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The choosing *RP start*

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The choosing *RP start*

#34268 Posted on 2016-04-26 14:14:17

The scene starts off where you've just gotten the letter and said goodbye to your family. Now you are sitting alphabetically in a room boys one one side girls on the other in a room.

5 Girls
1 Paige Holland (Daphne101)
2 Pandora Ella Lewis (Libra)
3 Sophia Longwood (Noelle)
4 Adelaide Bennett (Regime.Bird)
5 Erica Lancaster (Western)

1 Levi McFrey (Palaye Royale)
2 Byran Yemen (Palaye Royale)
3 Anthony Fitch (Regime.Bird)
4 Taryn Markanov (Magnoila)
5 Nick (The Prick) Cornell (Western)

Shiloh/Red fox/Bonded with Pandora
Cruso/Grizzly bear/ Bonded with Levi
Cackle/ Spotted Hyena/ Bonded with Bryan
Athene/Wolf/ Bonded with Sophia
Riley/Wolf/ Bonded with Anthony
Syren/Owl/ Bonded with Adelaide
Ashki/Lioness/ Bonded with Paige
Yinyang/Snow leopard / Bonded with Erica
Lyra/ Lynx/ Bonded with Taryn
Tina/ Thomson Gazelle/ Bonded with Nick

Last edited on 2016-07-03 at 10:01:06 by Daphne101

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#34297 Posted on 2016-04-26 16:40:10


A little history...

Sophia's father died of a rare, fatal case of the flu. Being the oldest of 11, Sophia has supported her struggling family by taking up small jobs, hunting/fishing in the woods surrounding their cottage, and caring for the younger children. Her mother, who is a patient, middle-aged woman, works day and night shifts as a nurse. When she got the letter explaining that she had been called for The Choosing, Sophia was honored but worried about leaving. Her mother was pleased and insisted she goes.

Sophia Longwood sat in an uncomfortable chair and fiddled with the thin bracelet on her wrist. She looked around at the other young men and women sitting in the stiff chairs, and wondered if they were as unnerved as her. She pictured her sister, the second-oldest, trying to round up her siblings. Sophia felt bad about leaving home. She glanced down at the simple, white cotton dress she was wearing, a surprise from her mother. She wore her crude sandals, and felt out of place.

Last edited on 2016-04-26 at 16:55:08 by Noelle

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#34312 Posted on 2016-04-26 17:12:26

Paige who came from a small town were her father worked as a doctor and mother a vet she was born with the love of animals flowing through her blood. Paige shifted in the seat beside the girl Sophia and blinked her light hazel eyes taking a gulp. Messing with the horseshoe necklace around her neck with her fingers she breathed in and out lightly. Looking to the girl beside her she smiled "Hello, Im Paige Holland and you are?" she said extending her hand for a handshake with a smile.

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#34378 Posted on 2016-04-26 21:31:43

Levi sat patiently in his uncomfortable chair, avoiding all gazes from the people he sat along with. His black eyes simply stared at the wall over the girls' heads with his usual brooding expression. His biggest excuse of coming in the first place was to finally get out of his run-down house with his breaking family. Anything was better than home for him at the moment. He recognized one other wild boy from his hometown a few seats down, and did everything possible to ignore him.

"Pssst! Levi!" A boy the exact opposite of the brooding man, called out with his charming grin. His gleaming eyes sparkles with mischief as he pulled out a rubber band to shoot a tiny piece of paper at it. It hit Levi's shoulder, but it didn't bring out any sort of reaction. "Come on, man!" Byran playfully pouted his lips, and brushed his wavy mess of blond hair from his eyes.

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#34399 Posted on 2016-04-27 00:25:24

My posts are usually not this long, so they might start getting shorter the longer we RP. XD


The giant smile that stretched across Erica's pale face was something that showed her obvious excitement in taking part of The Choosing. When her mother got the letter and read it out to her family of five, she was jumping for joy at the dinning table. So being here now, in the this strange room with nine other people was just feeding her excitement and pure joy. Though hearing a quiet voice to her left caused her to glance over the girl sitting next to her (Sophia) and stare at the light brown haired girl. Thrusting out her own hand, she took a tight grip. "Hi there Paige, I'm Erica!" She announced loudly. "But you can call me, Eri, C.A, Rica, or anything else that comes to mind."


Nick sighed again as he glanced over the people in the room, five girls and five boys. A equal number in genders which made sense in it's own way. Though he guess it was better to have the same number of each gender so there was no fighting of gender equality. Skimming over the people again, he tried remembering all their faces, he liked to know everyone, though everyone didn't like to know him. Sometimes he thought it was because he was just too nosy, but others said it was because he didn't know when to keep his mouth shut and opinions to himself. Though now wasn't the time to depress himself over stupid things like that, right now. He was one of the lucky ones, that got into The Choosing and even though he wouldn't admit it, he was happy about that.

Last edited on 2016-04-27 at 00:26:38 by Western Outback Stables

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#34660 Posted on 2016-04-27 16:16:16

Taryn sat quietly on an end chair last inline on the male side. He stared blankly into the corner across from him and avoided eye contact with the others. He'd barely so much as glanced at the others before deciding that The Choosing was not meant for him.

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#34907 Posted on 2016-04-28 15:37:18


Sophia blinked in surprise when the girl next to her turned and introduced herself, was even more shocked when a cheerful-sounding girl announced her name too. "Sophia Longwood," she replied, taking the quieter girl's hand and giving it a small, firm shake. She smiled at both of them, deciding already that they would make wonderful friends.

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#35296 Posted on 2016-04-30 09:25:50

Paige smiled to both girls and leaned back against the seat looking at the boys one drawing her attention more than the others. Turning back and flipping through her phone she stared at the photo of her malamute at home and smiled. Giving her attention back to the front she saw a man enter with a woman beside him as they stepped in front of the microphone. Gulping she hoped her name would be last.

The man and woman smiled as they waved to the boys and girls. "Your hear because its the choosing every 2 years we pick a new group of kids to train and defend the land, and you lucky ones were chosen." The man said taking a step back and adjusting his tie. The woman nodded and stepped up "You will be in alphabetical order girls first and you will drink from the mint and lemon drink and then get bonded with an animal that will appear once you drink it." She aid stepping back as the man took her place "First on the list is Adelaide Bennett"

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#35602 Posted on 2016-05-01 12:36:34


Adelaide sat in her seat, looking around at the girls surrounding her. She gave a small smile to them as she stood slowly to her feet. Nervously walking forward, she tried to hide it knowing that there was nothing to worry about. She smiled at the man and woman before accepting the drink and taking a few small sips from it.


Anthony sat on the chair, looking at down at his feet as he listened. It wasn't until the first name was called that he looked up at the other boys and girls in the room. He focused his attention to the man and woman as the girl took the drink from their hands and drank it.

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#35688 Posted on 2016-05-01 18:25:59

Paige watched as the girl drank from the drink and paused her hands on her necklace in mid moment as she watched her. Withen a moment her bonded animal appeared in front of her. Gaping she had to shut her mouth quickly as she gulped afraid.

The man smiled as a owl appeared in front of her. "Congrats on your partner" he said motioning to the owl that had a note on its wing that said the name of it. The lady smiled clapping her hands together loudly. The man stepped up smiling "Next girl is Paige Holland!" he called aloud looking through the girls.

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#35707 Posted on 2016-05-01 19:41:48

"What kind of bloody black magic is that?" Byran exclaimed, but quickly slapped his hand over his mouth, obviously not meaning to say it that loud. He stared at the owl with wide eyes, and slapped his hands down on the arms of his chair. "Levi! Did it see that?" He squeaked, causing the quiet young man to duck his head down with a deep sigh. "It's a bloody ghost or something. I didn't know it would be undead or something like that." He whispered fiercely to his "friend".

"Yes, Byran. I saw it." Levi grumbled, and brushed his fingers through his hair with another sigh. He stared at the owl with a narrowed, calculating stare as if trying to figure it out himself. "It's not undead either, you idiot. Stop acting like a ten year old." He rolled his eyes, eager to receive his new partner, and escape from his former neighbor.

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#35770 Posted on 2016-05-02 05:59:22


Sophia sat in her seat, wide-eyed, as an owl appeared in front of Adelaide. When the man called Paige next, she started to fiddle with her bracelet again, knowing she could be next. She'd been thinking of which animal she wished for, and she decided she definitely wanted a predator, someone she could hunt with.

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#35942 Posted on 2016-05-02 17:19:35

Paige took a nervous gulp going up to the stage and shaking the mans hand. After that she looked at the cup in front of her and blinked at the mint and lemon mixture in front of her. Taking a breath she drank from the little cup feeling the tasty cold liquid go down her throat. After a moment a tawny colored lioness appeared in front of her with a tag around its neck for the name of it. Taking a breath she smiled at the lioness and to the man and woman. Taking a seat with the lion next to her laying she waited to see what the other people would get paired with.

The man smiled "Congrats Paige.." he said dipping his head then stepping back. The lady nodded stepping foreword and motoning for Paige to sit down with her animal. She took a breath "Next is Erica Lancaster" she smiled stepping back

Last edited on 2016-05-02 at 17:23:30 by Daphne101

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#36191 Posted on 2016-05-04 01:11:27


Erica chuckled at one of the boys reaction to the owl appearing, even though his friend just ducked and tried to look as though he didn't know the excited boy, it still make her laugh. Though she was quite shocked at seeing the owl's appearance herself, and she waited with anticipation when Paige went up. As her name was called, she couldn't stop a sequel of excitement as she practically leaped from her chair and raced up to the men and women. Taking the cup from the man's hands, she sculled it down and quickly looked around for her animal.


Nick's arms dropped by his sides as his eyes widen at the sight of the animal's that appeared in front of the two first girls called. He was slightly shocked even though he prepared himself for something weird to happen, though with the sounds of the boys beside him and the quiet gasps of the girls, he rolled his eyes with s grunt and quickly re-crossed his arms over his chest as though he was not affected by these events in the slightest.

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#36309 Posted on 2016-05-04 15:33:49


Adelaide smiled as she sat with the owl perched on the back of her chair. She was happy to get an animal she could connect so easily with her liking for birds. In fact she wasn't all that suprised. She sat there watching the other girls go up and get paired with their animals.


Anthony looked at the owl and lion that the first two girls were paired with in amazement. He thought about how cool it would be to have an animal like that. But then again he was hoping for an animal that went more with his personality. He continued to watch as one by one the girls were being paired with the animals.

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