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What do you want to see?

#68627 Posted on 2016-09-20 17:53:45

Contemplating making some designs for EV, but would like to know what kind of designs you guys want to see/would buy, so I copied Eliza D a little bit and made a questionnaire, tia to whoever completes it!

I despise making unnatural designs, do not suggest those.

1. Appaloosa markings? Y/N. If yes, what kind? Be specific!
2. Paint markings? Y/N. If yes, what kind? Be specific!
3. Do you prefer lighter or darker coat colors? What are your favorites?
4. Are there any markings that immediately turn you off? If so, what are they?
5. Are there any coat color that immediately turn you off? If so, what are they?
6. Do you like add-ons? If yes, what are some SIMPLE add-ons you like?
7. Do you like unnatural face markings? If no, what are your favorite natural face markings?
8. Do you like simple, intermediate, or advanced designs?
9. If you could create the perfect design, what would that design look like?
10. If I make these designs, will you actually buy them?
11. What do you think is a fair price for a simple design?
12. What do you think is a fair price for an intermediate design?
13. What do you think is a fair price for an advanced design?
14. What do you consider a simple/intermediate/advanced design?

Last edited on 2016-09-20 at 17:55:35 by wey

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#68641 Posted on 2016-09-20 18:40:45

1. Appaloosa markings? Y/N. If yes, what kind? Be specific!
Yes...somtimes.I like most blankets, and I always love leopard. But only if the design isnt to crazy.
2. Paint markings? Y/N. If yes, what kind? Be specific!
I like some paint mornings on some horses. Minimum to intermediate overo, maybe some sabino or splash. But like with the appys, not to much.
3. Do you prefer lighter or darker coat colors? What are your favorites?
The palette in general must be collective and match. Overall I don't really like one more that the other a think. All depends on how dark or how light. A soft medium I like, but I don't hate any of them.
4. Are there any markings that immediately turn you off? If so, what are they?
I think it's no markings rather than any that I don't like. When a horse has no markings and it is a completely natural horse it usually isn't to unique. Or if the markings are to hard to replicate in other art I won't buy it usually.
5. Are there any coat color that immediately turn you off? If so, what are they?
Solid black. I hate it. Smokey black or any other thing like that I don't mind, and sometimes can be quite fond of. But solid black just doesn't go well with my style I guess.
6. Do you like add-ons? If yes, what are some SIMPLE add-ons you like?
Depends on the design I guess. The simpler the design the more add-ons (or more intricate ones) it should have I think. I like steam punk esque add ons, though if you mean simple to the point of just necklaces or piercings, only those if it is UNIQUE.
7. Do you like unnatural face markings? If no, what are your favorite natural face markings?
I'm not to sure what would qualify as an "unnatural" face marking? I'm not opposed to them I guess.
8. Do you like simple, intermediate, or advanced designs?
Intermediate. Nothing so simple its so plane Jane. But nothing so extensive it cannot be replicated into recolors. Controlled choas.
9. If you could create the perfect design, what would that design look like?
I really like chimeras. But not regular chestnut/black chimera. So a cream or champagne with smokey black chimera, maybe some minimum overo. I'm not entirely sure to be honest.
10. If I make these designs, will you actually buy them?
If you posted them in the 13- and I had the money for it, absolutely. So long as the designs catch my eye
11. What do you think is a fair price for a simple design?
25k-100k, depending on how simple it is.
12. What do you think is a fair price for an intermediate design?
50k-200k, depending on how far from simple and how far from advanced.
13. What do you think is a fair price for an advanced design?
150k-500k depending on how advanced it is and how far from intermediate it is.
14. What do you consider a simple/intermediate/advanced design?
Simple; no paint/appy markings, just leg/face markings, maybe grease spots or bird catcher spots. A not to unique base color.
Intermediate; a unique base color WITH some form of paint/appy marking(s). Easy to replicate but original.
Advanced; lots/large paint/appy markings, a very unique/unused base color or markings. Harder to replicate and very original.

Last edited on 2016-09-20 at 18:41:44 by Agapi

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