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I really hate....

#85261 Posted on 2017-01-04 09:57:42

Yup. I'm right there with you.

I really want to work in International Programs or Study Abroad at a university. I have 2 degrees in Spanish and International Relations, I've studied abroad myself, volunteered abroad, I speak 3 languages, and I lived in Brazil for two years teaching English. I graduated Magna Cum Laude with High Honors from my university. I recently applied for an opening for study abroad advisor at a school near me. I met their qualifications perfectly and I really thought I would at least get a call back. But it's civil service, and even though there was no test required, they gave me a score of 79 "based on my qualifications and experience." I wish I knew what that meant. It's a passing score, top 10 of applicants even, but only the top 3 were forwarded to HR, so no one even saw the resume and cover letter I spent a week perfecting. I honestly was so disappointed when I got the email with my score I went home and cried. It seemed like the perfect fit for me right after moving to this area and after all that effort, no one even looked at it.

I've been applying for jobs I'm way over-qualified for, like office assistant, just to try to get a foot in the door, and still nothing. I'm currently working retail, and even though I've been promoted to a manager position and working almost full time, the pay is so bad I can barely break even at the end of the month. I'm actually about to go out and apply for a couple second jobs, one at the same university, and another just waiting tables at a restaurant. Even with my current job, I'm literally so broke I've started selling all my nice clothes and I can't even allow myself to get drive-thru coffee anymore.

It sucks but I'm starting to get worried I'm going to be waiting tables forever. Even with my degrees and experience, its the only job I can get where I can actually make enough money to pay my bills. Then I can't get another job because most of my experience is waiting tables and they think its all I know how to do.....

Sometimes I think about a 'friend' I had in high-school college who had the same degree as me and took a similar career path. She's been fairly successful. The big difference between her and I is that her parents paid EVERYTHING for her. She graduated with no debt because they paid for her. She could afford to take unpaid internships and low-paying experience jobs after school because they paid her rent, gas, and groceries for like 4 years. Where as I graduated with a mountain of debt and had to support myself, so that unpaid internship or minimum wage job in the city wasn't an option. And it just makes me angry. We were roommates in college and she always complained about not having any money. One day I finally yelled at her, near the end of our 'friendship,' that her mom paid her rent, gave mer money every week for gas and groceries, paid her tuition, and she still had her own money from a part-time job which she only had to spend on herself, so I didn't want to hear her complain about money, when I was working all I could and still making just enough to pay rent and eat rice and beans every night.

Last edited on 2017-01-04 at 10:05:37 by Iðunn

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#85376 Posted on 2017-01-04 17:25:55

Iðunn, I feel for you. In my town, it's all about who you know... and I know no one. I moved to South Carolina from Tennessee back in October because I was offered a job but got laid off (others did as well) because of a budget cut.

I'm fully qualified for the paraeducator positions but nothing. I go the extra step and call the employer to let them know I applied and would love the opportunity to speak to them further if they'd like, but nothing's happening.

It's frustrating. And depressing. I'm mentally drained from all of this. I'm still in college and my bills are adding up. I can't live off of student loans.

It'd be nice if we were like your friend whose family paid for everything, but that's not the case :(.

I hope you find something that's what you've been looking for! I keep telling myself that nothing's worked out yet because the right job hasn't come along... but believing that is easier said than done lol.

Good luck! Keep us updated if you get hired!

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#85654 Posted on 2017-01-05 21:08:56

I've been so incredibly lucky in all of my experiences and I have no idea how. I'm very grateful. My parents are the people who are helping me pay for some things and that helps, but I try not to let it spoil me. I wouldn't be nearly as far in my life without their support and I recognize that and try to stay humble.

As far as my jobs I'm in school to be a librarian and that's a field that can be hard to find a full time job in (which is why I'm in school, so I don't know how it will be when I'm actually looking for a job) but if you can get your start, you're golden because it's such a tight knit community.

When I was a freshman, my friend who was dropping out introduced me to her work study boss (at the library) and recommended me - next year I was at the library. Junior year I got a job at the public library one of my friends worked at. The next semester I got an internship (unpaid, but my school has a program that pays you through a grant they received) doing public relations (my minor) at a library foundation. I rode all of those out until I graduated and managed to quit my gas station job.

After graduation I worked part time, driving 45 minutes each way, to the public library I was at. When I knew I was coming to grad school I started applying for jobs and got "sorry, this has closed" or "we went another direction." Got hired at the jobs I applied for after I moved in August, the stragglers as everything had been filled; thankfully the libraries here only hire through my program, so there is less competition. Have 3 very part time jobs now, but consider myself blessed.

I've been super lucky so far and I'm hoping that when I go for full time jobs in a few years I will be just as lucky. I am willing to move where I need to and as a single young woman who has already left her family and friends for school, I have the flexibility to do so. Only time will tell. My resume is nice now so pray that helps me in the future! Hopefully my luck will rub off on all of you guys and everybody gets a job!

Good luck and godspeed y'all, may you all be blessed soon. $$

Edit: My undergrad's motto is relates to success and being a success story and we always joked about it but it seems to hold true, mostly if you stay in the area. I think that is part of why I've managed as well as I have, because a lot of people went to my school or have had success with students in the past, so they are eager to hire us and offer us internships. I also live in an area that is cheap to live and is one of the fastest growing business wise in the nation, so that helps lots!

Last edited on 2017-01-05 at 21:19:56 by losteh;;

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#86773 Posted on 2017-01-09 22:03:56

That Study Abroad job was just posted again, so either they didn't hire anyone from the first pool or there's a second opening. So I'm gonna try to tweak my application and try again! Positive vibes for all of us!

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#86830 Posted on 2017-01-10 10:55:51

I'm also applying for a job that I applied for over summer (but now have more experience & education under my belt) here's hoping!

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#89033 Posted on 2017-01-25 12:13:06

Reviving this thread briefly...

So I applied for a different, more entry-level position at the same University as a "Program Assistant." Literally the only requirements were a diploma/GED and ability to read/write/use a calculator. I applied with the same resume as before, only adding the experience from my current job, and I got an even LOWER score for my credentials than before, only a 70 which is just barely passing (I got a 79 before). I'm starting to think this whole Civil Service System is a bunch of bull. I'm gonna be doing retail/waitressing for the rest of my life. I should've spent my time in college interning and getting experience and not listening to all my advisors who told me to focus on academics, High Honors and Magna Cum Laude don't matter to anyone.

Luckily at least my husband has a good job with room for advancement. It just feels crappy that after so much hard work (and money spent) on education, and even with all the unique skills I do have, the best I seem able to get is a part-time supervising/sales job at Bath and Body Works.

Last edited on 2017-01-25 at 12:17:40 by Iðunn

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