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Frosted - looking for layout and code

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Frosted - looking for layout and code

#237270 Posted on 2021-03-20 15:55:12

Hi all,
I don't know if there are layout artists around willing to do a commission for me? I'd keep it fairly straight forward. They'd also need to code, or even point me in the direction of someone who could code the layout.... I would be unfamiliar with artists on here that joined the past 2 years so suggestions are awesome! 

I am looking for quality and DEFINITELY will pay for it!! Credits or EV dollars.... whichever you prefer. 

Thank you!!

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#237272 Posted on 2021-03-20 16:14:22

I'm not aware of any active coders, but I did move your topic to the correct forum ;)

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#237274 Posted on 2021-03-20 16:25:34

-blushes - thanks Ruby XD 
As said in my other post, I feel like a brand new player here all over again D: lol

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