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RC Horses

#115591 Posted on 2017-07-26 15:27:31

I'm not sure if I'm going to be crucified for posting this. But I'd like to hear other people's view points if they differ from mine. 

Other than just there being an influx of horses in the RC, why do people seem so bugged about it?

I've been continually dumping vanners that don't fit my upcoming foundation line, I've spent idk like 500k easy, I have a problem I know lol

But I really don't get why there's now a fee to dump horses. 30% of the horses I send there are actually good horses, they just don't fit exactly what I'm looking for (solid bodied and 60+ confo), they are still great pick ups for other breeders or new players. So in my mind I don't feel like I'm cluttering it, maybe I'm mistaken. They get deleted after 3 days so it's not like they sit there for eternity. 

It's not going to stop me from dropping horses there, I'll probably leave half and send the others to my spare to get deleted. Wouldn't they be more useful in the RC where someone who might find them a fit for themselves, have the option to buy?

And I know Abbey said that this was a temporary thing, but if it happens once, it will most likely happen again.

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#115598 Posted on 2017-07-26 15:49:39

I know I've picked up quite a few of your RC vanners and loved that I could grab them!

I can't say I have extremely strong feelings either way regarding a fee for the RC as far as my personal use; I'll still put horses there that I don't want, which like you, tends to mean I'm getting a bunch of foundations and I want something specific, and will discard the horses that don't fit my plans.

That said, I feel like the new fee may discourage people from putting horses in the RC, which is evidently the intent, but... well, I *like* that people put a bunch of foundations in there. Like with all your GVs, there are a ton that don't fit your project goals, but are perfect for some of mine or another player's! Or can provide a nice starter stock for a new player at reduced prices, including some rarer colors or patterns. And when the RC was free, there was really no reason *not* to allow other players a shot at the stock you didn't personally want.
Now I think more people will now choose to just let horses die rather than use a feature that costs them money, only to potentially benefit someone else.

Perhaps we (general "we") could try to make it more of a "thing" to directly sell unwanted foundations at prices similar to the RC, but the horse market is unpredictable, and I think many people forget to even look in horses for sale when browsing the RC is so easy.
If that WERE to become something more players were willing to do, it could be a benefit to the horse market, but it means hanging onto extra stock while you wait for it to sell.

My second reason for disliking the RC fee is that it's now no longer an easy way for a new player who has taken on too much to dump extra horses. A lot of new players seem to take on more horses than they can support, and if they don't have the funds to care for a horse, they may not have the funds to pay to stick it in the RC.

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#115601 Posted on 2017-07-26 16:06:44

I personally don't like it, especially since I'm working on culling some of my horses that are below my conformation standards, and have so-so markings. I just want to clear them out without spending an arm and a leg! :(

Working hard to get my Miniatures ready to be seriously worked with = spent over $10,000 to dump 20 horses. D:

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#115605 Posted on 2017-07-26 16:14:07

@only the wind - you brought up some valid points that I didn't think of!

At the end of the day, in all the years I've spent playing EV, I never saw using the RC as a negative thing. But lately people seem to be mad that there's horses in there.. but that's what it's for is it not?

If we don't have a delete button anymore, how else do we get rid of horses quickly? 
Sure I could put them up for $10 dollars, or let them get deleted after 9 days. But that's really not feasible with the number of horses I buy.

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#115606 Posted on 2017-07-26 16:24:01

I really don't like the fee placed in the RC. 
While $500 doesn't seem like much, that is very expensive to those who have a large number of unwanted horses. My Teke supply is from the RC, this only worries me that I won't be getting much of a selection anymore.
I never found the large number of horses in the RC as a problem, and I honestly don't get it as well. It doesn't help that some horses are just simply "unsellable" in the market, and because of this, we have to pay to get rid of them. (Of course there is killing them, but I'm not fond of doing that. They have more of a chance of getting picked up if they are in the RC.)

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#115614 Posted on 2017-07-26 17:54:00

Rem Rem That is my veiw as well.  I have picked up many gypsy and lippies from RC. 

Last edited on 2017-07-26 at 18:27:02 by Arbutus

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#115615 Posted on 2017-07-26 17:56:37

I dumped the horses of mine that hit age 21 at the RC and with that fee there now I guess I won't be doing that and will just let them die

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#115617 Posted on 2017-07-26 18:21:30

The more I think about the new rule the less of a fan I have been about it to be honest. I have gotten some really good grabs from when people go on massive dumping sprees into the rc, horses which I wouldn't have gotten in the first place. It's not like the massive amount of gvs in the rc would have stayed there forever, they would have eventually been deleted and nothing more would have happened. 

Not to mention that I feel this will kind of discourage people from starting up new lines of horses in different breeds because now not only do you have to buy horses from the ec, but now you also have to pay a fee to dump them into the rc. 

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#115618 Posted on 2017-07-26 18:30:29

I think this definitely discourages my new line addiction because it takes so long to get horses I really want and now it costs a lot to get rid of them all. I just get really, really tired of getting bays, black, and chestnuts (Appies and Quarters) from the center and it takes some time to find some that are not just that. I was confused with the gypsies, not going to lie, but they don't sit forever. 

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#115620 Posted on 2017-07-26 18:41:03

I completely agree. I love looking through the RC and all the horses people don't want to see if anything suits my goals. It was also such a convenient way to start my own lines, while easily offering up horses to other people that I didn't want, and not have them rot in my barns. I'm glad I started all my locked projects early, because I wouldn't be nearly as motivated to start new lines now that each horse I didn't want would cost me more to get rid of. 

I can't understand why people are so upset about how many horses are in the RC. The more that are in there, the greater the odds you'll find what you went in there to find. I find awesome horses in there all the time while just browsing.

I know the fee will discourage me from using the RC, and I'm sure it will discourage others too. While that may be the point of the fee, many players use the RC regularly to find horses. That, and I'm sure this will discourage people from starting new lines if they don't want to wait for all the rejects to die off or get sold.

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#115628 Posted on 2017-07-26 20:27:40

Periodically I've seen people (often new players) go on "save the poor RC horses!" type sprees, which always struck me as something of an overreaction to pixel ponies in a pixel pound. :P

But I agree; I've always thought RC horses were a *good* thing, for all the reasons people have mentioned above.

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#115641 Posted on 2017-07-26 23:34:46

I just don't get the problem with dumping horses in the EC.
I just dumped a bunch of tekes in there and it really bugs me that creating dozens in order to get some good foundations is even more expensive then it already was.

What's wrong with dumping bits of code into a larger bit of code, only for it to be deleted by another bit of code after a couple of days?

We don't have a delete option, it takes 9 days and a whole lot of transferring to a culling account to get rid of them, and now dumping them also costs money. What's the point?

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#115648 Posted on 2017-07-27 05:07:54

i loved that people could just dump their horses in the RC.
i snagged a ton of great foundations that didn't fit their creators' goals but were perfect for mine.

im really not sure what the purpose of charging a fee to dump horses is beyond the illogical 'we must save the abandoned horses' argument, but I trust that Abbey did it for a good reason.

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#115649 Posted on 2017-07-27 05:15:49

That's what I'm saying! I'm glad people feel the same way.
I'm all for adopting real animals in real life.
But this is a game, with strategy and goals. 
Pixel Ponies is definitely a nicer and cuter way to put it, they are as much or as less as we make them out to be.

I apologize to anyone who dislikes that I dump so many vanners, but I don't buy art and that's what I choose to splurge on lol. I'm obsessed with finding that one rare gem (65+ confo)

Last edited on 2017-07-27 at 05:21:33 by STYX

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#115651 Posted on 2017-07-27 05:35:39

I LOVE shopping the RC. I have terrible luck with the EC and the RC is my best bet to get good horses for cheap! And Styx, I have about 11 banners from your dumps. I don't see a problem with it. One person's junk is another's treasure. As someone who sells vintage and antiques for a living I live by that motto!

Last edited on 2017-07-27 at 05:36:40 by hailyx

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