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Critique my writing

#70431 Posted on 2016-09-30 22:13:22

Writing is considered art
I guess this is a little gory???

Anyways, I was making a back story for a new character, but I'm aware I added caibou my bad

Unnamed- A tiger with no stripes

She was an outcast. The runt. A macaldah. She was said to be deformed. Her story begins at the first form of her paw, a spiral marking displayed across her paw.

She felt the warmth of her milk giver, and then, it became cold. Her eyes and ears shut, but she could feel the shivering air. A blank scent filled the air, she was being carried by something. Someone. She was dropped down on a surface. It was cold, but she could sense something under her paw. She mewed, but no one was there. They had left her. Left her to die. Alone. She scrambled around on the slippery surface, her claws etching exquisite designs. She managed to stand weakly. After somehow surviving for a few weeks, her eyes had opened. She managed to eat grass, but she was scrawny. Her ribs stuck out like snow hares in the green grass. She stumbled around, and found a dead rodent, she wasn't sure how it died, but it was food. She had been forced to give up milk for her survival. She ripped into its flesh, flavor filling the air like the scent of caribous on a spring day. Thoughts filled her head. Where am I? What am I doing here? She didn't know what was happening. But only one thing would fill her mind, revenge.

A month later, she was up on her feet and healthy. She had survived on swatting birds out of the sky and tackling rodents. But she was getting bigger, and needed better food. If compared to a normal cub, she was small. She clung onto the side of a cliff and tried to lift herself up, her back legs flailing. She clung on the sides and leapt up. She was panting, and something filled the air. She peeked out from the grass, and there stood, an orphan antelope. It was blind and stumbled. She stalked it, and sprang forward, her claws wrapped around its throat, and blood squirted, she but into its neck. Snap. It was dead. She slashed its life-pumping artery and drank the blood that poured out. The blood, was rich. She was blood thirsty, and after eating her fill, she killed everything in sight. As she roared out, it clearly stating

Sweet, cold revenge
I shall get my revenge of all
All will be dead within my paws
No one will stop me
No more will suffer like I did
Great Panthera will no longer be your leader
I will lead all to my paws of death

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#70447 Posted on 2016-10-01 01:33:05

This is actually pretty good! You've got a great vocabulary, and I bet if you used it in a couple more places it would make the story ever better. The only other thing I would say is just to be more aware of your punctuation and grammar.

I particularly liked your simile with the hares and green grass c:

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#70476 Posted on 2016-10-01 08:42:38

Thank you :)

I wrote this at around 11 and my brain is always sleepy


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