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Foals of Sammy 72.84

All Foals of Sammy 72.84
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Lach (Jumping) 22 years old cinder {WTS} Dixie Doolittle
Impressive Buck/62.57 22 years old Ashean Empress (West)
X 17 years old Xykon kanatina 51.81
Hope 16 years old HelluvaHighNote Delilah
Poppy 15 years old HelluvaHighNote Delilah
Nelly 11 years old HelluvaHighNote {WTS} Dixie Doolittle
Char's Got a Snowflake 11 years old Fenris Ⅰ| ℭ. don't care
May Wine 10 years old HelluvaHighNote Rosie
Pixie Cut 8 years old InsertCleverNameHere {WTS} Pixie
Coulda Dun 59. 7 years old rocket queen II kanatina 51.81
Oakland Fliss 2 years old Buckaroo Stables Oakland Chinco
New Foal 68.19 2 years old ☯ Rose ☯ Juliette
Oakland Cent 1 year old Buckaroo Stables Oakland Chinco
Strawberry 1 year old Redfern Ponies Queen
Legacy 1 year old HelluvaHighNote Sooty Legacy !
New Foal 0 years old ÅŠomi Farm Ŋ | Celina