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[ADDED] Confirmation of EVC to player..

ForumsSuggestions and Ideas → [ADDED] Confirmation of EVC to player..

Topic is locked [ADDED] Confirmation of EVC to player..

#32423 Posted on 2016-04-19 23:46:31

This suggestion has been marked as "Added To The Game". Thank you, Blink, for the suggestion and to those of you who supported for making Equiverse better!

I know when we send EVC to another player, the alert comes up and says "do you want to send say amount of credits to this player", and you click yes.. although it doesn't come up with their name or number like it does when you are transferring EVD over.

I have (and not once either, because I'm a silly billy), have wrote someones #ID tag down and misjudged the numbers or left one out, the alert came up the same, clicked yes, as I now couldn't see what I'd written and just went with it anyway, then to double check a few days later and realise I had missed a number and it got sent into cyberspace.

If there is no longer an account under those #ID's, especially now with the recode in place, even if you do accidently miss a number and not realise and still click yes, shouldn't it not pop up and say in a red box up the top "there is no account under this ID" and no send, instead of still sending and then it goes missing and you can't get it back.

Unsure whether this is a bug I(the last part) or just not thought of in all the hectic amazing things Abbey had to work out! :)

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#32452 Posted on 2016-04-20 06:05:07

Added! ♥

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Abbey 🌸

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