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Hogwarts Roleplay SU

#50759 Posted on 2016-07-03 12:15:21

You received the letter inviting you to Hogwarts School of Wizardry earlier this summer. You are now either entering Platform 9 and 3/4 or already on the Hogwarts express. Most of us are excited. This is your first year! Maybe you have other siblings who have gone, or you are the only child. Maybe your parents are Muggles! No matter what your heritage, Hogwarts welcomes you. It's time to board the train!

Characters Needed
First Year Students: There is an unlimited amount of first year students.
Quidditch Captains: We currently only need Gryffindor Quidditch Captain.
Teachers: First years only take a predetermined amount of classes, and these classes haven't changed since the time of Harry Potter, two generations before now. We need Potions, Astronomy, Charms, and Herbology teachers. History of Magic is still taught by Professor Binns, the only ghost teacher. If you would like to be a teacher, PM me please.

About the Houses
Each Hogwarts House has certain characteristics that it values. Here's a guide.
Gryffindor: Bravery, daring, nerve, chivalry.
Hufflepuff: Hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, fair play.
Ravenclaw: Intelligence, knowledge, wit.
Slytherin: Ambition, cunning, resourcefulness.
Slytherin is a pure-blood wizard only sort of House. That's the way Slytherin (the founder) wanted it.

Form. Delete parenthesis.

Nickname: (not required)
Age: (eleven or twelve if first year; if quidditch captain at least 14/15)
Description: (pictures belonging to you or stock photos allowed, but you must still provide a description)
House Wanted:
History: (could be your family history or personal history; nothing too dramatic)

~ You cannot be the kids/grandkids of Harry and Ginny or Ron and Hermione. You may be the grandchildren of George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, etc. but not those three.
~ PG-13 please
~ No swearing
~ Having read at least one book or watched one movie of Harry Potter is preferred but not required. Sometimes even Muggles have magic.
~ Follow EV rules please
~ Romance is allowed. ;D
~ Be nice.
~ Only make as many characters as you can play.
~ Have at least one boy and one girl. After that, uneven is allowed.
~ Third person writing only.
~ Be descriptive, please.

I have the right to decline your form or kick you out of the RP in the future. Please do not pester or complain if this does happen. If you have complaints or would like to know more about why you were declined/kicked, please PM me.

Last edited on 2016-07-05 at 14:54:32 by Oswin

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#50761 Posted on 2016-07-03 12:16:32

Name: Sirius Mahan
Age: Twelve
Gender: Male
Description: Sirius has thick dark brown, almost black hair kept in a messy sweep on top of his head. His eyes are black and of the asian type. His skin is a light brown color. He stands at 4 ft. 8 in. tall with a lanky build.
Personality: Sirius is a bit of a trouble-maker, hoping to follow in the footsteps of the famous Fred and George Weasley, who had started one of his favorite joke shops. He is fun-loving, but protective of his twin sister.
House Wanted: Gryffindor
History: Sirius was named, obviously, after Sirius Black. His mother is a witch and his father a Muggle. His mother descended from the Changs.
Other: Has an owl named Poofingjay, but called Poof.

Name: Olivia Mahan
Nickname: Annoyingly, Sirius calls Olivia "Olive."
Age: Twelve
Gender: Female
Description: Olivia has medium-length dark brown hair that reaches just past her shoulder. Her eyes are dark brown, with the same shape as Sirius's. Like her brother, she also has light brown skin. She is 4 ft. 4 in. tall.
Personality: Unlike her brother, Olivia doesn't have a desire to be the biggest nuisance in the school. She wants to get good grades but won't do too much excessive work for it. She likes a bit of adventure and often puts her friends first.
House Wanted: Gryffindor
History: Same as Sirius.
Other: Has a pet black cat named Kreacher.

Last edited on 2016-07-05 at 15:48:54 by Oswin

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#50792 Posted on 2016-07-03 13:36:14

Name: Lillian Corner
Nickname: Lily
Age: 15
Description: Lily has long red hair, and freckles all over her pale complexion, but mostly on her face, especially around her olive green eyes. She is thin, but well muscled thanks to being Quidditch Caption and pretty active. She is believed to be of Weasly blood, but no one really knows for sure.
Personality: Loud || Bubbly || Friendly || Comedian || Can't Be Serious (unless it comes to Quidditch, especially in a game against Slytherin) ||
House Wanted: Ravenclaw
History: Nothing to out of the ordinary about Lily or her family, other than she is believed to be Weasly blood, no one, even her family, knows. She is pure blood, no sign of muggle blood in her family tree. She grew up a normal life with her father, mother, and now graduated older brother.
Other: can she be Quidditch Caption of Ravenclaw (if not I'll change her a bit)

Name: Lee Rabnott
Nickname: Lee
Age: twelve
Description: Dark brunette hair, brown eyes, on the more husky side, but he is still fairly fit. He wears glasses, though prefers to go without, only making his terrible vision worse. Somewhat dark complexion (he is middle eastern).
Personality: Obnoxious || Rowdy || Typical Boy || Loves to Eat || Oftentimes Found Sleeping
House Wanted: Hufflepuff
History: Lee grew up with a muggle family, though his grandmother was a witch, and her father was supposedly a wizard as well, Lee was sheltered from magic and he was never supposed to go to Hogwarts, though his aging grandmother insisted.

Name: Narcissa Malfoy
Nickname: Issa
Age: twelve
Description: Like that of her great grandfather, Issa is pale, skinny, and has somewhat short bleach blonde hair. She has dull blue eyes that often could pass for a deep grey/silver.
Personality: Cunning || Intelligent || Demanding || Narcissistic || Spoiled
House Wanted: Slytherin
History: Granddaughter to Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass, she has always been overshadowed by her grandfather's wonderfulness (in the eyes of their family), and has always wanted to be better than him, shine brighter, and be more important than the stupid old man. She was still spoiled, and taught that mudblood's and muggle borns should never be friends with her, and she vowed to carry on the tradition of being in the Slytherin house, and being the best at everything.

Last edited on 2016-07-03 at 13:38:43 by Agapi|Fish [AF Stables]

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#50793 Posted on 2016-07-03 13:44:06

Accepted. Lilly can be Quidditch Captain of Ravenclaw. :)

Anyone can be a teacher! Just PM me before you sign up the teacher. :-)

Last edited on 2016-07-03 at 18:53:39 by Oswin

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#50907 Posted on 2016-07-04 06:15:30

Name: Lauralee Lovegood
Nickname: Laura, Lee
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Description: Like her grandmother, Lauralee is also equipped with long, blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and a fair complexion to compliment. She's thin, on the short side, and not exactly what you'd consider "athletic".
Personality: Laura is very friendly once you get to know her. She can be shy and soft-spoken at times, but if she feels strongly enough about something, she's not afraid to speak her opinion. She can be witty and snarky, but only to people that she feels deserve it.
House Wanted: Ravenclaw
History: Lauralee is what you might call a half-blood. Her father (Luna Lovegood's son) was a wizard, but her mother was a muggle. Laura has lived a rather sheltered life; her parents wanted to protect her for as long as they could. However, her parents knew that one day she would have to go to Hogwarts, and neither of them tried to hold her back.

Name: Gareth Grey
Nickname: Grey
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Description: Gareth is tall and slender. With his dark eyes, black hair, and pale skin, he holds a slight resemblance to Snape, though the two are of no relation. However, it does give Grey a mysterious appearance, and he likes it.
Personality: Grey has a habit of isolating himself from others. He doesn't necessarily like people, which has proven to be a problem, as he can be rather mischievous when it comes to magic. He has a habit of causing and getting in trouble, even if he doesn't mean to. Gareth can be pretty paranoid at times, and sometimes feels as though the world is out to get him. He can be cold-hearted, so very few people are able to break through the barrier he's put up around himself.
House Wanted: Slytherin
History: Gareth, being a pure blood, has grown up around magic. He's always looked up to the magic of Draco Malfoy, though his mother was never quite fond of the boy. His parents were both in Slytherin, so Grey is glad to carry out the family "tradition". He was taught to be the best at all that he did, and he's determined to do so. However, he's not quite as dead-set on hating mudbloods and muggle borns as some of the previous Slytherin members.
Other: Gareth is the Quidditch Captain of Slytherin?

Name: Gwendolyn Weasley
Nickname: Gwen
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Description: Gwendolyn, like her grandfather, George, was given the family trait of red hair and brown eyes. She's pale, with a faint splay of freckles across her nose. She's tall for a girl, and slender.
Personality: Gwen is very mischievous, like her grandfather. She's a teacher's worst nightmare; she has a habit of using magic deviously (especially in class) and always has something new up her sleeve. She gets in trouble often, and she's not afraid to admit it. And though she's not popular among the teachers, she's very friendly and fun to be around when it comes to the other students.
House Wanted: Gryffindor
History: Gwendolyn was raised around magic, so her family knew that it wouldn't be long before she was going off to Hogwarts. Gwen grew up with her grandfather's pranks, and over the years, she's started to follow in his footsteps. She's a pure blood, though that doesn't mean that she has anything against the muggle born and mudbloods. Actually, she likes them a lot more than fellow pure bloods.

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#50944 Posted on 2016-07-04 10:02:56

Name: Jennifer Black
Nickname: Jen
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Description: Jennifer has long black, silky wavey hair. She has a pail completion and lime green eyes. Her lips are naturally red as a rose. She has long eyelashes and she plucks her eyebrows to be very nice, not too thick or too thin. She is thin and has slender legs. She, when not wearing her Hogwarts cloak, is usually in a black sweater and genes. She never has her hair down unless she is in her corridor. Jen wears black slip on shoes and a strange necklace around her neck passed down by her grandfather.
Personality: She is very quiet when she isn't with the Quittitch team, but when she is with the quittitch team, she is very good at it. She is strong willing and isn't afraid to take risks. She is not a bloody mean girl to the other teams, nor drives her team with force. Outside of that, she is very quiet and wise.
House Wanted: She is in Slytherin.
History: She is related to Serious and the Blacks.

Name: HeadMaster Angus Feperstun
Nickname: HeadMaster Feperstun
Age: 64
Gender: An old MAN
Description: He waits a light brown cloak and has a long beard that runs out of it. He has longish hair in a small pony tail, and a large nose. He has leathery wrinkles in his face and on his bony hands.
Personality: He is wise and smart. He is pretty much like Dumbledore, except not stupid with other people and stuff. Anyway, he knows how to handle problems and has a lot of secrets with the teachers and stuff, that are kept from the students. Secrets like what is now I'm the chamber of secrets and stuff.
House Wanted:
History: Has gone through some things that will be told in role play.

Name: Henry LongBottom
Nickname: Chicken
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Description: Henry has short, curly blonde hair. He is chubby and had too chins. He has brown eyes and thick eyebrows. He is not super ugly, in fact he has the cute baby look. He has Cilo fingers and small finger nails.
Personality: Chicken is not very smart or sensible. He messes everything up with spells and likes to point out the obvious.
House Wanted: HufflePuff
History: He is related to Neville Longbottom.

Name: Kenny Mandolf
Nickname: Kenny
Age: 12
Gender: male
Description: Kenny is very admirable. He has brunette longest hair, and pretty blue eyes. He has tarnish skin and twelve year old abs. He is slender and has average leg width for his age. His feet are narrow. When not wearing his cloak, he wears a striped sweater with sweatpants.
Personality: He is charming and kind. He likes to make people feel better when they are sad, and is good with the ladies. Some people think he is full of it.
House Wanted: Gryffindor

Last edited on 2016-07-05 at 10:57:23 by ♑️Gamzee♑️[Grell]

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#50960 Posted on 2016-07-04 11:05:03

@Grell - Please keep in mind that you must talk to me before adding twists to the story. I am going to come up with the problems in the school, so if you have ideas PM me please. Just a reminder (because of what you said with the headmaster).
Also, is your Malfoy character related to Agapi's Malfoy character> If so, had that been discussed between you?

Otherwise, accepted!

@Capriole - Accepted!

Last edited on 2016-07-04 at 11:06:05 by Oswin

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#50969 Posted on 2016-07-04 11:51:07

@Oswin; No, she is not related to her character. She is adopted.

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#50984 Posted on 2016-07-04 13:40:14

@Grell - Okay. Jennifer cannot be Slytherin captain as Grey already is. :( You could move her to a different house (though that might mean a new personality - your choice) or make her a first year. :)

First Years
Sirius Mahan
Olivia Mahan
Lee Rabnott
Narcissa Malfoy
Lauralee Lovegood
Gwendolyn Weasley
Henry Longbottom
Kenny Mandolf

Quidditch Captains
Lillian Corner ---> Ravenclaw
Gareth Grey ---> Slytherin

Students in their Houses

Sirius Mahan
Olivia Mahan
Gwendolyn Weasley
Kenny Mandolf

Lee Rabnott
Henry Longbottom

Lillian Corner
Lauralee Lovegood

Narcissa Malfoy
Gareth Grey
Jennifer Black

Gryffindor Quidditch Captain
Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain
All Teachers
Students :D

Last edited on 2016-07-05 at 11:11:22 by Oswin

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#51004 Posted on 2016-07-04 15:26:47

Actually, they would be adopted sisters, Jennifer and Narcissa, because Issa is the blood grandaughter of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass...and no that wasn't discussed..but I guess I can change Issa to be someone else's grandaughter from Slytherin. Man, she was going to be my main too, Dx.

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#51008 Posted on 2016-07-04 15:32:51

Don't change anything yet. I'll PM you.

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#51137 Posted on 2016-07-05 10:49:05

Alright, guys, here's the update on this RP. I'm getting excited and all so I'm gonna have to ask you guys to spread the word. It would be highly appreciated!

Now, we don't really need more students, as this makes a good base of "main characters," but the more the merrier! We can have interactions with people who are not played by another person in the RP, but try to keep interactions among us.

We do need more teachers, though, and if you could either invite someone who would be willing to play a teacher or play one yourself it would be highly appreciated. I am going to go ahead and make the DADA teacher myself.

First years will be the main focus of this RP. Your Quidditch Captains, well, we have them to manage Quidditch practice, choose the players, and to interact in Quidditch games. Teachers are for classes only.

Last edited on 2016-07-05 at 10:49:58 by Oswin

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#51139 Posted on 2016-07-05 10:56:25

Okay guys, I am changing my Hen character so that there is no commotion.

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#51140 Posted on 2016-07-05 10:57:02

Name: Kemry Allerion
Nickname: Professor Allerion
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Description: Professor Allerion has mouse brown hair that is often messy. His hair reaches a bit below his ears. Professor Allerion is tall, standing at 6 ft. 2 in. tall. He may be tall, but he isn't lanky. He has a strong build and a strong jawline. His eyes are soft blue.
Personality: Kemry is kind but will not tolerate bullies. He also requires students to be attentive in his classes. Kemry doesn't take the subject he teaches lightly, and considers it to be an important one.
House Wanted: Head of Gryffindor House
History: Unknown
Other: Nope!

Schedules will be posted once we have the other teachers and Quidditch Captains.

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#51156 Posted on 2016-07-05 11:44:36

I'll join when I am on a computer. I would love to be a Qudditch Captain, I'll be sure to make a teacher as well.

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