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deluxe countdown // disregard

ForumsBug Reports → deluxe countdown // disregard

deluxe countdown // disregard

#86024 Posted on 2017-01-07 12:23:48

I am surprised to see that I only have 4 days left of deluxe but over 200 autocare and auto show says. When I reactivated my account, they all matched in terms of how many days I had left. I haven't had time to play as much since the relaunch so my account has been locked about 90% of the time. Do I not get to keep deluxe when I lock?

** Nevermind, I see around relaunch I used my excess credits to buy 12 months of the auto tools so there must really have been that much of a difference.

Last edited on 2017-01-07 at 12:47:24 by Wanderlust Acres

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