 16:37:31

Mine also spit rocks at the walls; it must be a Cichlid thing. c;

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#139166 Posted on 2018-01-06 00:33:01

I have a betta name Armeon. He's the cutest thing ever. (Yes I'm one of those people that think fish are just so cute.) And I've had him now for a year! ๐Ÿ’™ I'm trying to convince my mum to let me get another betta *whispers*, and I think I'm getting somewhere.ย 

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#139176 Posted on 2018-01-06 03:01:59

I'm big time into fish. I've had many bettas over the years, but have decided to take a break from them since my last one died out of nowhere.ย 

So, now I just have my 26gal (I think, I can't remember) with Tiger Barbs, long and short fin danios, skirted tetras, and a pictus catfish who is so sweet and friendly. I've even taught him a trick lol. He's still fairly small, and has a few more inches of growing to do. But, he was tiny when I bought him last year. I plan on saving up to buy a 36-40 gal bowfront tank, so the fish will be more comfortable, and have plenty of room. As I know the current one isn't the correct size. But, I'm super picky with tanks, and the one I like is $299 at Petsmart, and $365 at my fish supplier. Thankfully they both come with stands, so that's out of the way.ย 

I'm setting up a long 10gal tank in my room. I'll be putting in some cory catfish, nerite snails, and I'm undecided on what type of tetras I'm getting. I'm not getting guppies since they are not easy keepers.

Anyways, here's pics of my fish

Oscar, the Pictus Catfish, he's a bit bigger now and has more spots.ย 


Danios (the spunky crew as we call them)

Some barbs, danios, and I think you can see TJ my only black and grey Skirted tetra

The above pics were before I cleaned the tank, and I had just redecorated it. So, the fish were exploring and checking out all the new stuff, including the castle.ย 

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#139184 Posted on 2018-01-06 05:55:02

I have a neon tetra and four guppies! I've had a few frogs but I've had issues with them dying every time, so we aren't getting any more :3

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#139225 Posted on 2018-01-06 09:56:28

@Raptor Fish are definitely cute. xD I've got two bettas, luckily my parents were okay with me getting the second one, which was an impulse buy lol

@Sib Oscar is really cute! What trick did you teach him?ย 

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#139228 Posted on 2018-01-06 10:11:03

@Oswin: I've taught him to do a sort of barrel roll after he did it on his own once. He's very attentive, and aware of the outside world; and every time I walk by the tank he tries to follow me. Which was unexpected since a lot of bottom feeders tend to be shy or easily spooked.ย 

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#139229 Posted on 2018-01-06 10:13:36

That's really cool! Yeah, wouldn't expect that either.

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#139245 Posted on 2018-01-06 12:11:08

I love fish!! We used to own mollies but they all died by mysterious sickness. We tried everything we could to save last two mollies and they died shortly after we thought we were out of the wood. We decided to not to get more because our new home have hard water. I always want to own a betta someday in future :)

A question: can betta live with other species of fish? I received mixed answers so I am curious what you guys think.

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#139250 Posted on 2018-01-06 12:48:11

Bettas can live with other species. You have to be careful, though. Bettas are territorial and have long fins. You don't want a very brightly colored fish with longer fins - the betta might think it's another betta and attack it. And you don't want a fin nipper or your bettas fins will be bit at. It's best to go with a peaceful fish. It also depends on the temperament of the betta. Some are extremely territorial and cannot be with other fish, while others are very docile and can be in a community tank just fine. Make sure you have a tank big enough for all the fish, you don't want to overstock. Overstocking a tank causes a build up of ammonia which is fatal to fish. I hope you guys can get a betta, they are probably my favorite species of fish. :)

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