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Foals of 𝑴y 𝑺hining 𝑲night

All Foals of 𝑴y 𝑺hining 𝑲night
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
𝑵ine 𝑯undred 22 years old Zero⭕Risk 𝑬spérance.
𝑹aja XLIX 22 years old Zero⭕Risk 𝑹ider of 𝑫arkness LV
𝑭ool's 𝑮old XLV 22 years old Zero⭕Risk 𝑺panish 𝑫oubloon XL
Hera 15 years old Daenerys 𝑴atriarche ..
Illusionist ⚜ 8 years old Lumina Charlotte de Fleur ⚜