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Account Rewind

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Topic is locked Account Rewind

#55868 Posted on 2016-07-24 16:15:45

Perhaps I'm just the odd one out, but I personally don't see what's so wrong with players buying/using such an item more than once or twice in a year. I mean, I understand wanting to build a good community and strong player base, but you're not really going to get rid of absentee players in general, and having a way for the site to profit from them by not limiting how often those items can be used (per account, I'd still support it only being able to affect each individual horse only once, particularly the rewind part) would just give more funds for site improvement for the more active players. Considering those players would mostly still be around anyway, and the proposed item only works within a very limited time frame, it's not like the site would suddenly gain a ton of on-again/of-again players or that dedicated players would suddenly start disappearing for no reason. Most even casual players wouldn't really have a practical reason to use it more than 3 - 4 times a year, if it only works within the originally proposed limited time frame. I doubt even casual players will be needing/wanting to revive their entire herds literally ever one to two weeks, as they'd likely just lock their divisions/accounts instead of continually shell out more money, and otherwise it's not really useful but once every few months anyway.

The other side of the limiting on purchases is, what if someone gets a sudden unexpected income and wants to stock up for future potential issues while they have the funds? Limiting how many they can just outright buy rather than use would leave people without that option should they ever want it. But I don't know if it's difficult to code in a limit on uses without or without a limit on purchases.

Personally, I'd think the two item method would be most productive, as the player then could decide if they want the horses rewound or just revived, and it would probably make limiting the use of the rewind part easier to code. Using the items in the right order would be a player responsibility thing, especially if the designs look different enough that they're not easily confused. And if it's over the whole account, then dealing with revived retired horses would be one of the trade offs a player would be making for the convenience of getting all their horses back at one time at the much lower cost of reviving them all individually.

I think 100 credits (each) would probably be a good price for such items, as cost alone would keep people from using them unthinkingly, and yet low enough to encourage people with genuine use to actually get it.

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#234295 Posted on 2021-01-30 18:36:33

Locking this topic as a defunct suggestion as accounts no longer need locking and instead are progressed only when logged on.

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