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Foals of *WS* Ashanti++# (50.00)

All Foals of *WS* Ashanti++# (50.00)
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Blanket Bay Mare 22 years old *Windsong Stables* *WS* Polaris
*CW* Cloudy Love 22 years old Gray Stallion
Appaloosa | 52.13 17 years old ʟᴀɴᴇʏ *WS* Tiger
R's Wiriant 54.20 GGCrLplpP2EA 13 years old Radairc *WS* Polaris
Chestnut (Blanket) 7 years old Kena *WS* Polaris
♦️Winter Gray♦️ 4 years old Winter Storm
♦️Big Lunatic♦️ 3 years old ♦️Dirty Disco♦️