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Darth Revan's Horses

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These horses are Competition-ready and have all Level 5 tack to accompany them, in the Stables's Black and Blue colors. All horses are given their proper treats before being placed in this section.

Temple of Lothal Competition Horses
N2 †§L Aleco Stusea🏆(DRE)
4 year old Bay Paint Horse Mare (24 days paid)
Stats: 201 Conformation: 51.38 Points: 6698 Specialty: Dressage
Treated today
Hunger: 100%
Stall Cleaned
Entered in 10 shows
Trained today
Shod: 5 days
Vet: 5 days
N2 †§L Andria🏆{RAB}(DRE)
4 year old Chestnut Paint Horse Mare (25 days paid)
Stats: 180 Conformation: 50.88 Points: 6710 Specialty: Dressage
Treated today
Hunger: 100%
Stall Cleaned
Entered in 10 shows
Trained today
Shod: 6 days
Vet: 6 days
Grade improvement ready N2 †§L Kit Fisto🏆(DRE)
4 year old Bay Paint Horse Stallion (24 days paid)
Stats: 209 Conformation: 57.38 Points: 6744 Specialty: Dressage
Treated today
Hunger: 100%
Stall Cleaned
Entered in 10 shows
Trained today
Shod: 5 days
Vet: 5 days
N2 †§L Nu Jakasta🏆(DRE)
4 year old Black Paint Horse Mare (24 days paid)
Stats: 184 Conformation: 55.75 Points: 5988 Specialty: Dressage
Treated today
Hunger: 100%
Stall Cleaned
Entered in 10 shows
Trained today
Shod: 5 days
Vet: 5 days
N2 †§L Yoda🏆(DRE)
4 year old Bay (Graying) Paint Horse Stallion (24 days paid)
Stats: 165 Conformation: 60.75 Points: 6136 Specialty: Dressage
Treated today
Hunger: 100%
Stall Cleaned
Entered in 10 shows
Trained today
Shod: 5 days
Vet: 5 days