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Looking for an RP partner!!!!!!

ForumsEquiverse Chat → Looking for an RP partner!!!!!!

Looking for an RP partner!!!!!!

#89100 Posted on 2017-01-25 20:17:05

I am really wanting to RP with someone! you must be on EV everyday. you must be okay with some mature encounters within the characters or mature themes. You must be able to RP with me over pm. shoot me a message about it, I may pick more than one person to RP with :D

Last edited on 2017-01-26 at 06:38:05 by Laney

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#89147 Posted on 2017-01-26 07:56:31

Hey, I'd be up for a private RP!
All the public RPs tend to grind to a halt which is such a shame cause they're great stories, so I reckon a private one would be easier to keep going.
I'm good with mature themes ect. and normally write a paragraph each post. I don't write full essays for each character because it doesn't get enough interaction with the other RPer I feel. My grammar is pretty good, the odd missing capital, like i instead of I. Happy to do any topic, not really a fan of just human RPs though, and would want to include lots of characters.
Let me know! x

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