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Horse Prices

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Horse Prices

#7079 Posted on 2016-02-21 10:57:39

Wondering how people price horses? One way I've heard is stats x 100?

What colors/markings are rare on:
Miniature Horses

and how much more would rare markings/colors add to a horse's price?

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#7082 Posted on 2016-02-21 11:11:48

I price by 100 stats x 100 then attachment to horse. xD
If I want it to go to an established breeder then the price will be higher to discourage overbreeders/low stat breeders.

I don't really pay attention to colour and markings unless I know it's super rare, like smoky creams in Andalusians. With the new breed art and combos, there'll be a lot of new rare colours until the game gets going again. For example, rabicano and dun in Andalusians will be rare, sabino and rabicano in Tekes and idkwhatminishave.-..

Four white legs and blaze/white face is becoming more popular now, I think markings can be inherited now? Not sure, but if that's the case then marking combos will be becoming a lot more popular too.

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#7210 Posted on 2016-02-21 13:47:36

Thank you. Question:

You said, I price by 100 stats x 100 then attachment to horse. xD What is "attachment to horse"?

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#7216 Posted on 2016-02-21 13:50:41

I always priced 100 x (total stats) + a certain percentage of show points. I think it was 10%?

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#7230 Posted on 2016-02-21 14:15:33

What is attachment to the horse - It means how much you personally value that horse, and how likely you're going to be willing to sell it. Take my beloved Governor's Conviction, I'm firmly attached to his pixel fuzzbutt, so would take a lot more to buy him vs say another one of my Minis.

Make sense?

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#7233 Posted on 2016-02-21 14:17:57

Yes, thank you very much! Alright, thank you everyone. I would love to be notified once I know what colors/markings are more rare than others on minis (I have definitely become attached to this newer breed of mine ♥).

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#7329 Posted on 2016-02-21 16:39:56

Do horses actually sell at these prices? I think they're nice prices but it seems like a real chore to sell horses at any price.

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#7626 Posted on 2016-02-22 01:34:43

Pretty much any pinto or appy patterns are popular in minis. Especially appy patterns, and especially if you have both Lp and PATN genes, so that it shows as a visible pattern. Both appy and pinto patterns on the same horse are a frequent goal, it seems.
For colors, champagnes are probably the most desired, though brown-based colors are moderately rare. I've always loved flaxen chestnuts and other red-based colors. Creams are generally popular in any breed, and minis are no exception.

The 10k/100 stats pricing was pretty standard for most serious players it seemed, though I don't know if that will change based on the economy and stat gain in this new incarnation. I'd add or subtract a bit based on color or whether I just wanted to horse gone.
I had some horses that would take a while to sell at those prices, but almost always they eventually do. I try to stay relatively firm on prices, as I want the horse market to remain strong.
But the horse market can be a struggle. I'm hoping it will be better here on the recode. For now I think a lot of people are starting new lines rather than buying lined horses, but that will likely even out after everyone has played for a while.

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