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What if we could delete our own topics?

ForumsSuggestions and Ideas → What if we could delete our own topics?

What if we could delete our own topics?

#98198 Posted on 2017-03-19 20:54:05

What if we could delete our own forum topics instead of naming them "plz delete" or something similar? It would clean up the forum and little bit and if everyone deleted their own unwanted topics who ever has to do it now wouldn't have as much work to do, if there is someone who has to delete those topics.

Let me know what you think about this idea!

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#98201 Posted on 2017-03-19 21:12:07

I believe this has been suggested before and the main issue brought up was that it could make moderation more difficult, as someone could possibly do something against the rules, get reported, then delete the topic before a mod sees it, making it very difficult to find out what happened or punish them appropriately.

The way I've seen this issue addressed on other forums is that the function labelled 'delete topic' actually moves the topic to a hidden folder called 'Bin' that only mods and staff can see. This way if there is an issue mods can still see what happened, and if someone deletes it by accident it can also be restored reasonably easily just by moving it. The Bin can also be set up to auto-delete topics after they've been there a certain length of time, e.g. 1 week, 1 month, whatever.

If this issue can be addressed in this manner I'd be happy to see it added.

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UlyssesBlue (spare)

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#98205 Posted on 2017-03-19 21:50:39

I would tend to agree more with Ulysses' suggestion that the topics not be deleted by members, but move to a bin/queue where they could then be removed by mods as we need. Members being able to delete posts without any intermediary review could be a cause of trouble.

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