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Free or cheap layout

ForumsLooking For... → Free or cheap layout

Free or cheap layout

#251734 Posted on 2022-01-28 12:54:49

Hi! I don't have much money right now, So I'm looking to see if anyone would be willing to help me find a free or cheap layout. It doesn't habe to be elaborate or anything, just a simple winter layout.

And even though I'm just starting out and don't have much money, if anyone does help me, they will get lifetime(or as long as I stay on the game) free breeding to all of my stallions.

Thank you in advance!!!

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SouthOak Racing Stables

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#251736 Posted on 2022-01-28 13:38:18

Not sure if you already know about this one, but there is a link to a simple free layout generator here in the Forum under Game Guides. You can customise the colours, add an image and get two text boxes. It's called "UlyssesBlue's free custom layout generator", worth checking it out.

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Akvelins ⚜️

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#251741 Posted on 2022-01-28 14:41:20

Thank you! I didn't know about that! 😊😊

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SouthOak Racing Stables

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