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Waltz *Human RP*

#36903 Posted on 2016-05-07 17:20:32

Man, the mistakes I have in my posts, I really shouldn't write on an ipad. XD

Joseph Glanville

Joseph nodded his head, walking slightly closer to the ship. He almost couldn't push down the excitement he felt for being able to explore, he has been on ships, but those were usually short and safer travels. Though, before he could find a way to get on the boat, he felt someone grab his sleeve, causing him to look behind to is sister. Unsure of what she wanted, he shrugged his shoulders and gave her a questioning look.

Chasity Glanville

Chasity sighed with relief when Jace accepted them to come aboard, she was to get away for awhile, and nothing was going to stop her now. Though, when a thought crossed her mind, she quietly took hold of Joseph's sleeve and yanked back gently. "Our language." She reminded him after his questioning gaze. Joseph looked slightly embarrassed after those words left her mouth, and Chasity watched as he turned around to inform the man.

"We still have to get our bags." The red haired women heard her brother say.

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#37269 Posted on 2016-05-09 16:58:46

Jace Buckley
"I assumed so," Jace said, smirking. "You thought I'd leave the docks with two luggage-less passengers? I can imagine the silks and riches you would be horrified to leave behind. Sadly, your quarters are pitiful compared to the luxury you no doubt enjoy." Jace was known as a blunt person, but still curteuos when need be. He opened a door below deck. As siblings, I believe you would find comfort in having a private room together." A bunk was against the wall, a rugged shelf nailed to the wooden board under a port window that looked onto the deck. "Enjoy the sailing," Jace said sincerely. "And don't get seasick in here. If you feel sick, go above or find a bucket. I can't stand having my boat dirtied." The twinkle in his eye told that he was joking around.

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#37273 Posted on 2016-05-09 17:12:08


Dallin woke up to harsh screaming in his ear. He jumped up, hitting his head on the wooden ceiling. Groaning, he rubbed his scalp and glanced around. The source of the disturbing noise was a seagull. "Shoo!" Dallin yelled, waving the bird out. He climbed up a few stairs out onto the deck of his friend's sailboat. A sailor waiting to be hired, Dallin didn't have a stable life, much to his parents' dismay. He had a slight drinking problem, and was always gambling with other sailors. He now stumbled out of the boat, onto the dock, carrying his few possessions.

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#37600 Posted on 2016-05-11 03:06:47

Joseph Glaniville

"Right, of course." Joseph chuckled lightly as he glanced around the small room, the captain of the ship was right, the room lacked many luxurious items he usually has in his own room. But, he could care less as he was going on travels, and luxury was not usually something that can be seen much when going on such dangerous trips. "This will be fine with my sister and I." The red haired man added quickly, looking over to Jace with a smile. "I will send someone now to get our luggage, then we can settle in before we leave." Joseph said with a grin towards Jace.

Chasity Glanville

Chasity looked around the room, not really taking in what the two men were talking about. As her green eyes scanned the room, she took in the little decoration, even though it was nothing like her own room, it was still cozy enough for the trip, and she was sure she could get comfortable. "Go get our things, Joseph." She finally spoke up, glancing to her brother with a sweet smile before adding. "I'm sure Mr. Buckley here will not be bothered. As he said, he did not want two luggage-less passengers." She smiled to Jace, but did not add any more.

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#38376 Posted on 2016-05-15 05:59:12

Arabella nodded saddly and turned spotting a man on a ship talking to two others. Walking quickly she stopped and smiled "Good morning, I'm Arabella Grace I'm looking for a ride to go to somewhere else." She finished the sentence with a smile and looked at the man (Jace Buckley) hoping she would get a ride.

Eric lead the mare to the post and tied her up with a smile. Getting the iron hammer he picked up the mare's hoof and began to hammer in the nails to her. The mare swung her head as she nibbled at the post.

Theo Thront got out of bed quickly from his light sleep. Taking a shower and getting into a good outfit he was ready to begin the day. Walking to his desk he got out his pencil and began to write what could and couldnt ship out.

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#41404 Posted on 2016-05-27 06:54:54

Jace Buckley
Jace heard someone calling out and looked over the ship's side to see a woman standing below. He excused himself from the two new passengers and went below to talk to this "Arabella Grace." He smiled cordially at her. "I hear you want to be a passenger on a ship? Where to? I am heading to India. I may not have room for another."

Belinda Kendall
Belinda exited the garden through the back gate, casting an anxious glance to see if anyone was following her. No, no one could see her at the moment. Good. She circled round to the stables and asked the grooms to saddle her mare. They worked swiftly, and Belinda was soon riding hastily through the streets. Finally! She stopped at a large house and tethered Winter to a post before approaching the large door. She knocked, her palms sweating. She was at Theo's house. The man she was to marry.

(Theo is the right one, right? lol)

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#46708 Posted on 2016-06-13 06:16:50

Cecily Franklin
Cecily stood out on the balcony leading out from her bedroom. The wind ruffling her dark hair, her hands gripped the wrought iron railing as she scanned the English port in town below. Her blue eyes searched the waters, until, finally, they landed on a large ship harbored in the midst of the smaller sailor ships. A small smile crept onto Cecily's face as she turned away from the railing. She stepped inside, closing the glass doors behind herself. The brunette grabbed a stack of letters, tied together by a red ribbon, and hurried out of her room. Her heels echoed in the long empty hall as she made her way downstairs to the kitchen, where she hoped to find Sim, one of the servant's of the house. His main job was running errands, and Cecily had a task for him.

Cecily found him standing off to the side, leaning against the kitchen wall. His dark face broke out into a smile when he saw her coming. Sim straightened. "What can I do for you sahiba Cecily?" Upon reaching him, Cecily reached out a hand and placed the bundle of letters in the servant's hands. "Take these to my Father's ship. He's docked in the harbor." With that, Cecily turned and walked briskly out of the kitchen. The room was overrun with a plethora of smells, and it was too much for the girl to handle all at once.

Solomon Thomas
Solomon walked along the portside, an apple in hand, the wind tousling his sun-bleached hair. He took another bite of the apple before tossing it into the water for the birds and the fish to pick at. Sol whistled slightly as he walked, a certain skip in his step. The boy was glad to be back on solid ground, regardless of how much he enjoyed the life of piracy.

He turned, deciding to venture into town. He looked somewhat out of place amongst the wealthy English, but that was fine by him. Solomon took pride in his pirate attire, from the baggy white shirt to his scuffed-up boots. It was part of who he was now, and he didn't care who knew it.

As he was strolling through town, he happened upon a rather nervous-looking girl standing on a doorstep. Sol stopped whistling, ending in a somewhat shrill note. Upon looking her over, he finally decided that she was of the wealthier English folk, and knew that he didn't really have any business talking to her, but still, the blonde couldn't help being curious. However, instead of approaching her, Solomon ducked behind a nearby building, deciding that he would find out the cause of her antics by watching from a distance.

(I hope this is alright :3)

Last edited on 2016-06-13 at 06:38:08 by Capriole

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#47662 Posted on 2016-06-17 15:06:53

(it's right. is that belinda?)

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#47961 Posted on 2016-06-18 19:44:21

Chasity Glanville

Chasity watched as the captain on the ship walked off, his voice distant and hard to pick up. Though, no matter how much she strained her hearing, she could not hear the words that left the man's mouth. With a sigh, she glanced over to her brother with a smile, she was kind of nervous being here, nervous of actually leaving. But she knew she would not stop now, not only was it her last chance of freedom, but because she was slightly too prideful to go back to her father now after the argument she had with him when she left. So, griping her fingers together, she sat on one of the old beds in the room with a sigh.

Joseph Glanville

Joseph watched as his sister got comfortable, he knew that taking her across the seas was a bad idea, it would endanger her. And he was not prepared to lose her, but for once, Chasity actually spoke her mind and did not budge on this subject to leave her country for awhile. Now here they are on ship that no one with their power and wealth would be seen on and with the sense to travel the world before coming home. Though Joseph's thoughts were interrupted by Chasity humming slightly in his direction and he only smiled to her before leaving the room to collect their luggage.

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#48049 Posted on 2016-06-19 07:04:01

(Ok, thank you c: And yes, it's Belinda.)

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#50686 Posted on 2016-07-03 05:08:31

Maybe :)

Arabella Grace

Arabella nodded "Yes I'm looking to get away...take me anywhere i cant be here" she looked at Jace and smiled some "Please Mr. Buckley I will work to stay on and I wouldn't bother you at all." Arabella looked at Jace again with her hazel eyes and smiled noticing his cute features.

Theo opened up the door seeing Belinda. Giving his head a scratch he smiled "Come on in lovely" he said opening the door for her to enter. With a smile he kissed her cheek and went in sitting on a chair. "So how are you Belinda?" he asked taking sip of coffee.

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#50700 Posted on 2016-07-03 07:11:59

Belinda gasped when he kissed her, but tried to cover it up by coughing. "I'm good today, thank you, Theo," she took a seat slowly, looking at Theo. Was he nice? Possibly. But was he only interested in her wealth? Probably. Belinda tried to make herself distant, but found herself intrigued by the man she was to marry.

Jace frowned for a moment, thinking. "I can take you, Ma'am, and I think that you won't have to worry about doing work. I don't stoop so low as to make ladies do such tedious things. There are two others already aboard."

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#50705 Posted on 2016-07-03 07:19:16

Arabella nodded with a smile as she went onto the boat with her small bags and set them down. Taking a seat Arabella looked at Jace "Thank you for letting me travel on your boat..." she said looking to him and then to the floor counting the cracks in the board.

Theo smiled at Belinda "Cup of coffee?" he asked as he motioned to a cup beside her. Taking a breath he leaned back looking at her "So Belinda I was thinking today we could go buy you a wedding dress." Theo took a breath and smiled noting her perfect hair and eyes.

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