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We Bleed The Kingdoms Dry - Private RP

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We Bleed The Kingdoms Dry - Private RP

#63876 Posted on 2016-08-27 19:57:05

This is a role play between Disturbed Coyote and ℓiℓo. Do not post if you are not those people. You can read just don't touch. Characters belong to their respective owners. Do not steal them!

Captain Charles Vane- ☠ 𝔇isturbed ℭoyote -
Colton - ☠ 𝔇isturbed ℭoyote -
Leslie - ☠ 𝔇isturbed ℭoyote -


Last edited on 2016-08-27 at 20:01:05 by ☠ 𝔇isturbed ℭoyote

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☠ 𝔇isturbed ℭoyote

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#64077 Posted on 2016-08-28 15:36:24

A crimson hue bled into the awakening horizon, while the soft
hum of the waves sung against the cliff's edge. Birds dove, breaking through the water's placid surface before springing back upwards, dancing with the slight breeze. Pocketed here and there, throughout the outcropping of rock, sat newly-formed nests and perched stoically on top of them, the mother fowl; keeping an ever so unwavering eye on her unborn nestlings.

A lone silhouette swayed on the edge, the cliff tumbling out below her. Strands of silver and teal hair shivered, shifting by force of the zephyr. A pair of cuffed trousers clung to her legs, the fabric too long to be extended to their full potential, and shaped perfectly against her hips. White, soft cotton draped over her shoulders and chest; the shirt tied off to reveal her midriff. She could have passed off as a lass from a poor family, from one of those farming families that inhabited most of the mainlands, if it where not for her exotically colored fingers, eyes, and hair.

For hidden beneath her tanned skin, swelled great magic, along with her true age. Smooth and flawless, her appearance was of a twenty or so year old female, but her soul, it harbored too many days to be of such an age.

Hoku, as she was known, curled her toes over the drop-off, feeling the grains of dirt and surface of the grass tickle against her feet. Eyes fluttering close, eyelashes brushing against skin, the immortal female throw her head back. A sigh slipped past her parted lips, her muscles relaxing. Thoughts slowed, breathing evened out, as she enjoyed the tranquility of the scenery, of the eternal ocean.

But the weather, the natural environment, was not always so limpid and composed. Just the night before an angry beast of a storm had raged on, on and on for hours. A dark, inky tinge had taken the clouds hostage; stopping any sunlight from gracing the island. Rain had descended in wrathful strokes, accompanied by the vicious lashes of lightning and, its brother, booming thunder.

Voices, murmured sounds, drifted lazily around her; transported by the slow air currents. Eyes peeked upon, their teal essence glinting. Her head titled to the side, but despite her effort she could not make-out the words nor their meaning. So, reluctantly, Hoku stepped back from her favorite spot. Turning to the left, so that she could achieve a better view, the female peered down at the beach below.

Two specks greeted her eyes and she easily concluded that they must be the heads of Nasim and Irving. From what she could tell, the two other inhibitors of the island seemed to be dragging something out of the swallow, clear water. She watched them for another moment before deciding that she should check out the situation, to see what the two men were up to.

It did not take long for Hoku to descend down the gentle slope of the cliff, weaving through the jungle that covered most of the land, and arrive at the little cove. The sand warm and soft in-between her toes, the female strolled forward. Both of them drenched, clothes sticky and dripping, Irving and Nasim were heaving a man onto the beach. She paused, taken-a-back by the image before her. A man? Drifting closer, she whispered in a sing-song voice, "What do we have here?" Upon farther inspection, he looked to be a pirate; skin rough and calloused, the weapon belt around his waist further supporting evidence. "The ship must have been destroyed--torn to pieces--by the storm." Her statement lost upon the ears of the other two men; her voice fading into the breeze.

Nasim and Irving released their hold on the man. But before either of them could take a step away from the unconscious man--the slight movement of his chest the only signs of life--Hoku halted them. "Carry him to the grass line." The sentence was spoken more as a command than a suggestion. Nasim opened his mouth to speak, lips parting, but the look he received from the female--their leader--stopped him; made him swallow down his words. With a grunt, the two men bent down and did so as told.

Once the unconscious pirate was laying, on his back, on the grass, Hoku kneeled by his side. Nasim and Irving retreated back to the water, no doubt in search for more survivors. But she paid no attention to their actions, instead her hand grazed over the man's belt; slipping the pistol out of its holster and tossing it the side. She did the same to his other weapons. A feeling--or perhaps Irving's edginess, his wary expression--told her that this man would act before asking questions and she was not in the mood nor fond of getting shot or stabbed.

The bloodstain soaking his shirt caused her to rip open the fabric; her eyes studying his wound. Knowing that she did not have the ability to fully heal the torn skin and what may lay injured underneath it, the female dismissed such thoughts and continued to lay her hands against the side of his abdomen. His flesh cold to her touch. Her eyes fluttered close and with the power bubbling within her, encouraged his flesh to heal quicker.

When she finished, doing what she could, there were only slight, small signs that his wound was starting to heal. Impatient and in no mood to make the trek to the house, for cloth, she rolled down her shirt and tore off the bottom half; the result was quite similar to the previous appearance it had while being tied-off. Using the fabric, she laid it over his wound and then, struggling with his weight, pushed it underneath him and around his other side. With the two ends, she tied the fabric, pulling it together quite roughly. Hoku decided it would do for now, acknowledging that the half-made attempt at bandaging would have to be replaced soon.

She turned her gaze back to the shore, just in time to witness Nasim pull a woman onto the sand and, right behind him, Irving was dragging a man out of the salt water. Both of which took their time to confirm that the last two survivors were breathing, before inspecting them for injuries.

Last edited on 2016-08-30 at 15:12:47 by ℓiℓo

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