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I have tendinitis :c

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I have tendinitis :c

#135411 Posted on 2017-12-20 10:52:46

So, a couple days ago, I got out of bed, and was very off balance, light-headed, and all around feeling like crap. So, I laid back down, and just do what I normally do in the mornings, and that's go on Equiverse. I figured I was just a bit out of it due to my insomnia. Then, I started having intense pain in my legs (particularly the knees), and couldn't properly walk without them buckling underneath me. So, I called my mom upstairs to help me, and she spent about ten minutes giving me a medical examination (she was a speech therapist for over a decade and also has attended almost all my neurology appointments over the years; so she's well qualified.). She found that neurologically I was doing as good as usual (I have Epilepsy, Dyspraxia, and Asperger's), and that the problem seemed to be physical. So, she had my dad practically carry me downstairs to the master bedroom so you could keep an eye on me. 

Flash forward to today where walking is doable except it looks like I'm badly imitating a penguin's waddle. As that's the only way for me to walk without falling over. So, today as I was reading a book, I decided to look up my symptoms, and found that tendinitis was the most likely culprit. Seeing as I have chronic tendinitis in my right shoulder (from a severe sprain when I was 11-12) , I know it's right. As all the symptoms are there. 

Since it's not extremely severe, I've just got ice on my knees, heat on my back (which I strained a bit from dragging myself down the stairs, cause I forgot my phone downstairs like a dummy), and my mom put some medicated gel on my knees. I'm going to just relax for the next few days, and not do anything too strenuous. It should only be 5-10 more days of light activity before the tendinitis goes away. At least in my knees anyways. 

The tendinitis in my shoulder tends to be recurring, and likes to pop in, out of the blue every few weeks. Which is annoying and painful, but I've grown fairly used to it. 

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#135414 Posted on 2017-12-20 10:56:57

I've had tendinitis in the wrist plenty before in the past (although after taking up yoga it pretty much disappeared) so I understand that feeling. I hope you feel better soon! ❤️

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#135439 Posted on 2017-12-20 11:52:07

@River: Thanks so much! Also love your tag and sig! 

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#135522 Posted on 2017-12-20 15:15:26

Trust me, you get used to it eventually. I have tendinitis in both knees and my wrist. When I first got it in my knees I would wear a knee brace, but then I felt that my knees hurt more and were weaker because of it. So I started wearing just a knee strap and doing strengthening exercises. Now I don’t wear anything and my knees only act up occasionally. I hope you find something that works for you! ♥

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#135556 Posted on 2017-12-20 17:07:46

I have tendinitis (however, it's more sports related) from hours and hours of weight training in crossfit and karate. I understand how it feels. Personally, mine ranges from noticeable pain to excruciating. For me it's mostly in my knees; however I do occasionally have pains in my ankles and hips. I understand how it feels, it sucks.

When I usually get tendinitis, I'll ice and then use a brace. Personally, I find braces to 'hold' my joints in place and make it less painful. Just remember that it's different for everyone, so me telling you to use braces could do nothing. Just make sure to find what works for you!

Hope this helps c:

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#135617 Posted on 2017-12-20 20:33:23

So sorry for you! That sounds extremely painful :( Could you talk in more depth about what tendinitis is though? I have very little knowledge of any of this

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#135671 Posted on 2017-12-21 03:40:28

@WTC: "Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendon due to repetitive motions or overuse or injury. It can also be caused by some bacterial infections (such as Lyme disease or gonorrhea) as well as some autoimmune diseases. Tendons are the tissue that connects muscle to bone. Weight lifting, active sports, and heavy physical labor often cause tendon strains. Muscle strain or trauma to the tendons can cause small tears in the muscles and tendons, leading to inflammation and soreness. More severe strains can cause stiffness and temporary muscle weakness. Tendinitis often occurs in the wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, or heels." - from WebMD's overview of Tendinitis 

@AD: Yeah, I plan on getting my knee braces out and bracing my knee. As my left knee occasionally likes to go out due to an old injury a few years back. For my right shoulder I tend to gently wrap soft ace bandage around it, and then put my arm in a sling, to give it a rest. It sucks since I'm right handed, but I manage. 

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