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What is your eye colour?

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What is your eye colour?

#27781 Posted on 2016-04-06 18:02:18

Pale blue, sometimes look a tad grey.

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#28044 Posted on 2016-04-07 13:32:05

Ok, weird thing about eye colors (one day I looked into this cause I get randomly curious about thing) is that there is no inherent color within your eye. Your iris does not contain any actual pigment - the impression of color comes from the way light is scattered as it enters into your eye. Eyes contain a liquid called vitreous humor, so that plays a part in the whole interaction with light.

You can sort of summarize the way light is scattered within the eye by comparing it to the way light is scattered in the sky depending on weather conditions. For instance, the same light scattering that occurs on a sunny day is the same kind of light scattering that occurs in people who have blue appearing eyes. The light scattering that occurs on an overcast, rainy day is the same kind that occurs in people who have grey appearing eyes. Those are just two examples, but they can help you understand/visualize what's going on.

Truly fascinating stuff. There is a lot to eye genetics and I don't need to go into that, but the long and short of it is that eye color is not caused by pigment - it is caused by light. Hence, differing light conditions can cause your eye color to appear somewhat altered.

So, in short, there's no pigment. It's all just light. c;

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